NO...The right to bare arms is the whole problem, When this was written, the times and people were different and it was written to protect the COUNTRY not the person. The NRA and other gun factors have used this long enough and it should be corrected.
This is the problem now solving it is another again caused by your "RIGHTS"
What do you need a fully automatic assult rifle for? Home protection? Hunting?
Wake up and smell the coffee, they ban certain knifes all the time but automatic weapons.....NO ITS OUR RIGHT! Come on give your heads a shake. collectively..of course.
People dont have any fully automatic assult rifles. Youn need special permits, and checks to get them, and hunting with them is already illegal. If I wan't one, thats a different story, we have a bill of rights, not a bill of needs.
I have fired 20,ooo rounds in the last 3 years not including .22 ammo, as I have said before. I have no inclination whatsoever to hunt. The forefathers had no plans to go hunting, so I don't see why the hunting argument keeps coming up.
I only read the first post, but:
As has been said before, your right to carry does not supercede the right of people to do or ask as they like, ON THEIR OWN PROPERTY. (N.B: I'm not even going to open the can of worms which is "private property") To think otherwise is hilariously, preposterously hypocritical.
And I have no idea why you have this obsession with the constitution and specifically "protecting your asses from tyrants". Absolute fantasy. On a purely pragmatic level, if you think your "assault weapon" is going to stop a modern military, you are hopelessly out of touch with modern warfare. The real reason you should be allowed to own guns is the same reason you should be allowed to smoke weed, and quite simple: we aren't living in soviet russia. Individuals should have the freedom to do as they please, including owning guns, provided you aren't hurting anyone.
And to the gun-control-nuts:
I live in England. As im sure you know we are not legally permitted to own RPG-7's.
Can still buy yourself a pistol pretty easy though, especially if you live in a poor area and know the right people (i.e. violent criminals). Chances are its already been used for crime.
On a more philosophical level: You guys love the idea of banning shit dont you?
I Bet you simultaneously cry about weed being illegal.
Really? You don't think so? THats funny right there. A few simple numbers to help you get things clear. 1,200,000 residents in my county alone. Half are gun owners. 3% of them would fight for our rights against the US government. Thats 18,000 people. There are only 1200 oakland county sherriffs employees. About 1/3 are street cops, the rest are pencil pushers. a half of those beat cops are oathkeepser, those who wont fire on american citizens, leaving you with 2-300 cops. Now there are 2,500,000 military personnell in the world. Again, half would never fire on US citizens. I have heard soldiers tell me that if someone in their unit ever fired on an american, they would be immediately killed. So, you now have less than a million troops who would go to war. There are 50 states that leaves 2,000 troops per state. 83 counties in Michigan leaves you with 24 soldiers per county. So by the numbers, you have 25 soldiers, and 250 cops per county.
Simply put, in a shooting war against the people, the US government wouldn't have a snowballs chance in hell.