Active Member
I like to attack complex problems by getting all simple/Forest Gump. Step 1 would be the easy stuff, like venting the heat from the lights as well as possible with sealed light hoods sucking cool and vented to somewhere else. Step 2 would be getting the room air under control, what I do is just vent it to the garage with a carbon filter on the intake in the grow room. This summer I'll just open a window in the garage and if it gets too warm or smelly I'll run the duct to the attic and route the duct to the gable vent and dump the hot-smelly air into the great outdoors as stealthy as possible. If the room is still too warm it's time to get a split system installed, with the outside part of the system installed outside, not in the garage. My name is Forest. Forest Gump. Hey Chew, you have a lot more experience in this grow stuff than me so I look forward to seeing your solution to this problem. Be sure to not get caught up in the details when the answer is right there.