colorado 420 rally....and gunfire? WTF?


Well-Known Member
There are an awful lot of self-righteous conservatives with very tight puckered sphincters.


Well-Known Member
Intoxicated, disgruntled DEA agent obviously.

That is what i assumed. A pissed of civilian not wanting the recreational usage and medicinal usage to be present in Co and ruined it. Fucking faggots!!!

Also, you would think with a crowd of 80,000 they would stomp the shit outta the dude for a fucking buzz kill.


Active Member
Not all smokers are peaceful people. Some of us are on our toes at all times needing to bring firearms to protect ourselves from all the threats out there. We use our guns to settle disputes and keep the peace.


Well-Known Member
If it had been a liquor rally with 80,000 the fool with a gun would have got the shit kicked out of him instantly.

Its not often I think, hey, that crowd was too high!


Well-Known Member
thanks allot fuckers now we have to deal with people thinking pot heads are gun slingers who want violence and destruction.


Not all smokers are peaceful people. Some of us are on our toes at all times needing to bring firearms to protect ourselves from all the threats out there. We use our guns to settle disputes and keep the peace.
Guns are obviously the best way to keep the peace...... :roll:
And i can't really be the only one that thought that someone finally found Finny, and he was the one getting shot at....


Well-Known Member
Not all smokers are peaceful people. Some of us are on our toes at all times needing to bring firearms to protect ourselves from all the threats out there. We use our guns to settle disputes and keep the peace.
then some of us need to take our shit elsewhere and go shoot the fuck out of each other somewhere innocent law abiding people aren't involved. fucking gangsters.

Rare D MI

New Member
If this was in Detroit, it wouldn't have even been on the news... It's way overblown. Someone got shot in the leg, boohoo.


And thats why we live in Colorado, not Michigan . Things like this don't happen all the time here like they do there.
Your kidding right?? Your state just passed anti 2nd amendment laws, "because" of the two mass shootings there. Good luck protecting yourself and your family. Marijuana is legal so who cares about guns is the attitude most CO residents seem to have.


Well-Known Member
Looks like we were creating threads at the same time...
I wish someone would have busted a triple thick heavyweight glass bong over this ignorant fucktards head.


Active Member
Now resinhead you know it and we all know it you can't just bust a bong over their head you have to shoot them. The only way to stop violence is with more guns.