

Well-Known Member
i will again say you are missquoting me clearly you are not even reading what i have wrote i said early in my posts that being a vegetarian can be perfectly healthy because milk and eggs are involved which are complete animal proteins. simply put being vegan is a bad choice for human health this is simple fact if you understand nutrition. if you dont want to kill animals i respect that but being vegan is a poor health choice there are no benefits going past being vegetarian. you can throw studies at me all day long i have been reading and studying this for years. i at least speak in my own words and can explain myself through my own thoughts. if you think im arguing about being vegetaian your wrong like i have said a number of times vegetarian diets can be complete. a vegan diet cannot be im sorry if this is upsetting to you no need for animosity man:peace::mrgreen:
You are aren't upsetting me other than it is frustrating to see someone so blind to the facts. Like arguing with someone who says the moon is made of cheese. That's all. Reread my last post. The American Dietetic Association and Dietitians of Canada are including vegan diets in there statement that they are perfectly safe and healthy. Or are they lying to North America? Some evil plot to sell tofu? Did you know that the American Dietetic Association is the world's largest organization of food and nutrition professionals?


Well-Known Member
Vegetarian n. Old indian word for poor hunter.

<< Card carrying member of PETA (pretty excellent tasting animals)

Been pondering the veggy route.

Oh, and vegetables isn't food. Its what food eats!
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bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
i have not said you cant survive as a vegan(vegetarian diets are fine) but if you are an athlete or a young child or particularly active it is a poor choice. if a vegan diet was effective you wouldnt have to consider consulting with a nutritionist to make sure your getting what you or your children need. the fact that you have to think about or discuss with a nutritionist the proper vegan diet for children only re-enforces my views about this. it is deficient in bio-available iron and TRUE complete proteins as well as compounds that promote sexual hormones needed for male and female wellbeing and growth. im 7 percent body fat and ask great demands of my body daily and i actively compete no mistakes diet wise can be made or i will end up sick for months. no deficencys can be allowed in my diet if i want to be competitive with other strong males. ride the tour as a vegan and end up losing or worse in the hospital. do what i do daily and your thoughts might change as far as your dietary needs are concerned. from a genetic standpoint if you understand the human organism this is bad look at the health of people who in some countries cannot afford proper protein in there diets average height b.m.i. muscle mass and immune function are compromised. proper diet is a luxury in some parts of the world and i would hate to see someone with the resources turn a blind eye to this. i will state again that the most complete diet for humans involves high levels of vegetables fruits whole grains and lean organic meats do you actually think a vegan diet is better than what i have stated is a proper diet. vegetarians can get by because of milk and eggs(high quality protein complete animal proteins) you can survive as a vegan but it is for the sake of not taking life which i respect but for the human organism the diet i stated earlyer is more proper. im not here to be right this is just common sense. i guess what im wondering here is do you believe your better off vegan than vegetarian or the diet i advocate. you will have trouble finding educated nutritionists who purposely advocate a vegan diet over anything else(vegetarian or other) without the client requesting it specificaly i have friends who are nutritionists for a living and they agree (especially for children or athletes). that a diet rich in whole fruits whole vegetables whole grains and lean proteins are best for humans do you feel that this diet is improper? at this point it seems that your oppinion is biased and you will not consider what im saying regardless of thoughts im puting out. again if killing animals is against your belief i respect you for that.vegetarian diets can be complete and effective a vegan diet never will.a vegetarian or diet i have advocated will always be better and more complete than a vegan diet. its like simple arithmatic im actually confused as to what you are trying to convince me of. are you saying that a person is better off as a vegan than a vegetarian or my dietary thoughts if so please state im confused im simply stating my thoughts dont care about right or wrong i know what i understand from my own experience :peace::peace::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Wow, go away on vacation for a couple of weeks (to a state where Marijuana is banned on most comps, missed y&#8217;all) and a good thread get&#8217;s even better.
As I read about the bison I thought "If my family was hungry I&#8217;d shoot the fucker between the eyes." Once Northern American Indians in a certain Great State of this beautiful Nation would heard bison over a cliff to be slaughtered and used for the Tribe. Now it seems everybody there just eats way too much dairy. I know I did while I was there...Oh the ice Good and Sooo bad.
But back in So Cal, I&#8217;m dealing with it. After replacing my room mates stash (no rehab for ice cream addiction...yet) the thread makes me think of modern dairy practices and how they relate to the economy and the biosphere.
Almost every Farmer, Rancher, Stock handler, Milker, Breeder Nursery Worker or Handler I have met seems to be of quality person directly proportionate to quality of work they do (even the ones who Love their chemicals) .
But like Madness (80's ska band) said "Madness, madness, it&#8217;s only madness".
(They were talking about something different though.). Is how I think about non- sustainable (the real definition of sustainable not the Corporate one), heavy reliance on pesticides, herbicides and the GMO&#8217;s to go with them, that is our Food supply soon to be our fuel supply (Monsanto Hopes).
Read Ken Kesey&#8217;s One Flew Over the Cuckoos&#8217;s Nest. I think one of his characters puts down one of the best sentences in the English language on what is going with the human race and it&#8217;s relationship to the Biosphere. (No hint&#8217;s got to read the book...ok it has to do with salmon.).
But I digress, time to do Push-ups. And eat some rice, beans, mushrooms, olive oil, all sorts of capsaicin, (Garlic?..Oh yea) , Italian herbs and stuff [I is Hongry].
Thank&#8217;s Everyone for the inspiration for Organic and Sustainable personal growth.
I don&#8217;t know rather to Thank or Apologize to The Memory of Ken Kesey and his vast talent for a lot of the stuff I just wrote.
Peace out.


bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
cool nice post sustainability is the biggest current problem for people the population is growing logarithmically food production is going to be a huge problem worldwide scary. me and picasso have been discussing diet back and forth for a while now it has been fun and informative but i think we have both made our oppinions known im tired now. but think it was a good conversation.


from what i am understanding, most vegans are vegan because they feel the killing of animals is wrong?? why then are non-killing products, (milk, cheese) not eaten also? and are there any of you who became a vegan for health purposes and not "animal rights" purposes??


Would you eat meat if no animals had to be slaughtered to provide it and it was maintained in a sterile lab environment?
Check this shit out, guilt free meat: Lab-Grown Meat a Reality, But Who Will Eat It? : NPR

absolutely not!! i believe we are already fed WAY too many synthetic substitutes, i will not surrender my meat to be made in a lab for me; i want it to grow from breathing and eating... the way it should be. i think their scientific minds/efforts could be better spent trying to grow organs for transplants, much more needed imho.


Well-Known Member
from what i am understanding, most vegans are vegan because they feel the killing of animals is wrong?? why then are non-killing products, (milk, cheese) not eaten also? and are there any of you who became a vegan for health purposes and not "animal rights" purposes??
Because the non-killing industries are still cruel.

To start with the cows have to be kept in a state of constant pregnancy. Birth, 10 months lactating and then we "artificially inseminate" them again. Also, isn't artificial inseminate just a nice word for fist fucking animals or bestiality for money? Anyways the females calves that are born as a result become dairy cows and the males are sold to the veal industry which, as you know, is pretty damn nasty. So buying milk and cheese helps support the veal industry.

This cycle is hard on the cows and they are effectively worthless after 4-5 years and they are then sold as very cheap meat for your McDonald's and the like. So subsidizing cheap meat is another reason.

And lastly, I have no desire to drink milk. I'm not sucking on a barnyard animal's teets...even through an intermediary.

The whole milk is good for calcium is complete bullshit. It doesn't work like that. American's drink more milk than all but a few countries in the world and we have the highest rates of osteoporosis in the world. Hmmmmmm?

Just like the OJ industry and Vitamin C. There are many other better sources of Vitamin C than oranges, but they have very good industry marketing....just like milk.


