Yet you still haven't actually read Adam Smith, so you have no idea if Chomsky is right or not, because you're an idiot who thinks Chomsky is arguing any conclusion about capitalism aside from what Adam Smith was saying.
You're also an openly racist troll who distorts every argument you explicate.
"A stupid man's report of what a clever man says can never be accurate, because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand." ~Bertrand Russel.
i havent read adam smith? man. my library card is a LIAR!
smith was required reading when i was in school, i also read plato's republic, voltaire, das kapital, and the communist manifesto, most of trotsky all of mussolini, and got about 1/4 through mein Kamph before i could take no more.
also, Confucius' Dialectics, the Mencius, Miyamoto's book of 5 rings, the art of war, the aryu vedas, the epic of gilgamesh, and so much more. i do not focus solely on western ideas, which seems to be a problem in "anarcho-____ist" circles. anything from before the 19th century, or from east of vienna is regarded as pointless rubbish, except Quotations From The Chairman, which is holy writ.
your sophomoric interpretations of Smith (entirely founded on chomsky's twisted vision) are completely off the mark, you might as well claim Alexis De Tocqueville also despised america and capitalism, or that John Locke was an anarchist.
Chomsky views the world through the prism of his ideology (as do we all) but Chomsky's world is tilted 15 degrees off true, like a Batman villain's lair. his interpretations are well accepted by the leftists in academia and psuedo-intellectuals, but real classicists, scholars and historians find very little of value in his overblown prose.
i suppose youll be repeating your claim that Bertrand Russel was not a marxist as well now.
despite your staunch refusal to read the Communist Manifesto, and your pathetic ignorance of Socialism, Communism and Collectivism is patently obvious to anyone who has studied Marxist theory, you endlessly prattle on. but ignorance is your only defense since you cant be a marxist if you dont know shit about marx.
as well to claim definitively that Jesus is Lord, only the "saved" can enter heaven, and every word of the bible is 100% literal truth, but never reading the damned book yourself, so you don't have to face the fact that it's bullshit.