gas prices please read!


Active Member
AS long as gas is the only realistic power supply for cars and such, we will all be puppets for the gas corporations and more precisely to the government.

I can ensure you that if tomorrow the world where to run out of gas a solution would be found within less than a month and everybody would have this new type of car that was powered with something different.

Nothing will be done while big powerful people are making money out of it all.


Well-Known Member
Drilling for more oil & building new refineries are the only way gas is going to get cheaper. Nothing is going to replace gas for the next 30 years. If every person in America started buy some wonderful new technology tomorrow it would take 15 to 20 years. If you want to make a difference contact your congressmen & tell them it's time to drill in ANWR
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Active Member
it seems that its not going to go down because nobody is really doing anything about it. We are the most powerfull people when it comes to this shit because you guys are right, the politicians are all making money off it. maybe they know the only way to go green is to force us into it.. all i know is when you have a bunch of pissed off voters things can happen. votes are more valuable than dollars any day. but i definately hear all your points. I think we all share in the frustration.


Well-Known Member
this should be in Toke n Talk not general marijuana growing since its obviously nothing to do with marijuana.


Well-Known Member
it seems that its not going to go down because nobody is really doing anything about it. We are the most powerfull people when it comes to this shit because you guys are right, the politicians are all making money off it. maybe they know the only way to go green is to force us into it.. all i know is when you have a bunch of pissed off voters things can happen. votes are more valuable than dollars any day. but i definately hear all your points. I think we all share in the frustration.
There are approximately 300 million people in America which is largely industrialized.

There are over 2 billion people in China and India which are largely not industrialized. Their growth and oil demand will far outstrip any sources of oil supply and gas refinement we currently know of. This is a fact and market forces are going to push the level much higher.

Conserving and cutting back is not going to change anything.

Once I get a single family home I plan on looking into solar for electrical production.

Things will change but it is going to take time. 5 years at the minimum and more like 10-20 years for enough changes to take place.


Well-Known Member
We are currently having the same problem here in the uk, we are now up to 1 pound 17 pence a litre, we have tryed the whole thing of not buying gas on certain days and the gas companys just laughed at us and kept putting the prices up, the next idea people hear have come up with is to only buy petrol from the cheaper smaller companies like tesco and sainsburys this way the bigger companies will be getting no business and be falsed to lower prices, which then the smaller companies will have to low prices as well because of the competition


Active Member
thats a really good point. like shell? why are theyre prices 5-20 cents higher all the time? you'd be a sucker to buy from them. and i think even theyve started to compete though. and the point about growing industries is important too i think because they shouldnt be going down the same road we did. they should just build a low oil dependency infrastructure from the start.


Well-Known Member
See the new adds for chevy?...they're offering a guaranteed 2.99 for 3 years when you buy a car or truck from them...of course it's limited models, see where this is going?

Also here's a thought...what if NOBODY voted?...that would really fuck them up.
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Well-Known Member
thats a really good point. like shell? why are theyre prices 5-20 cents higher all the time? you'd be a sucker to buy from them. and i think even theyve started to compete though. and the point about growing industries is important too i think because they shouldnt be going down the same road we did. they should just build a low oil dependency infrastructure from the start.
Well, if prices are only 5 cents higher, then you aren't so much of a sucker in my opinion. With most cars, you fill up with 10-15 gallons. At 5 cents more a gallon, you will spend 50 to 75 cents more. Is it really worth the drive across town to save 75 cents at that point? Especially if cheap gas is 5 to 10 miles away. If your car gets 20 miles to the gallon, then you are spending a quarter to half a gallon (worth 1 to 2 dollars) to save 75 cents, which makes no sense.

Now if there is a gas station across the street from that Shell that is cheaper, you'd obviously go there. But sometimes the lines at the cheaper station are out of control and people will choose to pay a few bucks more for the convenience of not waiting in line.


Well-Known Member
yeh but the whole point of it is, that the bigger companies will no be selling no petrol............ but when i live here in the uk you have like an esso and bp and tesco all within like a space of 2 miles, esso and bp are the big dealers here so we arent buying from them, prices seem to go up like another penny every 2 days


Active Member
Idl is right, the president and government are just in place so most Americans think they have choice in who represents them for the rules that will make up their life. Problem is, these "choices" have all already been picked out by the true owners, so either way, we are only living within a limited system that we can't seem to see the big picture of. Gas sucks, I know I've been riding my bike more often, even if it's 10 miles. But it all feels kinda hopeless right now, I mean do we really have any say in the price of gas?

Well-Known Member
Oh come on!!

