I meant a user named Cann lol. All these damn typos..
But pretty much the Cann character goes were Rrog does, and posts after him in agreement on either co-signing whatever he's saying.
The two of them got on the compost tea thread and wanna to go on about how compost tea are useless lol...Isn't that trolling?
And I know otherwise so I had to voice my opinion of course..
They have a "no-till" style of gardening which involves giant pots of undisturbed soil, so they grow in a TOTALLY different fashion then I do, but yet hate on what I do.
I don't comment in their "no till" threads, bcuz I'm a guy that finished in 3gal smart pots and I literally work TOTALLY different than they do...To each his own.
But for some reason they've felt the need to let me know that they think compost teas are pointless..I don't get it lol..
I started learning over at Grasscity and the gurus over there use AACTs like every watering lol...
So when they wanted to say blablabla about AACTs, I had to redirect them to grasscity organics.
Doesn't matter tho...these are two guys I'm talking about lol.
The world is on the internet haha. I can't be worried about a couple ppl.
Ppl are ppl.
And best believe I'm gonna keep doing me bro and WE are gonna get better!