Because the non-killing industries are still cruel.

To start with the cows have to be kept in a state of constant pregnancy. Birth, 10 months lactating and then we "artificially inseminate" them again. Also, isn't artificial inseminate just a nice word for fist fucking animals or bestiality for money? Anyways the females calves that are born as a result become dairy cows and the males are sold to the veal industry which, as you know, is pretty damn nasty. So buying milk and cheese helps support the veal industry.

This cycle is hard on the cows and they are effectively worthless after 4-5 years and they are then sold as very cheap meat for your McDonald's and the like. So subsidizing cheap meat is another reason.

And lastly, I have no desire to drink milk. I'm not sucking on a barnyard animal's teets...even through an intermediary.

The whole milk is good for calcium is complete bullshit. It doesn't work like that. American's drink more milk than all but a few countries in the world and we have the highest rates of osteoporosis in the world. Hmmmmmm?

Just like the OJ industry and Vitamin C. There are many other better sources of Vitamin C than oranges, but they have very good industry marketing....just like milk.

cool... i agree with you about the milk thing; i feel that we aren't supposed to drink milk of other species when we make our own.... but after the age of two that is not socially acceptable...

we bought "bee movie" the other day for our son, and my wife and i have been talking about this thread, (she didnt know what vegan/veg diff was either) and she was wondering about honey... is that okay for the vegan diet or no??


Well-Known Member
cool... i agree with you about the milk thing; i feel that we aren't supposed to drink milk of other species when we make our own.... but after the age of two that is not socially acceptable...

we bought "bee movie" the other day for our son, and my wife and i have been talking about this thread, (she didnt know what vegan/veg diff was either) and she was wondering about honey... is that okay for the vegan diet or no??
There isn't a set answer. It's a personal thing and some people do and some people don't.


Well-Known Member
cool... i agree with you about the milk thing; i feel that we aren't supposed to drink milk of other species when we make our own.... but after the age of two that is not socially acceptable...

we bought "bee movie" the other day for our son, and my wife and i have been talking about this thread, (she didnt know what vegan/veg diff was either) and she was wondering about honey... is that okay for the vegan diet or no??
No but not for any reason, I just have never tried/bought it.


Active Member
how can it help with allergies and to what I am really interested as we have had a small bee farm for years.

doesn't cannabis have some of the hardest to find amino acids??

also organic is the way to go, and its so easy just start a small garden in your backyard and the savings will quickly add up. :)

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
honey is good stuff. nutritionally superior to processed sugar causes a slow blood sugar spike so people with mild diebeties can sometimes use small amounts and is high in b vitamins and does not spoil just dont give to infants under 2 years it contains weak strains of botulism that babies immune systems cant handle. i love honey. yes the ultimate supplement would be human milk i have thought about this many times if i had a source i would drink it with honey for recovery mostly i gross poeple out on this one but i would certainly use human milk if it was available:mrgreen:


honey is good stuff. nutritionally superior to processed sugar causes a slow blood sugar spike so people with mild diebeties can sometimes use small amounts and is high in b vitamins and does not spoil just dont give to infants under 2 years it contains weak strains of botulism that babies immune systems cant handle. i love honey. yes the ultimate supplement would be human milk i have thought about this many times if i had a source i would drink it with honey for recovery mostly i gross poeple out on this one but i would certainly use human milk if it was available:mrgreen:

its available if you really want it... look around online, averages around $2 an ounce.
if you do it....let us know:mrgreen:. i'm sure that will be worth talking about

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
no shit about human milk? im on it like flies on shit i will google cool. post any info if you find any thanks dehydrated or other i dont care as long as pasterurized(missspelled) or generally safe. pure human growth food real hgh that would be great i have thought about this for years:clap:
im a vegetarian and have been since i was born. i am a wrestler and i need protein so i do drink alot of odwallas and protein powders. and besides. meats gross looking