4 Plant 600W grow


Well-Known Member
Forgot to mention I also painted the inside of the pots with Microkote, which is the same thing as SpinOut I believe.


First read about it here:


Kind of an interesting thread actually as it seems someone ripped off some writing and pics of Uncle Ben

Does it work, hell who knows since I don't have a control. I may do some side by side tests with some outdoor potted plants this summer. But I did enough reading on it that it got me to buy some, I know root bound plants come to a screeching halt.


Well-Known Member
Shalom Aimaim, I too use microkote....it works great. ever popped out the root ball and look ? Awesome. Your grow is getting to become exciting and a good learning experience for me. I know you are getting pumped closing towards harvest!


Well-Known Member
Thanks edyah, no I never popped it out, I'll have to wait till harvest to see what is going on there!

I started topping and fimming at about 3 weeks (4 nodes). I then added LST and a little bit of supercropping. I continued this until about a week after I switched to 12/12 then have left them alone.

Since I was growing 3 different strains and I had no idea how tall they would get my goal was to keep them the same height to get full use of light to all of them. Kind of like a SOG. It seems to have worked well.


Well-Known Member
I looked through your journal and didn't see anything about the height above the plants you keep your light, I'm keeping mine about 12", I worry about burnin them, but temps taken on buds with infared are never above 75 :)
The 600W HPS cool tube is probably 15" above canopy, I could get it closer with no heat damage but I need the height to get the light footprint spread out enough.


Well-Known Member
That is one hell of a grow. First rate. I am sold on your system. I love the idea of the MGO/FF OF. I am going to try this. Can you tell me about your water? Do you adjust your ph? Water with minerals? I am very impressed. You know what the hell is up. I am waiting for an order from attitude that has 5 GH WR freebies. I ordered GH 3 mix packs too. I have a bunch of happy frog left. 6 bags. What would you do? Thank you for the info. I will be following for sure.


Well-Known Member
Do you adjust your ph? Water with minerals? I am very impressed. You know what the hell is up. I am waiting for an order from attitude that has 5 GH WR freebies. I ordered GH 3 mix packs too. I have a bunch of happy frog left. 6 bags. What would you do? Thank you for the info. I will be following for sure.
I don't adjust pH, don't even know my water's pH. If you grow in soil and add dolomite your medium will be buffered to somewhere around 6-7. I'm not sure what you are asking about watering w/minerals. I use MG regular and orchid every watering, w/cal-mag every watering as well. I start 1/4 strength nutes about a week after plants germinate, and by 1 month old they are on full strength, every watering. So I'm growing in MG which they say is too hot, with some FFOF which is supposedly too hot for seedlings, and fertilizing with MG which is "shit nutes" and fertilizing every watering, which is "too much", but by plants are thriving. Go figure.


Well-Known Member
Not going to up-pot for flower, I think we have plenty of root room.

As far as soils I use a base 50/50 mix of MG Organic and Fox Farm OF plus a healthy dose of perlite and dolomite. And MG ferts. Anybody care to stick around to the end and see what the wicked Miracle Grow can do? As you can see under the current MG regime they are struggling to survive.
Wanna see a what my 7 week old plants look like NOT using MG? :hump:

Just giving ya shit. Nice plants. Looking awesome.



Well-Known Member
Wanna see a what my 7 week old plants look like NOT using MG?

Awesome looking grow in your sig TAV, kudos!

You guys who know how to do hydro can sure pull off some nice stuff. Myself I'm not even tempted to try it, pretty much an old school dirt farmer, although this is my first time growing a full round 100% indoors. Been outdoors since the late 70's.


Well-Known Member
OK, weekly Sunday update here. Summary: seeds went in soil late Jan and emerged about Jan 28. 6 weeks veg with heavy training to keep canopy short and even, 5 weeks since going 12/12 and about 3 weeks since buds started seriously presenting themselves.

Pics are labeled as to strain. Everything still going well, nice color, good vigor, buds plumped up considerably the last 7 days. I've started pulling a very few interior and lower leaves that are petering out, but that's to be expected at this point. Thinking at least 4 more weeks on all strains, but who knows, I'm in no hurry, they will probably ripen slightly different.

