Do you ever stop and consider why you don't have date?
Pfff, ive never found it hard to get a date lol comon, really? Actually i can afford the luxury of being able to pick and choose. And the only reason i dont have a date right now is cause my GF and i work totally opposite shifts lmao
But he DID declare you the winner...lol

right?...... No thanks or nothin??

I don't need anyone to tell me how nice my boobs are! I already know! besides I bet sunni's are the best.
and you expect to post those pictures and not have comments? Im mean its not like you were exactly keeping them tucked outta sight or anything. You tossed out the bait, we bit the hook, and now your offended? Weeeak sauce :|
and you expect to post those pictures and not have comments? Im mean its not like you were exactly keeping them tucked outta sight or anything. You tossed out the bait, we bit the hook, and now your offended? Weeeak sauce :|
I completely agree with this statement.
??? why did you use sticky wax to help you grind???

you need slippage dude LMAO i love the title " semi-original" wtf does that mean

back in the day when thump and I where youngings, there was no such thing as sk8 wax, lol. you had to use regular surf wax to dress the curbs
back in the day when thump and I where youngings, there was no such thing as sk8 wax, lol. you had to use regular surf wax to dress the curbs

well I just used that for the picture.
Back in the day I used regular unscented candles that you get from the hardware store for $1.

The secret for curbs is to wax them on a really hot day & let the wax start to melt.
Once its gooey sprinkle a little dirt over it & add bearing grease. Take a rag and rub that shit in until it looks like a smooth solid coating of paint.
Throw a little more dirt on it and wax it again. The dirt acts like an abrasive so you can get the wax to grind off even though the curb is now smooth.
let the wax get gooey again and add some more bearing grease. Take the rag and rub that shit back in until its completely smooth.
Let it bake all day and come back tomorrow.

That curb is now permanently grind-able. Its like slippery cement

This was the only way I was able to wax a curb without you scraping of the wax after every grind
well I just used that for the picture.
Back in the day I used regular unscented candles that you get from the hardware store for $1.

The secret for curbs is to wax them on a really hot day & let the wax start to melt.
Once its gooey sprinkle a little dirt over it & add bearing grease. Take a rag and rub that shit in until it looks like a smooth solid coating of paint.
Throw a little more dirt on it and wax it again. The dirt acts like an abrasive so you can get the wax to grind off even though the curb is now smooth.
let the wax get gooey again and add some more bearing grease. Take the rag and rub that shit back in until its completely smooth.
Let it bake all day and come back tomorrow.

That curb is now permanently grind-able. Its like slippery cement

This was the only way I was able to wax a curb without you scraping of the wax after every grind
skating was so huge here back in the 80's. hosoi was da man. but ya, most places here where already broken in. already waxed and ready to go. checkout the bones brigade video in search of animal chin. thats hawaii right there.
Here is a pic of me, the ruthless dictator of Figongistan. Barely awake, tired as all hell.. and 1 hr 40m late.. hahaha


Don't ask about what bulb I was under. :P
I'm jealous, I lived on the flattest part of the earth lol. only hills we had were parking garages

hah did they do enough power slides lmao

Im not that old school btw try the mid 90's
Pfff, ive never found it hard to get a date lol comon, really? Actually i can afford the luxury of being able to pick and choose. And the only reason i dont have a date right now is cause my GF and i work totally opposite shifts lmao
right?...... No thanks or nothin??

and you expect to post those pictures and not have comments? Im mean its not like you were exactly keeping them tucked outta sight or anything. You tossed out the bait, we bit the hook, and now your offended? Weeeak sauce :|

Yeah. If you don't want people to comment on your tits, don't post your tits.

Speaking of tits, have any of you women experience the burning nipple during late pregnancy?

OMG! It was so bad. I wanted to hop back in the shower and rinse because I thought I had gotten soap in one of the milk ducts.

Apparently it is a normal thing that has to do with milk depositing. It stopped in 5 min.