Does anyone want to receive Spiritual Enlightenment?

Ok mindphuk, I have found the one who wants to prove me wrong, congrats, I give you this challenge, PROVE ME WRONG. No Ego, whatsover, there are counter-intuitives placed in my logic, find them, but prove me wrong and I will call myself a fool and you a genius.

1. How do you know with certainty... that your ideas are true?

2. How do you know with certainty that this is not a dream?

The truthful answer to those two simple questions is that you don't know, you can't be sure. But i am sure you will come up with something to avoid acknowledging the right answer.

It's not anyone's responsibility to prove YOU wrong, it's your responsibility to prove YOU right.

How can you be so sure of your ideas.. if you can't even figure out whether or not this is a dream?

1. How do you know with certainty... that your ideas are true?

2. How do you know with certainty that this is not a dream?

The truthful answer to those two simple questions is that you don't know, you can't be sure. But i am sure you will come up with something to avoid acknowledging the right answer.

It's not anyone's responsibility to prove YOU wrong, it's your responsibility to prove YOU right.

How can you be so sure of your ideas.. if you can't even figure out whether or not this is a dream?


Life is a dream, I am the dreamer not the dream, but I do take your point to heart, it is exactly that, my responsibility, unfortunately I have absolutely no interest in proving my point to those who can not see what I am saying.

I am sorry people I have failed you, this is not Paradise it is hell, it is hell I tell you, this is a dead universe tick tick tick. We are just germs crawling on a rock, over evolved monkeys

Oh people just open your eyes lol!!!!!
this is not Paradise it is hell, it is hell I tell you, this is a dead universe tick tick tick. We are just germs crawling on a rock, over evolved monkeys
You are a typical brainwashed religious ratbag.
Ok mindphuk, I have found the one who wants to prove me wrong, congrats, I give you this challenge, PROVE ME WRONG. No Ego, whatsover, there are counter-intuitives placed in my logic, find them, but prove me wrong and I will call myself a fool and you a genius.
So typical of the mindset of the 'believer,' misrepresent any and all criticism of your position as a desire to prove you wrong. Where in my post did I insinuate that was my intended goal? Why can't you just man up and answer the questions like what specifically about Hawking do you dislike?
When people make a claim, it is up to the claimant to convince others that what they are saying has merit. It is not up to those listening to have to prove that what is said is wrong. If you want people to listen to you, you should be offering compelling reasons to do so, and that includes supporting your position with reason and evidence, or at the very least, convincing arguments, otherwise it is just rambling, white noise.

I have an invisible, pink unicorn in the trunk of my car. Prove me wrong.

Holding onto an untenable idea because others cannot prove it wrong does not make it right or truth or even worthy of expression on a pot growing website. Logic 101. Asking me to prove you wrong rather than you taking the time to answer questions and support your position tells me all I need to know about your 'logic' and the merits of your opinions.
So typical of the mindset of the 'believer,' misrepresent any and all criticism of your position as a desire to prove you wrong. Where in my post did I insinuate that was my intended goal? Why can't you just man up and answer the questions like what specifically about Hawking do you dislike?
When people make a claim, it is up to the claimant to convince others that what they are saying has merit. It is not up to those listening to have to prove that what is said is wrong. If you want people to listen to you, you should be offering compelling reasons to do so, and that includes supporting your position with reason and evidence, or at the very least, convincing arguments, otherwise it is just rambling, white noise.

I have an invisible, pink unicorn in the trunk of my car. Prove me wrong.

Holding onto an untenable idea because others cannot prove it wrong does not make it right or truth or even worthy of expression on a pot growing website. Logic 101. Asking me to prove you wrong rather than you taking the time to answer questions and support your position tells me all I need to know about your 'logic' and the merits of your opinions.

Summed up very succinctly. +Rep!
So typical of the mindset of the 'believer,' misrepresent any and all criticism of your position as a desire to prove you wrong. Where in my post did I insinuate that was my intended goal? Why can't you just man up and answer the questions like what specifically about Hawking do you dislike?
When people make a claim, it is up to the claimant to convince others that what they are saying has merit. It is not up to those listening to have to prove that what is said is wrong. If you want people to listen to you, you should be offering compelling reasons to do so, and that includes supporting your position with reason and evidence, or at the very least, convincing arguments, otherwise it is just rambling, white noise.

I have an invisible, pink unicorn in the trunk of my car. Prove me wrong.