Only thing I'm a little puzzled about is I got minimal stretch or vertical growth after switching to 12/12. Some, but nowhere near the "doubling in size" during flower. Maybe should have let them veg a bit longer but what the hell, I'll get plenty of smoke off this first round, just growing for myself and wife and if it's quality will last us a long time.

Also tossed in a pic of three I started to set outside, 12 days old.... doubt I'll ever be able to go a season without at least a couple of outdoor plants, it gets in your blood. Anyway there are 2 Durban Poison (got 850g off two DP's outside last year during a major drought and heat wave all summer. Also a Sleestack X Skunk I got as a freebie from SoS. I don't have a clue what this is but we'll see what it does outside this summer. White residue is from a little liquid sevin I hit two of them with as they had a little critter nibbling on them.

Here ya go:April_21 001.jpgApril_21 002.jpgApril_21 004.jpgApril_21 005.jpgApril_21 006.jpgApril_21 007.jpgApril_21 008.jpgApril_21 009.jpgApril_21 010.jpgApril_21 011.jpgApril_21 012.jpg


Well-Known Member
Put the things to bed. Here's a couple pics if them under the yellow light. My grow area is 5' wide and these 4 pretty much fill it up. I think 4 plants is pretty much perfect for the 600W tube the way I trained them.

Anyway enjoy, comments, suggestions, opinions welcomed!

Peace - AIM

April21_2 001.jpgApril21_2 002.jpg


New Member
Officially a fan bossman :joint:

Hats off to you for this being your first true indoor! :clap:
You obviously have learned the language of of your plants!

I can't believe they look SO GOOD and you're using an entire MG line up!
I officially never wanna hear ppl talking shit about it anymore hahah!

So.....as far as you being confused about the minimal stretch, you've done your thing as far as training the plant goes, so your node spacing has remained tight! I feel like the plants are done growing vertically after wk5 flower...some maybe week 4.
And I feel like you got another month to month and a half to go bro. And when you see what you yield, its not gonna be surprising to you as your an outdoor guy, but I'm sure i'll be surprised.
You'll have a better idea where you are once your buds really start balloning and the pistils start changing in numbers!

And you're working with 600w which is arguably the best when it comes to HPS, so between that and your training damn man....

You got 30 years growing on me lol, so it's kinda intimidating even thinking about giving you advice lol, so I won't do that, I'll just offer my opinions haha!

And I'm about to throw some white widow pics up here in a minute! mine is in the last week of life!

Ps, do you ever feel like you taste the MG product in the end result? After all these years you've had to notice some subtle differences in the purity of the smoke. And Im pretty sure I cover the whole PM here lol! But yeah I'm about to toss those pics other brother. GREAT JOB! You can expect MONSTER COLAS! Just don't pull them early! WW is supposedly one of those strains that does a last in the final week! The harvest window is a good one too!
I'd say it's at least 14 days, which is a long for indy dominant! :peace:


Well-Known Member
I can't believe they look SO GOOD and you're using an entire MG line up!
I officially never wanna hear ppl talking shit about it anymore hahah!

You got 30 years growing on me lol, so it's kinda intimidating even thinking about giving you advice lol, so I won't do that, I'll just offer my opinions haha!

Ps, do you ever feel like you taste the MG product in the end result? After all these years you've had to notice some subtle differences in the purity of the smoke.
Thanks for the nice post.

Yeah MG works fine for me. I don't need to squeeze every ounce of horsepower out of the plants, it's growin' to smoke and never had a shortage. Never noticed a taste difference, my outdoor grows always stack up against or surpass most weed. What do you think is in MG nutes that isn't in other ferts?

I'm kind of an old school guy when it comes to ferts. Nitrogen is taken up in 2 forms, NH4 and NO3. P is taken up as P205, K as K20. Pretty much no matter what brand you use, it is ultimately taken up by the plants in these 4 forms. Brand X supplies the same stuff as Brand Y, just different concentrations and ratios and maybe added micros, vitamins or amino acids. Just my opinion based on my understanding, but fert isn't like bourbon, there's not rotgut and top shelf. It's all the same chemicals being supplied.

