How do I say goodbye???


Well-Known Member
Today I have to go see off my niece, she just found out she has cancer and yesterday they told her this would be her last week end.
I've been part of her life for the whole short 35 years she's lived, I went to her wedding, sat in the waiting room while she had
her children, everything.
Now I have to go see her for the last time, I went thru this with her Grand parents and now I have to with her...
What do you say???
I just want to go hide till this whole shitty thing passes.. :(:(


Well-Known Member
Not an easy thing to do, but there is this:

"I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright.

I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun more.

I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive.

I wish you enough pain so that the smallest joys in life appear much bigger.

I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting.

I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess.

I wish you enough hellos to get you through the final good-bye."

They say it takes a minute to find a special person. An hour to appreciate them. A day to love them. And an entire life to forget them...

My thoughts are with you today surfr


Well-Known Member
My thoughts are with you man.
I buried 2 parents, 3 grandparents and an uncle in the past 8 years, so I know your pain and emptiness.


New Member
One can never embrace themselves for such , as we all know the void that death brings to the living . It is never easy to say goodbye to a loved one no matter as one looses a part of themselves too .

I can only offer my thoughts and sympathy as I know how this feels and can relate like many others here . Life is not fair as we know and accepting such is never easy in times like this . Hopefully you will realize there really is no such thing as goodbye , it is simply I will see you again in time . I speak Ojibway/Ottawa and in our language we use the word Baamaapii to explain such .. I hope this makes way to her as well as she needs to know that there really are no goodbyes but only new phases that life and the afterlife bring ;)


Well-Known Member
wow i'm so sorry.
tell her you love her and that you will see her again one day soon. let her know it's ok. let her know that all of you will be ok.
we grieve for our loss of that person. they need to know that their loved ones here will be ok when they leave us. make it as easy on her as you can. smile, laugh and cry with her and make the most of your visit by reliving those wonderful times you shared.
be strong for her.
i'm so sorry and am sending prayers your way.


Well-Known Member
Best wishes to you and yours...
You're a tough dude. Go love being with her, laugh, smile, cry, laugh and smile some more and just go love the shit out of her!!!.
My thoughts are with you. I just recently lost a good friend to a horrible accident, I think about him everyday he was only 42.
Come to terms or it will destroy you.
Stay high


Well-Known Member
It's time to get going, I'll be putting on the ole uncle Tim for her..
Thanks for the good thoughts.
It's just hard when the young die and us old farts just keep hanging.

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
It's complicated.
What I would try to tell her, is that were just all part of an extremely complicated life cycle, and no matter what happens.. she can't be afraid.
Tell her you love her.. anything that will make your mind feel at ease and her's as well.
I don't know if she's religious or anything but, I wouldn't bring any of that stuff up.
I don't know.. it's had to say, only YOU know her. Find what's in your heart bro.

I haven't been in any of these type of situtations... Im only 18.
But it's all good. She will pass away, as of any of us, her nutrients will go in the ground, as of any.
It will go back into the cycle, and life will take it too make another great organic being as herself once again, and memory's of happiness and such recycle again.


Active Member
Tough. Be grateful for the opportunity to say goodbye and to let your niece know how much her life has meant to you. The perfect words are the words that come from your heart.


Well-Known Member
Today I have to go see off my niece, she just found out she has cancer and yesterday they told her this would be her last week end.
I've been part of her life for the whole short 35 years she's lived, I went to her wedding, sat in the waiting room while she had
her children, everything.
Now I have to go see her for the last time, I went thru this with her Grand parents and now I have to with her...
What do you say???
I just want to go hide till this whole shitty thing passes.. :(:(
Don't hide dude, just let her know how much you love her.

I know it won't mean much from a stranger on an anomonuous forum but genuinely my thoughts are with you and all your family.

Me & My friend

Well-Known Member
Positive energy to you & yours, to ease the feelings that make you want to hide.

I suggest trying to ease her mind ,at some point, by fulfilling a request. Try to speak of the the things that are still most important to her in the future here. Then do your best to be strong & make her a promise that you know you can keep. If there is something you can do for her in the future.... hopefully fulfilling a request of hers will help to ease your mind also. It's what I hope someone would do for me when its my for my spirit to soar.

She will always be with you so there is no goodbye. With all of the sorrow,anguish & pain removed I hope you both can smile & laugh about good times too.

Let your heart always smile for her again & again, Uncle Tim


Well-Known Member
Oh Dirt this is so very sad. But some way you will know what to say. Just let her know its from your heart. Let me know if I can help in some way.