Yea those sticky situationsU mean like when we get cum all stuck up our asses?
I'd rather that then mine, shit gets stuck to my ass.this is what I use
I prefer wiping top of ass down through the ass whole across the ball sack and down the leg.When you wipe standing up, it is easier to wipe from the balls backwards instead of when sitting down, where you are more likely to wipe from the tail bone area forward to the balls. Can you see the advantage now with wiping standing up when you are subequantly getting your balls sucked? Have some courtesy for the suckee. There is one problem though, standing up requires more dexterity and area. When in a stall it becomes difficult. Also, if you are a lard ass, wiping to the rear is nearly impossible. In fact, fat fucks have a hard time reaching their asshole itself let alone having the these options available. You see as a fat fuck, the distance required to obtain maximum reach becomes a major issue because the lard that accumulates under your arms in the upper chest area cuts out anywhere from 10 to 40% of reach-ability. This is called the lard-wipe distance coefficient. Google it bitches.
I guess I just have good hands. The arms now ...You guys are joking, right? How do you wipe sitting down? Even if I hoisted my big frank and beans, I couldn't get my hand (with tp) underneath, inside the bowl, and around to actually wipe my arsehole without skimming my knuckles on the "load". Crazy talk. Stand up like a man and wipe that thing proper!
Omg that made me have the best laugh in a while made thegf laugh toYou guys are joking, right? How do you wipe sitting down? Even if I hoisted my big frank and beans, I couldn't get my hand (with tp) underneath, inside the bowl, and around to actually wipe my arsehole without skimming my knuckles on the "load". Crazy talk. Stand up like a man and wipe that thing proper!
I shit standing up, then sit down and wipe.wait, people shit, then stand up and THEN wipe their arses? HTF does that even work?
Funnily enough I actually know the answer to this one, was on a documentary once, its basically so they can "inspect" their shit before flushing, something apparently taught from an early age in germanyWhen you wipe standing up, it is easier to wipe from the balls backwards instead of when sitting down, where you are more likely to wipe from the tail bone area forward to the balls. Can you see the advantage now with wiping standing up when you are subequantly getting your balls sucked? Have some courtesy for the suckee. There is one problem though, standing up requires more dexterity and area. When in a stall it becomes difficult. Also, if you are a lard ass, wiping to the rear is nearly impossible. In fact, fat fucks have a hard time reaching their asshole itself let alone having these options available. You see as a fat fuck, the distance required to obtain maximum reach becomes a major issue because the lard that accumulates under your arms in the upper chest area cuts out anywhere from 10 to 40% of reach-ability. This is called the lard-wipe distance coefficient. Google it bitches.
By the way, why in Germany do the toilets have a cliff where you shit on the cliff instead of in the water like in the USA. I personnaly like that cold splash on the bung hole when I lay a nice firm, textbook tapered shit
I inspect every time. Alles ist gut.Funnily enough I actually know the answer to this one, was on a documentary once, its basically so they can "inspect" their shit before flushing, something apparently taught from an early age in germany
Where is option 3?This was posted on Reddit and it blew my mind!
"Roughly half of men wipe standing up and the other half wipe sitting down, and most people don't realize the other group exists"
I don't understand why someone would stand up to wipe, it seems much easier to do it while still sitting, what do you think?