People have been talking about this kind of gas strike for 3-4 years now. Bill O'reilly my ass. Every American has had this idea, and it is stupid.

Lemme explain.

How many of you actually put off an errand because you don't have gas in your car? No, it doesn't happen. You will still go run that errand and just get gas on your way.
Not buying gas on a certain day does not make any sense?!!! People will drive the same amount either way, they will just buy their gas on a different day, and what does that accomplish? Jack shit. That's what.

The only way to get it done would be to not DRIVE on mondays. Then maybe, just maaaaybe a few less trips would be made from here to there and require us to use less fuel overall, but I doubt it.

UGH, its just frustrating when I hear people say that.."Don't buy gas! we are striking!" So, you better fill up the day before the strike!

yeah...that's a stupid idea(sorry)...the real problem (for those of you living under a rock(not in-iraq)), this is the situation:india and china are becoming wealthier...that means that they are now competing with us for X amount of please remember..the arabs hate our white asses even more than they hate indians and we aren't getting any sweetheart deal just because we buy in massive quantities. "you don't want it?,fine... I'll sell it to lakshmi in hyerdabad!"...some simplistic solution spouted by some blowhard pundit to give his sheeple some ray of hope, however false, so they don't just snap!...guess what folks! if there was such a simple solution, it would have been done! the cold hard fact of the situation, is that we've put off converting to something cleaner,and local, instead of giving all our money away...for the same reason I grow weed! I don't believe in supporting criminals!

Well-Known Member
See the new adds for chevy?...they're offering a guaranteed 2.99 for 3 years when you buy a car or truck from them...of course it's limited models, see where this is going?

Also here's a thought...what if NOBODY voted?...that would really fuck them up.
yeah..I love that gimmick "thousand dollars cash back!" RIGHT! I was born on a sunday...but not LAST sunday! do you really get something for free, or do they hide the charges,and you end up none the better? the fact that this trick still works shows that 80% of all the people you see on a daily basis are seriously deficient upstairs!


Active Member
yeah...that's a stupid idea(sorry)...the real problem (for those of you living under a rock(not in-iraq)), this is the situation:india and china are becoming wealthier...that means that they are now competing with us for X amount of please remember..the arabs hate our white asses even more than they hate indians and we aren't getting any sweetheart deal just because we buy in massive quantities. "you don't want it?,fine... I'll sell it to lakshmi in hyerdabad!"...some simplistic solution spouted by some blowhard pundit to give his sheeple some ray of hope, however false, so they don't just snap!...guess what folks! if there was such a simple solution, it would have been done! the cold hard fact of the situation, is that we've put off converting to something cleaner,and local, instead of giving all our money away...for the same reason I grow weed! I don't believe in supporting criminals!
America more or less control the petrol in Iraq so they are the ones making the prices not the Arabs.
And also, you are supporting criminals every time you pay your taxes,the painful truth is there is know way around giving your money to bad people because they oblige you to pay them whether you like it or not.
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Well-Known Member
Idl is right, the president and government are just in place so most Americans think they have choice in who represents them for the rules that will make up their life. Problem is, these "choices" have all already been picked out by the true owners, so either way, we are only living within a limited system that we can't seem to see the big picture of. Gas sucks, I know I've been riding my bike more often, even if it's 10 miles. But it all feels kinda hopeless right now, I mean do we really have any say in the price of gas?
The citizens of this great country still have the power, all we have to do is flex it. You saw what happened when they tried to ram amnesty for 20 million illegals down our throats(or where you not paying attention), We The People stopped them. When is the last time anyone of the Americans on this board called or emailed there government representative to let them know how you feel? I do all the time. Speak up we have a great voice all you have to do is speak, it only takes a few minutes of your precious time.

If you think it's bad know wait till November when democrats have a major a majority in the house, the senate & the presidency. When they start taxing the shit out of oil companies the price is really going to sky rocket. Customers are the ones that pay the taxes of big corporations not the companies themselves, when will those dumb asses in DC realize that.

If they started making every car with some wonderful replacement for oil tomorrow it would still take a least 20 years before most people would have one. If you don't think so, how old is your car ,your neighbors, the guy down the street, or the local high school kids? Electric cars & ethanol are not the way of the future so don't waste your money on that crap. Thanks to ethanol their are food shortages in some parts of the world. Did you know one tank of ethanol in an average size pickup uses as much corn as it takes to feed one child for a year? Not only that it actual takes more energy to produce one gallon ethanol than you get out of it.

Hydrogen will replace oil as the fuel of the future but it won't happen for a long time to come.

Sorry I got carried away.:weed: