Yeah, I don't think I could ever be a waitress, I not that good at taking people's shit.
I used to work as a cashier, and sometimes THOSE customers were too much stupidity for me to handle. When I worked at Home Depot, I had this huge line, on the main register (cuz I was the best like that *breathes on my nails and polishes them on my shirt...lmao, j/k)
So anyways, busy fuckin time, and this lady gives me a twenty, I hand her her change, and then she says she gave me a hundred dollar bill. I told her she didn't. She insisted she did. I had a few $100 bills in my till, from other customers, and she thought one was hers.
They had to shut down my register, move everyone to different lines, then count my till. The whole time she kept saying that she knew she gave me a hundred, and I told her no, she didn't. She asked me if I was calling her a liar. I told her, "No, I'm just saying that you're wrong." And in the end.....I was perfectly even, because the stupid bitch didn't give me a 100.
Yeah....stupid customers piss me off.
But a cool customer can make your whole day. So be cool customers you guys.