As for the 30 year head start, that doesn't mean anything. I learn new stuff constantly, every day I hope. There's a lot of good info out there, just gotta learn to pick up the wheat and leave the chaff.

Peace - AIM


New Member
I don't use liquid ferts boss I use organic ferts and do the soil up nicely, then I just water my girls and give them compost teas when I want to.
So to answer the question what do I think is diff about them, IDK boss. Couldn't say.

And that's what's up about the 30yr difference.
I just know you've probably observed things that I've yet to! But good you feel that way man.
I learn as much as I can daily too! I'm just filling my head up with everything soil and plant growth for now.
In about 6-7 months I'll be filling my head up with everything breeding!

Posted those White Widow pics too boss :peace:


Well-Known Member
I just know you've probably observed things that I've yet to! But good you feel that way man.
Yeah I have some pretty good tales over the years. Had a utility company top our plants in the 70's because they were growing into a phone line, had a state cop stop at my house and ask for directions and he wandered around my veggie garden admiring it and walked within 10' of a dozen plants in the brush, did a harvest at night, across a lake via canoe. Took 3 of us all night till 5am and we went out under the cover of darkness with a literal canoe load of rough trimmed plants. Good times!

I read a lot of stuff on here that just flies in the face of my experience. "MG nutes suck, MG soil sucks, water drops on leaves burn them (a favorite), nute then water plain twice, evaporate your chlorine, rRO water, misting your plants makes them weak and clogs the leaves, gotta flush, gotta have pH between 6.375 and 6.559," etc etc etc. So call me jaded or skeptical or just an old fart who can't learn new tricks. But I been around this plant long enough to know it's one tough son of a bitch and will do everything under the sun to stay alive. It doesn't need to be coddled like a rare orchid.


New Member
"But I been around this plant long enough to know it's one tough son of a bitch and will do everything under the sun to stay alive. It doesn't need to be coddled like a rare orchid."

Which is all that matter boss!


Yeah I have some pretty good tales over the years. Had a utility company top our plants in the 70's because they were growing into a phone line, had a state cop stop at my house and ask for directions and he wandered around my veggie garden admiring it and walked within 10' of a dozen plants in the brush, did a harvest at night, across a lake via canoe. Took 3 of us all night till 5am and we went out under the cover of darkness with a literal canoe load of rough trimmed plants. Good times!

I read a lot of stuff on here that just flies in the face of my experience. "MG nutes suck, MG soil sucks, water drops on leaves burn them (a favorite), nute then water plain twice, evaporate your chlorine, rRO water, misting your plants makes them weak and clogs the leaves, gotta flush, gotta have pH between 6.375 and 6.559," etc etc etc. So call me jaded or skeptical or just an old fart who can't learn new tricks. But I been around this plant long enough to know it's one tough son of a bitch and will do everything under the sun to stay alive. It doesn't need to be coddled like a rare orchid.
Haha, thats pretty stuff funny right there. I also observed the various ideas on the net about plant care after starting my first indoor with 600W recently and some seemed excessive or odd. But then when ya think some people are growing their own supply of medicine, or just connoisseurs. i guess the pursuit of excellence takes over the heart. I admit i was enamored with all the gadgets and have spent enough already, i just had too step back a bit and realize theirs a million ways too crack an egg. Im doing 2 Arjan Haze #3 and 4 Chill OM along with a few bagseed and a few of mandalas safari mix. Put em on 12/12 8 days ago after 30 day veg. Your White Widow looks nice man!! I think alot of people should take note that its not rocket science too get a nice plant, but it can be if you want it too:)


Well-Known Member
nothing wrong with MG when my plants start a nute deficiency i just give them MG for a couple of feeds an it well sorts them out it's high in the n.p.k the plants love,then i switch back to my normal nute an feed MG once every 3-4 weeks to keep any deficiency at bay an it works well very well


Well-Known Member
those cheese plants stinking ur estate out yet,there was a fella growing some cheese in the next street from me an u could smell it all round the estate it's a wonder the police never had him