How about you just write the guy a letter?

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Well-Known Member
A lot of people love to talk about the things they are going to do but never actually do them. When FDD was going away everyone said they would write and try and help out if they could but very few have. It's almost embarrassing as a member of this forum. The only online social media site I belong to. So instead of talking about donations and money; how about you guys just sit down once a month a write the guy a letter? That alone could be all he needs to pull through this. If you don't agree with what he did or have issues with whatever "version" of the story you heard then that is your right and you don't need to post here. All I am asking for is 1 hour of your time a month to write the guy a letter. Doesn't seem that hard but it surely would be a spirit lifting thing for him. I hope you guys see my point.


Well-Known Member
Scooby I sent him several pm asking how I could write him. Not one time did he answer one message I sent him. I also ask his wife for a address so I could send her or him some money. But again I never heard a word. I do understand a person not wanting to give addresses on RIU but what are we suppose to do???????????????????????


Well-Known Member
remember he's in a federal penitentiary and every letter going to him will be read before it goes to him in there. just be careful giving up info on who you are on this site, it would take 10 seconds to google your screen name, download every post you've ever made on RIU from Google's cache, and if you're a high value target (and many people here are), they'll find you from there.

just sayin'.


New Member
remember he's in a federal penitentiary and every letter going to him will be read before it goes to him in there. just be careful giving up info on who you are on this site, it would take 10 seconds to google your screen name, download every post you've ever made on RIU from Google's cache, and if you're a high value target (and many people here are), they'll find you from there.

just sayin'.
Hmm, what's the addy?


Well-Known Member
remember he's in a federal penitentiary and every letter going to him will be read before it goes to him in there. just be careful giving up info on who you are on this site, it would take 10 seconds to google your screen name, download every post you've ever made on RIU from Google's cache, and if you're a high value target (and many people here are), they'll find you from there.

just sayin'.
good point. I just write to him about what's going on in my life and see how he's doing. I don't mention RIU or anything related to drugs of course. just try and keep the guys spirits up.


Staff member
Scooby I sent him several pm asking how I could write him. Not one time did he answer one message I sent him. I also ask his wife for a address so I could send her or him some money. But again I never heard a word. I do understand a person not wanting to give addresses on RIU but what are we suppose to do???????????????????????
i have his address if you pm fdd his wife will give it to you as well it is possible they missed the pm's he has gotten a lot

scooby im all with you on the donations, the letters but youre coming off like really rude, its almost becoming a personal attack towards us .
If people want to write him a letter they will stop guilt tripping the people dont want to write him a letter.


Well-Known Member
i've been spamming him since his wife was kind enough to give me his addy. i expect he'll start sending the letters back soon and marked RTS...PERSON UNKNOWN:)


Well-Known Member
i have his address if you pm fdd his wife will give it to you as well it is possible they missed the pm's he has gotten a lot

scooby im all with you on the donations, the letters but youre coming off like really rude, its almost becoming a personal attack towards us .
If people want to write him a letter they will stop guilt tripping the people dont want to write him a letter.
can't start a thread or do anything on this site without someone being offended or having a problem with it. try re-reading the original post again. I clearly state that you are entitled to your opinion and that I am referring to the people that talked and talked about how they would write him. I could care less about the donations anymore. most of you have just shit on any attempt i have made to try and raise money for the guy so i'm just dealing with his wife myself. not my conscience i'm worried about.


Staff member
can't start a thread or do anything on this site without someone being offended or having a problem with it. try re-reading the original post again. I clearly state that you are entitled to your opinion and that I am referring to the people that talked and talked about how they would write him. I could care less about the donations anymore. most of you have just shit on any attempt i have made to try and raise money for the guy so i'm just dealing with his wife myself. not my conscience i'm worried about.
i carefully read what you wrote, it comes off wrong. its like a huge guilt trip .


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deleted post
I don't know what happened with FDD. I've heard several sides of the story and I have my own personal beliefs about what happened but that's not necessarily correct, either. Minnesmoker did make me think about it though, and he was right, we're all in the same boat at the end of the day. No one should be put in prison for growing a plant. We shouldn't be put into positions to snitch on each other, because we're not doing anything *wrong* by growing a freaking plant. I hate snitching, I think it's cowardly and just plain low. BUT. We shouldn't be imprisoned for nature.
Someone posted a letter from him saying "he got into a drug program" and is only doing a year strecth and the rest is on house arrest. Wonder what he did to swing that deal on a 5 year minimum? I wonder....


Well-Known Member
Someone posted a letter from him saying "he got into a drug program" and is only doing a year strecth and the rest is on house arrest. Wonder what he did to swing that deal on a 5 year minimum? I wonder....

That's a common program in both state and federal prisons (also ex-con, here.) No need to snitch, you just have to be willing to be a whipping boy for 12 months, as you go through their reconditioning program (cognitive skills therapy.) The house arrest is very strict, ankle bracelet, etc. normally. More likely, he'll do 15-20 months total. It's not a 'deal' though, it's an overcrowding relief program for "first time, non-violent drug offenders."

The snitching thing, yeah, if it's true -- bad on him. But, as we used to say in the joint "show me the paperwork." Show me something from the court listing him as an informant or witness for the state. It's SOP, you call someone a snitch, you provide proof of it. No, that newspaper article isn't proof. Those are frequently wrong- Most often intentionally (bad "leaked" information,) to isolate a person and try to push them to cooperate.


A few of us said we would write, but haven't. I don't see FDD begging for friends here, I see scooby calling out the people that said "I'll write" but haven't. It's also a good thing for us to be reminded, now and then, to keep off the radar, or we'll get bitch slapped by Uncle Sam.
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