Firearms Freindly Collective?

*i have clearly been known as one who would serve prison time over witnessing pedophilia.

of course you would, you would grab your camera.

bible thumpers are prolific in their kiddy diddling, empirical evidence does not lie.

wrong again. i would not FILM it. psycho. i think im starting to realize the pattern fully. uncle buck, where you abused, by your gun owning, white father? it sure would answer alot of questions, as your behavior is clearly representative of someone in that scenario. condescension, distrust, detachment, etc.
Man this post gone to shit. So let's all stop using so many negatives words . Buck, did you ever find a reasonable definition of a assualt weapon? That one you posted was really weak. That is like saying a car is four wheel and a engine. For wheels and a engine don't make a car, a folding stock and a bayonet lug does not make a rifle a assualt rifle either. Yes, keep on I including me with the gun nuts and Flying zombie kids (they messed with the wrong guy).



wrong again. i would not FILM it. psycho. i think im starting to realize the pattern fully. uncle buck, where you abused, by your gun owning, white father? it sure would answer alot of questions, as your behavior is clearly representative of someone in that scenario. condescension, distrust, detachment, etc.
gun and knife show this weekend gibraltar mt. clemens. hoping to stock up on 9mm, 380acp, a new ar for me and the wife is in the market for a crossbow. not sure if we r gonna find a decent one there but gonna look nonetheless. may need to make a trip to cabelas or basspro for that one. wish me luck on the ammo though!
really that would suck if it were the truth-

admitting you have a problem(regardless of who caused it) is the first step though.