Hey flow,
Missed a bit of your action from the past few months, but looks like your doing great. I am now following in your footsteps, having changed one of my systems to the hemp bucket. Watched my rdwc system side by side for only a week and ripped out the rdwc. The health of my hempy plant was so drastically noticeable I was sold.
Ps if you feel your ears burning don't worry, it's just me saying to friends- this dude on the Internet...
good to see you back! great to hear also on your new method of growing
It works wonders on my flush sessions, I have never run it continuously but thanks for explaining why its not a good idea to do so. Do you or any body else know what the working ingredient is in drip clean? I would like to make some of that for cheap, Ive heard really good things. Thanks for settin me straight bout the dex, I guess it would in a sense be like adding carbs or molasses to a sterile res and sure to feed the bad guys and give you slime

Glad everything worked out with the ring! How long before she gets put in the main tent?-S0uP
ahh, flush sessions, i get you now. Drip clean is basically the same as flora-kleen, very hard to find ALL the active ingredients even on the msds site. BUT there is a little garden secret..... But i'm not good at keeping them. Obviously. So... I think the key to 'flushing' the excess salts is to change the molecular form surrounding the root zone. Putting it simply, going from a nitrogen rich zone to a phosphorous and potassium rich zone, the phosphorous will increase girth and help fatten the flowers ( calyxs ) and the potassium ripens and finishes things off. As far as my experience goes anyway

It's the Nitrogen you MOSTLY don't want, which gives the dark green in leaves, but its ok to have some! (Nitrogen rich buds are often harsh or hotter to smoke.) More importantly though Phos & Pot help salts break down and when you give the plant an excess of this to its maximum availability it will try to finish. Too much and she may want to seed but get it JUST right and you get the point... Phosphorous and potassium are flushed from a perlite system VERY easily, i've see the results, tasted, tested so i say rule of thumb if you get the right change over points with the nutrient path ie: going from nitrogen rich ( for vegging ) then to a potassium for flowering the plant, then you want the flowers to get fat right? so we goto phosphorous, this is the magic i like to say

so (swell) if in cycos schedule.
sorry for the long reply, but i think there's some info in there useful to a few perhaps,
the active ingredients are PHOSPHORIC ACID (same as your ph up) or already formulated WITH added bonusses ( SWELL from cyco )
and potassium oxide.... sounds very similar to your ph up doesn't it now .... sodium HYDROXIDE, but its actually POTASSIUM HYDROXIDE which is NOT primarily taken up by a plant, BUT aids in cleaning roots of salt. There you go
This is basic plant horticulture for most soft cell plants.
EDIT : oh yeah, shes in the tent already

getting burnt tips and all

and i'm calm as chong and my inspection is tomorrow. I love life, and weed helps with that so much!! i get a bit of a rush now, i think its nerves but i set things up so it looks inconspicuous and the next day comes along