Club 600


Well-Known Member
Best of luck to you and mrs doobs.

If it doesn't work out with this one there is others trust me. I know you'll find the one. It may not be the first one or the 2nd one, but you will know when it's the right one.

And jesus I really think I was born in the wrong era lol


Well-Known Member
Gonna sample the GDP x Blueberry
Cherry cough syrup smell
Trying to reveg her, but nothing really there...fingers crossed


Well-Known Member
Leave them on 18/6. I've had success doing it this way. I'll just set it in the corner of my veg tent and let it catch ambient light and within 2-3 weeks I start noticing lil single leaves.

Feed them some high N to.


Well-Known Member
so 18/6 is better than 24/0?
Yes, even 20/4. They need a break.

Here's what I do, let me give you a lil run down on what I do when I'm revegging.

Harvest the plant, leaving the bottom 1/4 on it(the more bud sites left the faster it reveges)
X-plant into new soil giving her room for new growth. Feed high N as they are reviving themselves. You wanna make sure she never starves N and want to keep all leaves.
Place in corner of 18/6,20/4 veg tent. Foilar feed with tea 1 time during reveg.


Well-Known Member
Yes, even 20/4. They need a break.

Here's what I do, let me give you a lil run down on what I do when I'm revegging.

Harvest the plant, leaving the bottom 1/4 on it(the more bud sites left the faster it reveges)
X-plant into new soil giving her room for new growth. Feed high N as they are reviving themselves. You wanna make sure she never starves N and want to keep all leaves.
Place in corner of 18/6,20/4 veg tent. Foilar feed with tea 1 time during reveg.
She has no water/fan leaves so I dont know if she an make it honestly

Ill transplant her tomorrow though


Well-Known Member
There's a good chance that the stub will grow a new branch site.
Will start as a tiny little micro leaf.
If that happens, don't give up on it as that's all it needs.
So long as the root system is kept healthy, it'll make it and reveg.
I'm going to reveg the M1 that's got the purple flowers so I can have it as a mother plant.
Will leave a lot of little popcorn bud sites when I harvest it, and then put it back into 18/6 lighting.
And, after we move into a house, and I have my little growspace partitioned off in the garage, I'm going to work on learning how to graft different strains onto one mother plant.
Only allowed to have 6 mature plants in Oregon under the mmj program here, so want a big mother plant with 4 to 6 different strains grafted to it to take clones from.
Theoretically if it were a big enough mother plant, the grafted branches could then have other strains grafted to them, so you could have a whole bunch of different strains ready to clone off of one plant.
That way I can grow 5 big plants, and keep a multi-strain mama on the side to provide a little variety.
Going to get a light mover for the flowering space, too.
Lots of plans for when we are homeward bound.



Well-Known Member
If she has any bud sites you have a chance. Never hurts to try. I hadd one that I just left out in the grow room and never watered and one day I looked at her and she had new growth lol.

Not anything but electricity which you use anyways. So just experiment and learn as you go. That's the best thing bout this hobby


Well-Known Member
Bummer about the camera, dbd.
I haven't spiked it yet, but I've thrown my cell phone down the hallway a few times, bouncing it down the wood flooring and hearing it smack the metal front door 24 feet away.
Don't really know how it's survived.
But, sorry to hear life is giving you reasons to do those things.


Well-Known Member
Morning muckers, weathers turned here today, has been lovely over the last couple of days so I had my girls outside lapping up some sun. Doob's, keeping digits crossed for the housey hunt. Best hurry up, If I come to visit I expect to have my own spare room, lol.

Coming up to 14 weeks for us:)


Well-Known Member
well morning boys, got sum tomoto trelis things yesterday for £1 in pound land and just put them in to start training my blueberry so heres a few pics this morning


Well-Known Member
They do look nifty, fuk me you would never be able to buy anything over here for a Euro! The Dutch are far too tight to seel anything that cheap.

EDIT: In fact I was just ranting to my Dutch friend about how they never actually have sales very often here. All they do is give you extra stuff. So instead of 50% off, you get two pairs of shoes for the price of 1. But what if I want a pair of trousers as well...I have to buy 2....oh ffs.


Well-Known Member
that's a good one aint it! Real detail in that smudge, lol. I think the wing span on my pic looks better as you really get the feeling of it flying. But the detail on that pic is much better around the face plant area, haha.