1 Plant 6 strains (GRAFTING) - 6 fold plant increase, staying in your plant llimit

Hmmm....dwc root grafting,I think your on to something!

Wait until you see stage 2 of the project if stage 1 works... will attempt to go Family of Vitaceae -> Family of Cannabaceae.. which according to everything I am lead to understand and have studied.. there's no damn way it's possible. That'd be putting cannabis grafts on grape vines... I expect 100% failure of that, but I'm more than willing to do that - just need to get the grapes moving so I have a solid framework to work with. Weak roots can make or break a graft, or set of grafts.
Sounds like a far shot. I wouldn't consider it impossible though,as u said solid framework.

I will go on record saying that for it to survive, it would have to defy any/all calculated odds over 0%... but it would be cool to pull something like that off. My experiments are for personal knowledge and understanding, and may prove useful one day, or may not ever be used for, or do anything. It's my hobby, experimentation with plants and plant genetics.
I will go on record saying that for it to survive, it would have to defy any/all calculated odds over 0%... but it would be cool to pull something like that off. My experiments are for personal knowledge and understanding, and may prove useful one day, or may not ever be used for, or do anything. It's my hobby, experimentation with plants and plant genetics.
Amen! Its for our own curiosity and knowledge
I will go on record saying that for it to survive, it would have to defy any/all calculated odds over 0%... but it would be cool to pull something like that off. My experiments are for personal knowledge and understanding, and may prove useful one day, or may not ever be used for, or do anything. It's my hobby, experimentation with plants and plant genetics.
You make that work and ill go on every thread im subbed to and tell everyone that fig is gods gift to growing and the coolest guy in the whole world aaaand is probably somehow related to jesus.....seriously ill do it :):):) wine to weed brother, wine to weed.
You make that work and ill go on every thread im subbed to and tell everyone that fig is gods gift to growing and the coolest guy in the whole world aaaand is probably somehow related to jesus.....seriously ill do it :):):) wine to weed brother, wine to weed.

hahahaha ok, now to get the genetics into a lab to do the actual strand re-programming so I have a chance... :P
i know that someone way back had success grafting hops with some random strain of weed. the final outcome of it was basically worth nothing tho. only to learn.

i had someone try telling me the other day that they know a botanist who splices taproots from cannabis seeds and puts them together. it was all i could do not to start smiling and call BS on that one. lmao
i know that someone way back had success grafting hops with some random strain of weed. the final outcome of it was basically worth nothing tho. only to learn.

i had someone try telling me the other day that they know a botanist who splices taproots from cannabis seeds and puts them together. it was all i could do not to start smiling and call BS on that one. lmao

Wow, they must have been smoking some really good shit. Grafting taproot... not gonna happen.
If it's any consolation grafting is not easy. A friend of mine is a PhD plant geneticist and it took him a few seasons for him to get results grafting black walnut seedlings.
You make that work and ill go on every thread im subbed to and tell everyone that fig is gods gift to growing and the coolest guy in the whole world aaaand is probably somehow related to jesus.....seriously ill do it :):):) wine to weed brother, wine to weed.
Hahaha....that was some funny shit,i needed that
If it's any consolation grafting is not easy. A friend of mine is a PhD plant geneticist and it took him a few seasons for him to get results grafting black walnut seedlings.

Yes, black walnut is a bitch to try and graft - and generally requires a modified side graft of the dormant scionwood with an actively (very actively) growing root stock... Kudos to your boy that did it, it takes plenty of time and skill to accomplish it semi-successfully.
Hey im just trollin but i gotta say everybody on this thread is a bunch a sallys, i havent seen nuthin but chat and empty promoses to rock out with yur cocks out.....bitches :) edit- pink floyd is awsome :):):$:$.
I'm willing to give it a shot, but I have a little reading to do on the subject.
What do you say cheechZs, want come over and make an AK-47 and Head Band mutant? It will keep your practice up. Ha,Ha.
Like I said, I have to read first, but I just planted two extra clones that I don't need?