The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
yep thats the plan

indoor grow with 6 lights running a monthy thrun around ( 2 lights at a time )
also to supplement the cost then theres the outdoor , theres the plot of land i live on that will have a 3-4 monsters grown on it this year strain unknown as yet , most likely M39 , then theres the woods which is a dead end , the paths that do run though go to nowt so although we are having people coming and going its only dog walkers , given the topography is hilly as a bastard and the woods either side of these paths a private then theres a degree of security growing there , plan is about 30 to 50 plants with approx 10 males as most are clones spread over vrs areas , this should alone pay the rent and given its 20 grand a year i need to be on it thats for sure

tried working for others for years , walked the structure of middle management and all that bullshit , cant get on with the abstract stupidity shown on a collective basis and tend to get stroppy call everyone cunts and walk out , mix in a smudge of psychotic behavior and a few pills to chill me the fuck out then this means im almost unemployable , not interested in being a drain on society so ive changed my name and simply dropped out , im under the radar and only bob to the surface when needed to , fuck working for the man for 50 years for a clock and a grave marker , i wake when i want and im off to las vegas again next year because i can , lifes interesting living this way , work is hard and long for sure but at least you know what you earn you earn without the 30% cut to someone else
cant get a country house wiv no neighbours for miles fer 20 k unless u live in lincolnshire

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
Hi guys, more confusing conflicting information coming my way. CLONES, one book says take the clones in rockwool etc, and don't give them any extra heat and to put them in a warm but not hot location with dim light, eg 6 foot from a window but not in direct sunlight. --------- and another book says take clones as above and put them under a light ?????,---- so whats the deal ?, seems simple but I'm pretty new to cloning and all this conflicting advice is doing my head in.


Well-Known Member
Hi guys, more confusing conflicting information coming my way. CLONES, one book says take the clones in rockwool etc, and don't give them any extra heat and to put them in a warm but not hot location with dim light, eg 6 foot from a window but not in direct sunlight. --------- and another book says take clones as above and put them under a light ?????,---- so whats the deal ?, seems simple but I'm pretty new to cloning and all this conflicting advice is doing my head in.
paste this into google..

ideal environment for cannabis clone

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
Why not mate, never been to Wales but they say its lovely, So is Scotland, and England beats them all for its own pastoral type of beauty. Most boring country Ive been to is Holland, flat as a pancake for as far as you can see.


Well-Known Member
you are becoming one wiv the plant, presumably the green stuff is nt for play time? actually i do not want to hear that answer pmsl
Lol , what r u insinuating ? I smoke it all day every day ! , u could prob count on both hands the days I've not had any weed in the last 10 years ! , I've been using different feeds & stuff this time round & just wonderd if this would cause the green wee ! , had it from eating it b4 , but not smoking it .


Well-Known Member
i dont wanna start any fuss but i think Wales tops scotland fer natural english
West Wales is fucking stunning , & cheap , well it used to be , my m8's got a fucking huge house with 30 acres of fields & woodland in llampeter , fucking cunt !


Well-Known Member
Lol , what r u insinuating ? I smoke it all day every day ! , u could prob count on both hands the days I've not had any weed in the last 10 years ! , I've been using different feeds & stuff this time round & just wonderd if this would cause the green wee ! , had it from eating it b4 , but not smoking it .
shit mate i thought you were jokin! lime green piss is a first for me


Well-Known Member
shit mate i thought you were jokin! lime green piss is a first for me
Lol, I've pissed blood clots b4 today , & kidney stones, lime piss I can live with , back to normal colour now lol, I blame a combination of smoking flash dry weed for last month & 74 cups of strongasulikemegafrapachinos from the tossisimo every day !