Holding onto an untenable idea because others cannot prove it wrong does not make it right or truth or even worthy of expression on a pot growing website. Logic 101. Asking me to prove you wrong rather than you taking the time to answer questions and support your position tells me all I need to know about your 'logic' and the merits of your opinions.

Very well said, and I have absolutely no interest in having you listen to me or to convince of things you do not want to be convinced of, that would be egocentricity, the original question was "Is there anyone who would like to recieve Spiritual Enlightenment", it looks like the answer is no lol!!!!

It's ok people it is really not important
Accepting Jesus Christ is the true path to enlightenment

John 8:12 When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."

Just say "Jesus save me" and believe and receive true enlightenment and gain eternal life in paradise

Organized religion teaches hate and creates division, we would be thousands of years ahead without it
Very well said,and I have absolutely no interest in having you listen to me or to convince of things you do not want to be convinced of, that would be egocentricity, the original question was "Is there anyone who would like to recieve Spiritual Enlightenment", it looks like the answer is no lol!!!!

It's ok people it is really not important
Thank you for the compliment, but it's really just a version of Carl Sagan's dragon in my garage from Demon Haunted World -

I do want to be convinced of cool things like magic and life after death. There are certainly some gods that I would think would be cool if they were real. I would like spiritual enlightenment, that's the point of all of the initial criticism. You claim to offer it but really don't. You have made attempts to possibly explain what you have done but in a way that makes absolutely no sense. It's as if the words you choose mean something else to you at times than how most people use them. You have been given examples. The courteous nature in which you reply at times is definitely a trait that you should strive to keep, it really is a nice change from some of the regulars here. It actually would be great if you get your patience and friendliness from your spirituality, it would make wanting to learn something from you enticing.

I guess what I would love to hear from you is an honest examination of the criticism you have been given and to see if you can try to rephrase and/or expand on some of these concepts. You really have yet to address most of the questions and criticisms. Hopefully, there's enough there that you should find something constructive.

I would like to suggest a book, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. Have you read it?

And for meditation, I really liked Wherever You Go There You Are.
Accepting Jesus Christ is the true path to enlightenment

John 8:12 When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."

Just say "Jesus save me" and believe and receive true enlightenment and gain eternal life in paradise
Has Jesus truly saved you, Jesus was nailed to a cross long long ago, in his words lies salvation, but he will not come down from Heaven and lift you up, his words were meant to give you Eternal Life, but have you truly found it. I mean no offense and if you wish to go this road, then perhaps that is the road you should go.
Organized religion teaches hate and creates division, we would be thousands of years ahead without it

From my book. "Religion and capitalism are perhaps the two most severe and productive evils on the face of the planet, both must fall if humanity is to reach its full potential", we can learn great lessons from both religion and capitalism, but we need to do away with both. "religion and capitalism is not the problem, it is in your Hearts humanity, it is your nature, and if used properly both could work wonders for you"
Thank you for the compliment, but it's really just a version of Carl Sagan's dragon in my garage from Demon Haunted World -

I do want to be convinced of cool things like magic and life after death. There are certainly some gods that I would think would be cool if they were real. I would like spiritual enlightenment, that's the point of all of the initial criticism. You claim to offer it but really don't. You have made attempts to possibly explain what you have done but in a way that makes absolutely no sense. It's as if the words you choose mean something else to you at times than how most people use them. You have been given examples. The courteous nature in which you reply at times is definitely a trait that you should strive to keep, it really is a nice change from some of the regulars here. It actually would be great if you get your patience and friendliness from your spirituality, it would make wanting to learn something from you enticing.

I guess what I would love to hear from you is an honest examination of the criticism you have been given and to see if you can try to rephrase and/or expand on some of these concepts. You really have yet to address most of the questions and criticisms. Hopefully, there's enough there that you should find something constructive.

I would like to suggest a book, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. Have you read it?

And for meditation, I really liked Wherever You Go There You Are.

When I get some time I will go over some of the responses and try to give an ego free analysis of them, I have been pinched and will try to give more insight into the subject, and your opinions are always welcome, I do still have quite the ego, as I mentioned at the start, I try to keep it out as much as possible, it can be detrimental to the message.
I would like to suggest a book, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. Have you read it?

And for meditation, I really liked Wherever You Go There You Are.
I noticed two great Truths expressed here, Zen and the art of motorcycle mechanics, and yes I am speaking about the state of Zen, "No Thought", "No Soul", which may sound very dark to some, but is actually the freedom from darkness. Do not think of Immortality and genius as grandiose things, it is vital if you want to attain Enlightenment to let go of those ideas, it is nothing grandiose at all. "he who exalts himself will be humbled and he who humbles himself will be exalted" Jesus
I am pure country, I work on my truck all the time and can't wait to get another bike, and mechanics or any other skill is much more effecient when practiced in the state of Zen, the Ego is detrimental to anything.

