The UK Growers Thread!

I didn't chuck the screen over them until a week into flower !, decided last minute coz its a multi strain grow . Got the church,ghs exodus cheese, & PE veging atm. Tryed poping 2 fruity chronic juice but 1 never germed, and I've had the other in a cube for about 2 weeks , it's 2 " tall but with only the 2 (forget what you call em, ) things b4 any leafs show growing & no fucking signes of any leafs forming !
I have some exodus seeds,i also tried growing g13 pe but when germing my missus damaged the taproot by crushing it in the tissue as she didn't know why wet tissue was in her kitchen drawer lol,was p1ssed coz I like the look of pe and its great for scrog as I saw a fella on here yield 11oz from one plant under his screen,has anyone grown blimburn seeds mango? your fruity chronic is growing too slow if it only has the first set of seedling leaves at 2weeks,if i were you id keep it for another week and if there is no progress then grow something else in its place,you should have the five fingered leaf set by now or at least the three leaf don't waste your time on a runt as you will waste time and money on a plant that will grow blow away airy buds lol,i hope the fruity chronic does get its sh1t together though as it does look like a good strain,good luck :)
:dunce: oh dear jus dropped the box of clones on a 4 week veg plant and it looks totally donald, slit the mainstem and pulled a couple of arms off, cant believe she will make it but shes all taped up and was superhealthy before i f up so lets hope
that's fcuked m8 but when i first started growing i knocked one my plants over and thought it would never make it as it landed upside down from a 2ft drop,it was fcuked but it stayed alive and was good bud,people forget we are growing weed and weeds are resilient little fcukers that are stronger than most think,you should take a pic of it now and take a pic every other day from now and we can see it bounce back step by step,hope she makes it and im sure she will :)
thats alot of reading no clue where to start cba with it....just had a look on it last night for first time and was curious on how it worked

if you are trying to buy on sr or bmr your bitcoin wallet address is on the top right corner of the screen when you have logged in :)
i was going to try it but i dont know which one is safe to buy bitcoins from and i dont think its safe to be sending it to the location that has a grow just going to forget about it and do without until harvest time i appreciate you guys trying to help me out though
i was going to try it but i dont know which one is safe to buy bitcoins from and i dont think its safe to be sending it to the location that has a grow just going to forget about it and do without until harvest time i appreciate you guys trying to help me out though
there is a fella on ebay that will let you buy bitcoins via paypal(upto 5) and its instant I think his name is xbox360,i prefer bmr as its far cheaper than sr and i have always received my goods :)
I'm canny ic3, just waiting on this last dog to finish up. most of it's hairs are receding in the calyx's barring the top cola's, i cut it's food off a week n a bit ago. still new pistils. it's coming down this week regardless. one person gets a bag off m next i know their like fuckin locusts all of em wanting oz's an oz's. swear they think i'm howard fuckin marks. i only cropped 2 plants not Epping forrest. I should have just told them i'm doing 20 bags but at proper weight. though i'd only be making an extra tenner an oz and fucking about with loads of baggies isn't a good idea. they'd only say reet I want 8 bags then lol.

aye fukin shottin 20 bags aint good wer ya live like, to hot fuk that, mine are doing well, calyxes startin to swell,, 2 weeks max left, the kali clons i got are going browner faster than the rest and thats menna b a longer flower, but thats from seed so who knows but ther like pebbles and rock hard, the pineapple are like my elbow on the top, im pretty stoked with this one, im def going lollipop route again but the full crop theyve taken rite off..

but yeh mate bugger slingin shots,, to hot
Oi oi how's it goin uk??
Need some advice on outdoor autos, any 1 kno of any hardy strains with good yield (as far as autos go).
i was thinking this its not auto but when i was searchin outdoor i heard this was good. I got a few auto freebies im putting outdoors, i might actually buy some hardy autos to join them, anyone know if i can dig a hole fill with supersoil and leave the rain to water since my grow spot is over a mile away, fuck carrying water that far.
i was thinking this its not auto but when i was searchin outdoor i heard this was good. I got a few auto freebies im putting outdoors, i might actually buy some hardy autos to join them, anyone know if i can dig a hole fill with supersoil and leave the rain to water since my grow spot is over a mile away, fuck carrying water that far.

Yeah some one mentioned HG but I'm worrying about it not finishing in time, hence the autos.
Need to speak to closet he's doing outdoor this year and had a list of some good hardy autos.