Firearms Freindly Collective?

we should buy uncle buck-

a ticket to some farout cool place. his wife too. they really do alot for our country.

welcome to luxurious flint Michigan. please remove all wacky oregan clothing before leaving the terminal. thank you.
And get a life man, do you just sit and post all day? If your home stricken I am sorry but if not go see the sun. 36000 post, I would be ashamed of that, want me to send you some pics of what a life worth living looks like? Destroy your computer, You have averaged 12 post a day for for three years. How many hours a day are you here? Sad. Ps I do grow and I am a newbie

This is why the majority of us view buck as a fucktard. Though he does back up his points with a fantastic vocabulary. He also seems more educated than most people in the world (not saying much). All that being said he is spewin his political views in the Michigan forum of a weed website. Bucks not even from here. Alot of what he says is really not even valid because he shouldn't be in our forum in the first place. He's so bored that he's checking into every RIU forum to spout his rants.

3 posts a day many other forums is he viewing and posting in as well? I bet there are many of them. Like you said...he should be ashamed of the amount of posts.

I bet majority of what he says he has gotten from other people just like him on other net forums. Now he's the smart one.

Sky daddy and his zombie kid? One of the most ignorant things I've heard in my lifetime. Whatever god you follow...follow him/her. Don't let guys like buck suck you into his vortex of disparity.
I hate ignore lists, but sometimes, they are necessary for maintaining the peace. I dont mind a debate, as long as the debate isn't because I took time to speak with someone. Those who take the opposite side, just because it's the opposite side, are not really worth my time.
See, to me that sounds like a selective defensive posture - without starting an argument, I'll try to elaborate as to why. In the same breath you say that there is no need for an automatic weapon at all... you (and everyone else who shares your same mindset in Canada) has -NO COMPLAINT- at all with the US putting anti-rocket and missile systems on your west coast in the last few weeks to stop nuclear attacks from N.Korean subs or their mainland (assuming their mainland can touch you, their subs definitely can.) What is the difference at that point? Someone else is protecting you, so it's okay as opposed to you being able to do so yourself by any means one can acquire? Again, not an argument - just trying to understand your logic which isn't an all-encompassing standpoint, to me anyway.

Good point and I appreciate the efforts of every man and woman that is in the position to protect the rest of us...but really...that is where the guns should be. I just don't understand how your piecs of mind and your children are LESS important than your right to bare arms.

I dont want to argue I want to understand, I own over a dozen guns and don't understand the mis-use?
When I go somewhere with my 10 year old girl, I know that because Im armed, she's going home with me, instead of some white panel van.

Let's say that there are a bunch of kids playing on your street, and you see the famous white windowless van lurking about. You call the police, and as you hang up the phone, you hear the kids screaming, and a couple running away from the place they were playing. You saw someone struggle on the other side of the van before it sped away, you know what happened. At least you're a good little witness for the police! Good boy, you did what you were supposed to, now the police can do their work. They should be along in a few minutes.

Let's say that there are a bunch of kids playing on your street, and you see the famous white windowless van lurking about.
You go outside with your neighbor who also is in the habit of practicing situational awareness. You both have brought your guns, because you are of the thinking variety of humans. Your wife, friend, whomever, gets on the phone with 911, and while telling the operator whats going on about the van, gives the police your description as well. You call the kids inside but they were already on their way back, having learned a little situational awareness from you as you approach the van. One visible, your buddy flanking. The van sees you, then spins off down the road. All your little duckings are safe at home, and the police are on their way.
Last night I had some dumbfuck want to try wrecking my car. I think he assumed I would want to box or something. I don't know who's armed and who is not. You should have seen his eyes when he realized I was about to smash into his drivers side door as he was getting out. Nothing happened, but I thought of this thread. No need for a gun, I had a bumper. And no one in that little car would have went home safe.

I thought this thread about carrying firearms into someone else's place of business. If I owned a business and there was lots of cash on hand, my employees would know how to handle a situation. If was was working and someone tried to rob me, and I was armed, I would probably shoot everyone in the lobby that had a gun. In that situation I would assume that you were together. Yeah, its probably why I don't carry a gun? So in that situation the gun would have got you shot, not saved!
This is why the majority of us view buck as a fucktard. Though he does back up his points with a fantastic vocabulary. He also seems more educated than most people in the world (not saying much). All that being said he is spewin his political views in the Michigan forum of a weed website. Bucks not even from here. Alot of what he says is really not even valid because he shouldn't be in our forum in the first place. He's so bored that he's checking into every RIU forum to spout his rants.

3 posts a day many other forums is he viewing and posting in as well? I bet there are many of them. Like you said...he should be ashamed of the amount of posts.

I bet majority of what he says he has gotten from other people just like him on other net forums. Now he's the smart one.

Sky daddy and his zombie kid? One of the most ignorant things I've heard in my lifetime. Whatever god you follow...follow him/her. Don't let guys like buck suck you into his vortex of disparity.

