

Well-Known Member
I have always found meditation sort of mistifying and fascinating in that you can do things like achieve a higher state of mind, highten sences, achieve better over all well being and health; and unique things like go days without having to sleep with the exception of meditating maybe a couple of hours a night.

So I have ADD right, I mean its bad, and seems to slowly get worse. I have a straight shot, one track mind. If I was reading a book and got really into it and someone tried to talk to me, I'd probably continue reading not comprehending a single sentence and completely block out the person at the same time, leaving me frustrated and feeling kinda dumb because I didn't get either the book or the person so I have to repeat both. Well I was wondering if anyone here is into meditation could let me in on a way to highten my state of mind in such ways like being able to remember/memorize things more clearly and perceptively, comprehension of strong accents, various things like that. I don't have time to go to books a million so this is pretty much my best option is to maybe find an answer through you fine people.
hi ganja...

you are on the path...


the key to meditation is to understand what meditation is...

meditation = watching the mind

meditation has nothing to do with sitting..

BUT.. sitting is a great method to begin...

watch the mind...

reacting to a thought or outside elements is NOT meditating

Meditating is becoming aware of awareness itself...

Sitting 2 times a day for 20 minutes is a fantastic place to start


Watching the mind... quickly you will see this is the most difficult task ever given to you... it requires NOTHING except unrelenting pursiut...

You will see that it is nearly impossible to DO nothing...

the activity of doing nothing is the most powerful act man can DO...

the energy and power that flows through a man that has silenced his mind is unfathomable...

Stillness... sitting, non reaction, watching the mind.... watching YOUR breath is also one of the aspects of begining MIND WATCHING

as you watch your mind.. your thoughts will slow down. this may take a few weeks..

Eventually you will notice gaps of silence open up in between your thoughts....

THIS is STILNESS... the more you meditate the longer these gaps will become...

Eventually you will be able to shift your awareness from your mind to your body..

At this point you will have the revelation that few people get beyond... the revelation THAT you are NOT your mind... you are not your thoughts...

At this moment many people turn to religion in rder to get understanding of WHAT happened...


if you are very serious ABOUT this,

you should look at Buddhist Meditation in the Theravada tradition

This is the way.. the way to awaken ONE SELF!

if u meditate on a regular basis ull def be able to concentrate better. im not exactly sure what ur hoping for, but after u get into it, its almost impossible to not improve ur ability to perceive and react with ur surroundings.

generally, i only meditate once a day and ive gained alot over the past few months. i have a hard time falling asleep most nights, so i take advantage of this. instead of tossing around thinking about shit, i lay flat on my back and do my best to not reflect on anything. as gnowm said, this is really difficult to get a hang of at first. difficult but fun, at least to me. ive always considered myself a stubborn intellectual individual and i finally found a way of challenging myself.

to meditate, just concentrate on nothing. completely turn off whatever inner monologue normally guides u threw ur day. close ur eyes or find a comfortable way to sit or lay if it helps. maybe covering ur eyes may help. i found it essential for the longest time to have my surroundings silent, as to not interfere with my concentration (my concentrating on not concentrating, lol)

not only will meditation help ur physical and mental reactions, it can effect ur perception in a positive way. if ur even the slightest bit neurotic, u may have a hard time accepting the world in an unbiased way. after meditating, (simply disconnecting from reality) u may find urself with the strength to act exactly how u think u should. hesitation and self-judgment can be made completely useless, so living in the present is completely natural.

meditation is not hard, u dont need to read anymore than what Gnowm and i have posted to get up and do it right now. if u want more structured guidelines, there are traditions that have been around for centuries (millennia?) that folks have used successfully. note that meditation is a product of Eastern philosophies, so there are cultural distortions that may prove some traditions less helpful than a self-made discipline.

keep ur mind flexible, i hope u find what ur looking for
ive heard stories of buddhist monks sleeping while sitting with spoons in their hands. they sit with crossed legs, and the very moment they fall asleep, their spoon is dropped and the sound of it hitting the floor awakens them. supposedly, they can go for a really long time doing this. and ive seen a tv program showing the same guys drying their cold, wet clothes by laying the cloth over their bodys and raising their body temp thru concentration. u could actually see steam coming off their bodies.
you can never be anything but what you all ready are. you are telling yourself that you aren't good enough. your body doen't appreciate shit like that. meditation can only make it worse. anyone who says different is doing so for their own benefit. for more info, google "U.G. Krishnamurti" (not to be confused with Jiddu). :blsmoke: maybe you can take a speed reading course. :mrgreen:
meditation can help u see what u are. many folks need stability. to completely disconnect and remove urself from what u think u are allows u to see what u really are by contrast. besides, accepting what u are and refusing to better urself keeps u from living life to its fullest.

on the largest scale, we are all one. we are all part of the universe. the mathematics of infinity does not discriminate between nothingness and existence. naturally, we all do have individual identity, but we also share the fact that we are all nothing.
meditation can help u see what u are. many folks need stability. to completely disconnect and remove urself from what u think u are allows u to see what u really are by contrast. besides, accepting what u are and refusing to better urself keeps u from living life to its fullest.

on the largest scale, we are all one. we are all part of the universe. the mathematics of infinity does not discriminate between nothingness and existence. naturally, we all do have individual identity, but we also share the fact that we are all nothing.
that is the dumbest thing i've ever heard. who told you that?
personal experience, im not preaching shit i dont know. whats the dumb part, that meditation can be helpful or the way i described the universe? both?

