911 Revisited Poll

911 Happened Because

  • Shit happened like they say...

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Someone dropped the ball...

    Votes: 5 14.3%
  • They knew in advance but let it happen...

    Votes: 7 20.0%
  • The official story is a fairytale...

    Votes: 20 57.1%

  • Total voters


New Member
arguing with brainwashed stoner's is so funny your so high you could not do a 2 second google search and find out that the rothschild's own reuter's and associated press lazy ...

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
hmm and it really looks like your government give's two shits about them 3000 people ? not atall they could care less so much so that they couldnt even come out and tell the truth they covered it up so they could use that so they can go invade and make themselfs even richer ??? they dont give a crap about you or them people ... so get your head out of the sand

many 911 victims familys came out and said it was a inside job ................. even they know deceit when they see it ................
wake up
wake up
wake up
and there is is. the Troofer mating call.

sheeple sheeple wake up wake up wake up sheeple sheeple wake up.

you can tell spring is in the air when the Troofers chirp out their distinctive call.


New Member
for somebody who doesnt hate jews you sure do hate a lot of people, and call them Jews pretty often...

maybe you should examine your own life and see if maybe YOU arent the one spitting venom, and if maybe YOU arent the one who is off track.
because they are jew's ...... if i where talking about the pope i would say catholic .......... if i where talking about Saudis i would say muslims ...... fucking hell when was it considered "anti semetic" to call jewish people jew's ?? LOLOLOLOLOL


Active Member
I think that people just cannot believe that an underground terrorist group got the jump on us so badly and that our government was too incompetent to stop it. So people invent a conspiracy.


Well-Known Member
hmm and it really looks like your government give's two shits about them 3000 people ? not atall they could care less so much so that they couldnt even come out and tell the truth they covered it up so they could use that so they can go invade and make themselfs even richer ??? they dont give a crap about you or them people ... so get your head out of the sand

many 911 victims familys came out and said it was a inside job ................. even they know deceit when they see it ................
wake up
wake up
wake up
You're the one that needs waking up. Which brings me to 9/11. The first thing missing is "motive". Assuming "we" did it, what was the goal? To destabilize the region and drive up gas prices? To use it as an excuse to stumble into a political quagmire? I don't think so. We already had plenty of justification to go after Osama and the Taliban. 9/11 wasn't used as justification to go after Saddam either. We did that without ever staging an attack on us from him. He was walking and quacking like a duck so we shot him.

a 9/11 style conspiracy would be much more difficult than an assasination. It would involve many more people and would take much longer to plan which makes it less likely already. Why didn't we stop it? Because we were caught off guard. We weren't expecting it. We don't just fly military jets all over the place all the time to defend the borders. We launch them when we see a threat. Coming from outside the country there is plenty of warning. Here, we didn't even know for sure what was happening till the second jet hit. With thousands of jets in the skies, even launching jets to intercept takes time and they have to identify which of the thousands of jets are the targets.

So you take off knowing there have been two jets crashed in New York into a civilian target and there MIGHT be more hijacked commercial jets out amongst the thousands of jets in the air. Which ones do you shoot at? Which targets do you defend? The next target could be the pentagon, or Coney Island, The White House, or a ball game.


New Member
and there is is. the Troofer mating call.

sheeple sheeple wake up wake up wake up sheeple sheeple wake up.

you can tell spring is in the air when the Troofers chirp out their distinctive call.
i couln't help but laugh at that that was funny, im going to stop banging my head against the wall trying to wake up people who are pro's at growing weed maybe if this convocation was between me and somone with a college ged then it may of been constructive but ....


New Member
You're the one that needs waking up. Which brings me to 9/11. The first thing missing is "motive". Assuming "we" did it, what was the goal? To destabilize the region and drive up gas prices? To use it as an excuse to stumble into a political quagmire? I don't think so. We already had plenty of justification to go after Osama and the Taliban. 9/11 wasn't used as justification to go after Saddam either. We did that without ever staging an attack on us from him. He was walking and quacking like a duck so we shot him. a 9/11 style conspiracy would be much more difficult than an assasination. It would involve many more people and would take much longer to plan which makes it less likely already. Why didn't we stop it? Because we were caught off guard. We weren't expecting it. We don't just fly military jets all over the place all the time to defend the borders. We launch them when we see a threat. Coming from outside the country there is plenty of warning. Here, we didn't even know for sure what was happening till the second jet hit. With thousands of jets in the skies, even launching jets to intercept takes time and they have to identify which of the thousands of jets are the targets. So you take off knowing there have been two jets crashed in New York into a civilian target and there MIGHT be more hijacked commercial jets out amongst the thousands of jets in the air. Which ones do you shoot at? Which targets do you defend? The next target could be the pentagon, or Coney Island, The White House, or a ball game.
And then faking Osama videos? Well, Osama has been after us a long time.
hahahaha nice copy and paste you did their dummy


Well-Known Member
hmm and it really looks like your government give's two shits about them 3000 people ? not atall they could care less so much so that they couldnt even come out and tell the truth they covered it up so they could use that so they can go invade and make themselfs even richer ??? they dont give a crap about you or them people ... so get your head out of the sand

many 911 victims familys came out and said it was a inside job ................. even they know deceit when they see it ................
wake up
wake up
wake up
your being a fuckwit...


New Member
hahaha dumb american's are the funniest people to attack with truth they can't handle it so they say "anti semite" hahahaha enjoy your nightly new's and you tv dinner's with the wife hahahahahahahahahaha ....

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
arguing with brainwashed stoner's is so funny your so high you could not do a 2 second google search and find out that the rothschild's own reuter's and associated press lazy ...
ZOMG!!! U meen rich pple own $$$ corporations??? ZOMG!! ZOMG ZOMG!!!

U R teh bestest Troofer EVR!!

Imma put this shit on my twatter feed right now. mind=blown

who knew, rich ppl own businesses which make them rich. 4mazng.

you think youre being oh so daring and bold. but in faxct youre the sheep blindly following the herd, just a herd that follows the wrong shepherd.
blaming others for everything that disappoints you may seem like a good idea, but it's just foolish scapegoating.

believing only you can see the Troof because youre so clever is just another symptom of psychosis.

next stop on your crazy-train: Gianni Versace Must Die.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
i couln't help but laugh at that that was funny, im going to stop banging my head against the wall trying to wake up people who are pro's at growing weed maybe if this convocation was between me and somone with a college ged then it may of been constructive but ....
a college GED??

imma have to get me one o' dem!


New Member
ZOMG!!! U meen rich pple own $$$ corporations??? ZOMG!! ZOMG ZOMG!!!

U R teh bestest Troofer EVR!!

Imma put this shit on my twatter feed right now. mind=blown

who knew, rich ppl own businesses which make them rich. 4mazng.

you think youre being oh so daring and bold. but in faxct youre the sheep blindly following the herd, just a herd that follows the wrong shepherd.
blaming others for everything that disappoints you may seem like a good idea, but it's just foolish scapegoating.

believing only you can see the Troof because youre so clever is just another symptom of psychosis.

next stop on your crazy-train: Gianni Versace Must Die.
well actually iv been arguing to some guy who was denying that statement


Well-Known Member
hahaha dumb american's are the funniest people to attack with truth they can't handle it so they say "anti semite" hahahaha enjoy your nightly new's and you tv dinner's with the wife hahahahahahahahahaha ....
Why don't you provide some? I mean facts. You are attacking us with bullshit, no facts in evidence.