and conversely, (note my graphs go from left to rioght in the proper direction...)
charts selected solely for their consistency of timeframe, with no regard for whether they support or oppose my conclusion. really i just searched for group-s commodity charts with a 10 year timeframe ending in 2012.
but look, they all follow the same path, up up up up fall back round 2009 (hope and change for the win of course...) then up up up for the sky!
corn wheat soya, palm oil, crude oil,, gold silver platinum palladium etc, all moving together,
or is it the dollar moving, while everything else stands still.
i know it's heresy but maybe, just maybe, the dollar is not at the center of the universe.
maybe, JUUUUUST maybe GOLD is the value that everything else, including the dollar orbits.
lets keep this between you and me though, dont let Pope Geithner hear about this theory or ill be sent to the inquisition.
How much has demand for commodities grown in Asia since 2001? How much of these prices increases is related to simple supply and demand? India alone imported $50 billion in gold last year, mostly for domestic consumption (not as an investment--mainly for jewelry). Do you know how much gold India imported in 2001? $4.1 billion worth. That's an increase of more than ten times in just ten years.
Is it inflation that's causing commodity prices to increase or is it the brand new demand of billions of people around the world who want the same fixed supply of stuff that we want?