both are facts, irrefutable truths. im guessing ur just being sarcastic or trying to be difficult, but if u want to argue im down. im always interested in debating stuff.
proQ, you're completely right. I think meditation is the key to keeping track of your true self in a world where your identity is constantly being challenged.

also, we are nothing in the grand scheme of things. Our entire existence is like a single cell on our bodies. It's just a decimal of the whole, meaning everything until it means nothing at all. indisposable until it's disposed. At the same time our world IS everything and it does matter becuase it's all we know and will ever have.

and garden, the path is an awesome place to explore and travel :)
To sit and watch the mind...

to move and watch the mind.. to never react to the mind.. this is meditation... to sleep and watch the mind.. to breath and watch the mind.. to treat the mind as if it were a FREE ROAMING poisonous snake in the room with you.... this is meditation.. meditation is WATCHING the mind.... this is the definition of this TERM... there is nothing else BUT thoughts...

REALITY is silencing the mind.. whatever you have left... this is reality.. until THEN, ONE has not witnessed reality...

Silencing the MIND is DEATH.. silencing the mind is the most terrorfying experienc a man can have.. and yet there is NO reeason to be scared.. ahahahahahahahha .... LOL

As you get very close to silencing the mind.. IT will TELL YOU.. that if you continue down this path, "you will die".. it is at this poiint that ONE must stay UNSWERVING.. just watch the snake and do not react.... It will vanish like a mirage!!!!

and behold YOU will SEE...... the unknown..... well, you don't actually SEE..



THIS is the goal of meditation.. to give people a glimpse at this MOMENT of DEATH..

The only way is to NOT react... once a man reacts he becomes his thoughts... HE is asleep..

you can never be anything but what you all ready are.

I was just wondering what you meant by this?

Garden Knowm thanks so much for the input, you made it very clear to me what I need to do. I'm pretty excited about starting actually. I mean I'm already spiritually aware, and I'm not hoping to get rid of my ADD or anything like that but I think finding the seperation between my mind and body will bring me to new levels of "awareness" that I could never have achieved before and with that, I think that may actually help. My body and mind are WAY too connected with eachother right now. Everything I think, I react to, and its not always good. I will get started with this right away. Good thing to, I have just built the perfect place to begin last night, a sort of "harem" type room, same style, but not as many wives lol. Also I was wondering where marijuana might play a part in the role of meditation... Preciate everyone's replies.
I'm Sufi and pir says that marijuana hinders meditation and the path overall because it makes you too involved in self. The point of meditation in sufism is to lose self on the path to finding Him, therefore finding your real self. There are no restrictions in sufism though, so i still smoke. I think the calming aspect helps you get started with meditation but is it you or the weed that is making you centered?
you guys ever see the science experiment where you put a candle at the bottom of a long tube, seal it up and watch it die out because it uses up all the oxygen around it? but, if you run a partition down the length of the tube it burns on indefinitely. the convection causes fresh air to be pulled down one side, and exhausted out the other. think of the flame as yourself, the tube as the fall/evolution, and the space outside the tube as the source/god. the candle, like yourselves, needs duality to exist. ;)
enlightenment doesn't exist for you. :mrgreen: who would be there to enjoy it? all you do when you sit is deny your self. just accept the fact that you are a flesh and bone machine programmed to survive. why retard yourself working towards death when you know it is coming anyway?
you guys ever see the science experiment where you put a candle at the bottom of a long tube, seal it up and watch it die out because it uses up all the oxygen around it? but, if you run a partition down the length of the tube it burns on indefinitely. the convection causes fresh air to be pulled down one side, and exhausted out the other. think of the flame as yourself, the tube as the fall/evolution, and the space outside the tube as the source/god. the candle, like yourselves, needs duality to exist. ;)
enlightenment doesn't exist for you. :mrgreen: who would be there to enjoy it? all you do when you sit is deny your self. just accept the fact that you are a flesh and bone machine programmed to survive. why retard yourself working towards death when you know it is coming anyway?

Garden Knowm I'd like to hear your comments on this.

As for what I know, what I know is pretty much what you guys have told me. I was trying it out on my lunch break today and I don't know if its my ADD or what and this may sound dumb but I could swear at least for a few seconds there I broke through some sort of barrier. Cuz you know since I have a one track mind, when its quiet, this isn't exactly rocket science. As for the death part, I don't know what that means. I don't know what it means like when G- Knowm said you see the snake dissappear and that's death and that's ultimately what you're working towards... I don't understand that. Enlighten me?
to meditate, just concentrate on nothing.

In my opinion, that is not meditation.

Meditation is allowing the mind to wander wherever it wants to go until it naturally finds a 'stillness' and 'quietness' and 'higher level of consiousness' that is both active and aware of what's going on around you but still 'quiet' at the same time. Random thoughts percolate through the various levels of the subconcious until they reach the surface as thoughts in themselves - these are the stresses and strains built into the body being released by deep relaxation.

If you try to force the mind to do something it doesn't want to do or doesn't want to do naturally, you're not meditating. Meditation is effortless and doesn't involve concentration, it frees the mind to wander wherever it wants to go and allows it to naturally find that 'quiet' spot where it can enter deep relaxation - effortlessly and naturally.
know what would be great? Meditation to the point where a natural, actual (cannabinoid) brain reaction occurs that would cause the person to achieve a natural high!