Zaehet Strife
Well-Known Member
Ok mindphuk, I have found the one who wants to prove me wrong, congrats, I give you this challenge, PROVE ME WRONG. No Ego, whatsover, there are counter-intuitives placed in my logic, find them, but prove me wrong and I will call myself a fool and you a genius.
1. How do you know with certainty... that your ideas are true?
2. How do you know with certainty that this is not a dream?
The truthful answer to those two simple questions is that you don't know, you can't be sure. But i am sure you will come up with something to avoid acknowledging the right answer.
It's not anyone's responsibility to prove YOU wrong, it's your responsibility to prove YOU right.
How can you be so sure of your ideas.. if you can't even figure out whether or not this is a dream?