How do I say goodbye???


Well-Known Member
What an awful thing to happen. Cancer has taken from me too. We always hope that the natural course of life means that we don't out live those who are younger. No-one should have to bury their children. Deepest sympathy.


Well-Known Member
Today I have to go see off my niece, she just found out she has cancer and yesterday they told her this would be her last week end.
I've been part of her life for the whole short 35 years she's lived, I went to her wedding, sat in the waiting room while she had
her children, everything.
Now I have to go see her for the last time, I went thru this with her Grand parents and now I have to with her...
What do you say???
I just want to go hide till this whole shitty thing passes.. :(:(
Oh my goodness, I am so sorry. Just be with her. What you say isn't as important as your presence. Let her know everything will be OK after she's gone. Give her peace of mind about what she's leaving. I wish there was something more I could do for you. :( If you need to talk or anything, my PM box is always open. Praying for her and for your family.