The other great Truth I noticed is, "whereever you go, there you are"

Here's an eye opener for you, a monkey is enlightened, you can not insult a monkey, if you want to learn Enlightenment kids are very good teachers, animals are even better teachers, plants are better teachers still, but the greatest teacher of all is a rock, just Be
For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring. ~Carl Sagan

This is the Truth for me aswell, there is no point in bs, but the Truth always has a purpose, but you have to chew it up real good because it can be hard to swallow, but this I can say from experiece, it will set you free.
I noticed two great Truths expressed here, Zen and the art of motorcycle mechanics, and yes I am speaking about the state of Zen, "No Thought", "No Soul", which may sound very dark to some, but is actually the freedom from darkness. Do not think of Immortality and genius as grandiose things, it is vital if you want to attain Enlightenment to let go of those ideas, it is nothing grandiose at all. "he who exalts himself will be humbled and he who humbles himself will be exalted" Jesus
I am pure country, I work on my truck all the time and can't wait to get another bike, and mechanics or any other skill is much more effecient when practiced in the state of Zen, the Ego is detrimental to anything.

The Ego was necessary for most of the progress mankind has made. Scientists, philosophers, artists, engineers, architects - their work was/is not driven mainly by altruism, but for their own satisfaction, i.e. their egos. The fact that we benefit from their work is incidental. Of course, too much ego or an ego out of balance isn't healthy...

The other great Truth I noticed is, "whereever you go, there you are"

C'mon, dude. I wouldn't consider this a great truth, this is a Mr. Brady bit (at :45 seconds in) -


In fact, a lot of your advice sounds similar to that...

Here's an eye opener for you, a monkey is enlightened, you can not insult a monkey, if you want to learn Enlightenment kids are very good teachers, animals are even better teachers, plants are better teachers still, but the greatest teacher of all is a rock, just Be

If this is your idea of enlightenment, I don't see any rational people choosing to attain it. By your logic, you'd be more enlightened after shooting yourself in the head. Why not explain how plants and rocks are enlightened and good teachers?

For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring. ~Carl Sagan

This is the Truth for me aswell, there is no point in bs, but the Truth always has a purpose, but you have to chew it up real good because it can be hard to swallow, but this I can say from experiece, it will set you free.

It hurts me when you use Sagan in an attempt to legitimize your position. Sagan was a scientist, and 'The Universe as it Really Is' means something entirely different to him than it does to you. He employed the scientific method and empirical evidence to form his beliefs, while you apparently studied something you liked and decided that it was true. You are not even able to adequately explain why you hold your beliefs, much less why anyone should consider them...
The Ego was necessary for most of the progress mankind has made. Scientists, philosophers, artists, engineers, architects - their work was/is not driven mainly by altruism, but for their own satisfaction, i.e. their egos. The fact that we benefit from their work is incidental. Of course, too much ego or an ego out of balance isn't healthy...
Most certainly, the ego is a great driving force and it is a balance, you nailed that on the head, however it is becoming less necessary and can be quite counter productive, the Ego will always be a necessary part of the mind, it is important not to be a coward or to take shit off of people, it does have it's purpose, the thing is it is out of balance and is much more destructive that it is productive, in my "opinion".

I can tell you are a very intelligent person just by this response
The Ego was necessary for most of the progress mankind has made. Scientists, philosophers, artists, engineers, architects - their work was/is not driven mainly by altruism, but for their own satisfaction, i.e. their egos. The fact that we benefit from their work is incidental. Of course, too much ego or an ego out of balance isn't healthy...

C'mon, dude. I wouldn't consider this a great truth, this is a Mr. Brady bit (at :45 seconds in) -

That's hilarious actually lmfao!!!!, hey man you can find wisom in the oddest of places, how the hell do you know that lol!!!!!!
If this is your idea of enlightenment, I don't see any rational people choosing to attain it. By your logic, you'd be more enlightened after shooting yourself in the head. Why not explain how plants and rocks are enlightened and good teachers?

They have no Ego, they have no need of superiority, very good point about being more enlightened after shooting yourself in the head, as a matter of fact you would be lol!!!!!!!!!!!, it's ok you can always choose your own path, I am not trying to force anything on anybody