EaMo's Big Blue (NLxBB) grow- 600w


Active Member
Looks good mo, are you adding any magnesium at all. I use cal/mag+ in soil, but I agree with the other poster that some epsom salts to go along with the calcium and iron is a good way to get it to your girl. Hope you have a nice trip.


Well-Known Member
Cheers mate :D im getting very keen to get home now and check on her!! Not long now, will be home tomorrow arvo!!

The cyco base bloom part A has both calcium and magnesium in it which is more than enough for her. I think the issue is the swinging pH which may be locking them out at some stages during the week, seems to get worse by the end of the week I think...


Active Member
Cheers mate :D im getting very keen to get home now and check on her!! Not long now, will be home tomorrow arvo!!

The cyco base bloom part A has both calcium and magnesium in it which is more than enough for her. I think the issue is the swinging pH which may be locking them out at some stages during the week, seems to get worse by the end of the week I think...
I think that you are correct. I don't do hydro so I don't have the ph up/down issues that you do. I have a reference from another site that has all the different ph lockout values for different elements if you want it. I could pm it to you, or if it's not a problem to post a link from another site on here I'll put it here.


Well-Known Member
All good thanks man, got a cool pic from Flowa's thread back a bit ;)

My issue is, i know what pH it locks it out but it's getting difficult to keep it in the right range for any longer than a day or so and dont really want to keep adjusting every day. Next grow i will also be soaking the shit out of the rockwool to get rid of its basic buffering qualities, ive got a fair idea that may also be contributing to it!


Well-Known Member
Yeah i know, but im still going to soak it next time just to rule it out :)

Well, i got back this afternoon and made a beeline to check out my girl...all i can say is WOW, she has easily doubled in size in the few days ive been gone and is overall looking the same health wise as before i left. I'll be flushing tomorrow so will update with some pics...hope you guys are as impressed as i am :D


Well-Known Member
Here's the update :D

Flushed with semi pH'd water and added the following nutes:
Bloom A and B- 90mL to 30L
Dr Repair- 40mL
Swell- 30mL
B1 Boost- 15mL
Sugar Rush- 30mL
Floralicious- 3mL

As you can see by the pics, she has really started to pack on the weight, she is getting a lot bigger than I was expecting LOL. I'm putting the yellowing down to maybe too much light and the heat may not be escaping. other than that she looks pretty damn good. Adding 8L of fresh semi pH'd (6.4) water on Sunday has helped as when I tested the res last night it was sitting right on 6.0 and it was 6.1 when I left. I've also added another fish tank pump to the res to keep it circulating in the hope it will keep the nutes in dissolution and help with the pH swing.

Anyway, here are the pics!!



Active Member
Dude - bigger than you expected is a happy problem to have! Those colas are definitely swelling nicely. Must have been a real treat to unzip the tent after being away and see the progress. Kudos!


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah mate, I was stressing the whole time I was away and to come home to this was just unreal :D Definitely a good system to use and easy to leave for a few days!! To see all the resin on her was amazing too, she's really packing it on :)


New Member
Hell yeah mate, I was stressing the whole time I was away and to come home to this was just unreal :D Definitely a good system to use and easy to leave for a few days!! To see all the resin on her was amazing too, she's really packing it on :)
Gotta agree great system, just don't forget to open your return line after flushing or you'll end up with 20 litres of water in your tent. That's what I came home to last night!

I was so fucking angry I forgot to turn a valve 45 degreesto the left!


Well-Known Member
Oh Ech, i have to laugh because i did the exact same thing a few weeks ago :lol: it took me almost an hour to soak up all the nutes off the floor of the tent :( i was lucky it didnt get into my fans or i would've had a fire on my hands! Hope you got yours sorted out mate :)


New Member
Oh Ech, i have to laugh because i did the exact same thing a few weeks ago :lol: it took me almost an hour to soak up all the nutes off the floor of the tent :( i was lucky it didnt get into my fans or i would've had a fire on my hands! Hope you got yours sorted out mate :)
funny now Mo, wasn't last night at 1030. :lol: I moved everything out, dried it then washed it and put it back...

took me about an hour too, I was just lucky the missus helped me out, and I was literally gonna start scroggin today. So i'm lucky it happended now not later, and I CANNOT SAY ENOUGH about the FLOOR LINERS for TENTS... FUCKING GODSEND...


Well-Known Member
Sounds like if you do it long enough you'll always have some type of mishap, I'm bad about spilling things or second guessing which lid goes where... Absent minded, have no reason why ;-)


Well-Known Member
funny now Mo, wasn't last night at 1030. :lol: I moved everything out, dried it then washed it and put it back...

took me about an hour too, I was just lucky the missus helped me out, and I was literally gonna start scroggin today. So i'm lucky it happended now not later, and I CANNOT SAY ENOUGH about the FLOOR LINERS for TENTS... FUCKING GODSEND...
Yeah agreed man, i was bloody ropeable when it happened but can now laugh about it. Now the first thing i check os the damn return pipe lol. Today i forgot to hook the pump back up so lucky i checked her this arvo just before her feed ;)

Yeah those tent liners are a definite godsend too :D


Well-Known Member
Sounds like if you do it long enough you'll always have some type of mishap, I'm bad about spilling things or second guessing which lid goes where... Absent minded, have no reason why ;-)
LOL yep, always something, you only hope its just something minor though ;)

Too funny, i get a bit absent minded as well hey, got me buggered why too :lol:

Chipper Pig

Well-Known Member
Gotta agree great system, just don't forget to open your return line after flushing or you'll end up with 20 litres of water in your tent. That's what I came home to last night!

I was so fucking angry I forgot to turn a valve 45 degreesto the left!
Hey i have done the same thing this run, about week 3 of grow. But i went one step further and forgot to plug the water pump in to timer, left them for 5 days before i noticed. Then flooded my room. Just a bit of wilting and yellowing. There fine now of course!!

Your plant is looking great Mo. Sparkling with resin:grin:


Active Member
Looking great mo!! I love the resin on the leaves man very impressive. I've not had any flooding just cause I DWC but one day I'll have the money to make the switch. Anyways looking beautiful over there main!!

Oo S0uP oO

Active Member
Looking great mo!! I love the resin on the leaves man very impressive. I've not had any flooding just cause I DWC but one day I'll have the money to make the switch. Anyways looking beautiful over there main!!

Guys, imagine a 49 site cap ebb and flow flood........ and it utilizes the same barb fittings I do! I would love to see a mess like that as long as it wasnt my room.-S0uP