To some of us the idea of a magical man living in the clouds is every bit as ridiculous as believing in a fat man dressed in red who slides down your chimney every christmas. Some of us choose not to ignore science, and prefer to deal in facts.

You're calling someone ignorant without providing any proof to the contrary . I'm all ears if you want to bust out some facts on this god thing to enlighten us ignoramuses...
To some of us the idea of a magical man living in the clouds is every bit as ridiculous as believing in a fat man dressed in red who slides down your chimney every christmas. Some of us choose not to ignore science, and prefer to deal in facts.

You're calling someone ignorant without providing any proof to the contrary . I'm all ears if you want to bust out some facts on this god thing to enlighten us ignoramuses...

So you would agree then without the presence of god physics and most other scientific theory in unexplained. If you don't wish to believe in a higher power thats fine. Just don't mock the way I choose to believe. There is far more to prove god and Jesus than there is evidence to disprove.

I am not going to debate that. It will go on for way too long. I don't have time for it.
So you would agree then without the presence of god physics and most other scientific theory in unexplained. If you don't wish to believe in a higher power thats fine. Just don't mock the way I choose to believe. There is far more to prove god and Jesus than there is evidence to disprove.

I am not going to debate that. It will go on for way too long. I don't have time for it.

That's fair enough Dale, but calling others "ignorant" for not believing in what you believe is not really taking your own advice.

And no, there is not "far more" evidence to prove that a god exists. A book written by a bunch of goat herders 70 years after the death of Jesus Christ is not "proof". It's a story book loosely based in reality.

If there was proof of the existence of a god they wouldn't ask you to believe.
Growing up had to go to pentecostal church. All I can say is wow. Now that being said I am well pretty well "versed" outside of there and have been to all sorts of different churches. USUALLY,, not always..they want $. Others were too progressive for me..I'm not on that trippy sh*t. Haven't been to church in years and my life has never been better. Just not a good bunch of people to get mixed up with for the most part.
I try to be a real good dude..But is it because I am scared of Jesus??? I just want to be remembered as a good dude..if you passed away today what would people say about you? We are all here for such a short time. I hope ya'll are right and there is a heaven..but I am not so convinced.
Growing up had to go to pentecostal church. All I can say is wow. Now that being said I am well pretty well "versed" outside of there and have been to all sorts of different churches. USUALLY,, not always..they want $. Others were too progressive for me..I'm not on that trippy sh*t. Haven't been to church in years and my life has never been better. Just not a good bunch of people to get mixed up with for the most part.
I try to be a real good dude..But is it because I am scared of Jesus??? I just want to be remembered as a good dude..if you passed away today what would people say about you? We are all here for such a short time. I hope ya'll are right and there is a heaven..but I am not so convinced.

I have been saying the exact same thing forever! If there is one thing in life I hope I'm wrong about, it would be this. I would love to see all of my friends and family again if there is such a thing as heaven.

Great post!
I said buck was an idiot for his offensive spewing of "sky daddy and his zombie kid". Didnt mean to direct it toward you Stow
It's all good Dale.

I disagree with you on god 100%, but I try to respect the beliefs of others. I could be wrong (I hope that I am), or you could be wrong, but I think we can both agree that the name calling serves no point from either side.

One of my favorite strains is "The Church" if that's any consolation. :-)
Last night I had some dumbfuck want to try wrecking my car. I think he assumed I would want to box or something. I don't know who's armed and who is not. You should have seen his eyes when he realized I was about to smash into his drivers side door as he was getting out. Nothing happened, but I thought of this thread. No need for a gun, I had a bumper. And no one in that little car would have went home safe.

I thought this thread about carrying firearms into someone else's place of business. If I owned a business and there was lots of cash on hand, my employees would know how to handle a situation. If was was working and someone tried to rob me, and I was armed, I would probably shoot everyone in the lobby that had a gun. In that situation I would assume that you were together. Yeah, its probably why I don't carry a gun? So in that situation the gun would have got you shot, not saved!

I look for peope like yourself who shoot first and ask questions later. You would have been shot, I have no doubt about that. You said you don't carry a gun because as you clearly posted, you cannot handle the responsibility. I commend you for that, most people who I've seen carrying who shouldn't, dont have the good sense you do apparently.
It's all good Dale.

I disagree with you on god 100%, but I try to respect the beliefs of others. I could be wrong (I hope that I am), or you could be wrong, but I think we can both agree that the name calling serves no point from either side.

One of my favorite strains is "The Church" if that's any consolation. :-)

Agreed. But I do hope that you dont find out about heaven by someone asking you to leave it.
Man it is so refreshing to hear the voice of reason over the screams of the ignorant and misinformed. Thank you for theses reasonable post here on this page. I carry and have to run away from all trouble except life threatening, I would hate to see a disagreement turn to a argument, then to a shove match, then a fight and finally a struggle for life or death. Let the police do there jobs I say. I ain't nobody but possible someone's last hope.

Go Blue