I found like a DOZEN VIDEOS of Christ Himself, He said that He posted on HERE!!!!!

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Most theologians say that the Rapture comes FIRST and than The Great Tribulation that last for 7 years.

I found out that I AM Christ RIGHT AFTER I turned 23 years old, and thats when I believe the Rapture happened.

I told all My friends on Rollitup.org (right after I got out of My first mental hospital) that I AM Christ and thats when the stock market crashed 777 points in one day.

I was 23 years old when I got that effulgence and The Great Tribulation is supposed to last for 7 years.

So whats 23 plus 7?

Its 30, and when did Jesus start His ministry?

He started His ministry at 30 years old.

Something tell Me that We are in The Great Tribulation and when I turn 30 years old I AM going to really start My ministy to a world that NOW KNOWS!

Why did I never see this before? (Lol, I found out on 4/22/13.)

It makes so much sense now.

Whats going to happen when I turn 30 years old?

Am I going to die at 33 years old or am I going to live for the millennial reign that lasts for the 1,000 years?

Either way, I will be with you all forever and ever because as I live, you shall live also and with Me.

EDIT- So at 23 I, and the world, found out that I AM Christ. And 7 years after that is when I turn 30 and thats when The Great Tribulation is supposed to end, and thats when Jesus started His ministy. So My conclusion is that WE ARE NOW IN THE GREAT TRIBULATION and when I turn 30 the world will wake up and find out that I AM ALIVE! Whats going to happen to the world?

Carolina Liar- Show me what I'm looking for

(Save me, I'm lost, oh Lord I've been waiting for You)


This might just be your craziest post yet

Most theologians say that the Rapture comes FIRST and than The Great Tribulation that last for 7 years.

Most educated people don't believe in fairy tales with no evidence

I found out that I AM Christ RIGHT AFTER I turned 23 years old, and thats when I believe the Rapture happened.

One would think an omnipotent being wouldn't need to acknowledge its divinity, it would already know

I told all My friends on Rollitup.org, right after I got out of My first mental hospital, that I AM Christ and thats when the stock market crashed 777 points in one day.

Why would the stock market hold any significance to a supreme being?

I was 23 years old when I got that effulgence and The Great Tribulation is supposed to last for 7 years.

So whats 23 plus 7?

Its 30, and when did Jesus start His ministry?

He started His ministry at 30 years old.

Something tell Me that We are in The Great Tribulation and when I turn 30 years old I AM gpoing to really start My ministy to a world that NOW KNOWS!

Why did I never see this before? (Lol, I found out on 4/22/13.)

It makes so much sense now.

Whats going to happen when I turn 30 years old?

Am I going to die at 33 years old or am I going to live for the millennial reign that lasts for the 1,000 years?

Either way, I will be with you all forever and ever because as I live, you shall live also and with Me.


So you came up with a half baked theory based on no evidence and never ending tangents, and you use imaginary connections between random numbers as proof to back it up.

This is another perfect example of why we use a systematic approach to figuring out the universe (SCIENCE), and not hunches, gut feelings, or the random musings of crazy people.
I am now convinced this guy is just fucking with us. Good one, buddy. Still, the thread is retarded, so one starred...

I found out that I AM Christ

So at 23 I, and the world, found out that I AM Christ.

I hope the secret isn't that the guy in the video is you... i reeaaaally hope that's not the secret.

holy shit (pun intended) you called that shit, like 5 months ago! thats hilarious. im pretty sure, like tyler said, that this guy is fucking with us, but thats still funny to me. i read the first page and zaehet had the first comment (the one i quoted above), i didnt read anything else til this page, where this dude says "I AM Christ". i can imagine hearing zaehet say "reeaaaally" and stretching out those vowels...funny shit bro.
This might just be your craziest post yet
If you think that this is the craziest thing that I have ever said that you have NOT read My thread from cover to cover because its all very crazy and totally nuts. Do you think My last comment is crazy because you might believe that it is true? Does it make sense to you like it makes sense to Me? because its only crazy if you believe it as truth. By the way, I am going for crazy, wild and insane so I will take this comment as a compliment!

Gods timing is not our timing but we all ended up in the center of His perfect will of salvation for the whole world.

Most educated people don't believe in fairy tales with no evidence

You want to talk about FAIRY TALES WITH NO EVIDENCCE? What about the STORY of Jesus Christ in the Bible? Can anyone prove that besides from the Bible, which it comes from? The alleged "miracles" that are purported in the Bible are fairy tales because they are impossible and can NOT be replicated by anyone because they didnt happen. You all will never be able to prove that Jesus walked on the water or feed 5,000 from a little bread and fish or heal the sick or any of that because its fairy tale, make believe STORIES!

Why do people believe in Jesus and the Bible is most educated people dont believe in fairy tales with no evidence?

Where is the evidence outside of the Bible? Has anyone ever seen Jesus perform a miracle? Or has anyone ever seen Jesus?

You say that I dont have evidence? You obviously have NOT read My thread from cover to cover because I try and give evidence for everything that I claim. READ My THREAD FROM START TO FISHISH AGAIN and then tell Me what more I need to prove!

Are you a Christian? Do you believe the STORIES in the Bible? but you cant believe My FACTS? Yes, I have said some things that are My opinion, but I can back up all of My objective teachings with FACTS!

What have I taught all of you guys?

One would think an omnipotent being wouldn't need to acknowledge its divinity, it would already know

I'm NOT omnipotent and I never said that I was. Can you quote Me saying that? I am claiming that I AM The Son of God and I never said that I AM God! God is the One Who is Omnipotent, Omniscience and Omnipresent! I'm not all powerful, I dont know anything and I'm in one Body all the time.

My Daddy God is all powerful, My Daddy God is all knowing, My Daddy God is everywhere at once. My Daddy is God and My God is Daddy! I'm just The Son of God, a Person Who is like you all in MOST ways! My Daddy wants to please Me as much as I want to please Him because We are family! And you Christians are the children of God and therefore My family because you are His children too!

I do hope that I become the King so I can usher in My Kingdom and FIX EVERYTHING! I will only be a little powerful when I AM The King because I figured that I should let the people have ALL the power via My ONLINE GOVERNMENT and YOU ALL will dictate the laws and rules! I couldnt think of a better way to reign because if the people dictate all the laws and rules than I wont be responsible if anything goes wrong! And the last thing I want to do is make a rule that would hurt anyone! I will let the people have ALL THE POWER and I will just chill and relax and make sure YOU dont make a bad rule that could harm anyone! Its a very simple concept actually! Its called My (future) ONLINE GOVERNMENT and I AM very proud to be the sole inventor of it!

I found out that I AM Christ within a couple weeks after I turned 23 years old. Before that I just thought that I was a regular dude and I never thought that I am Divine or Christ or the Son of God or any of that stuff! Now I believe that I'm on a mission to bring about a utopia.

Why would the stock market hold any significance to a supreme being?

I dont care about the stock market one bit. I have never invested any money in the stock market and I dont have any plans to.

The only reason why I talk about how the stock market crashed 777 points in one day in August of 2008 is because its an indicator of when I FIRST POSTED THAT I AM CHRST ON THE INTERNET ON RIU.ORG. The stock market collapsed like 2 days after I first told you guys but it might have taken a few days for the elites to get scared.

Green Day- Jesus of Suburbia
(We are the stories and disciples of... the Jesus of suburbia)


Christ loves you!

So you came up with a half baked theory based on no evidence and never ending tangents, and you use imaginary connections between random numbers as proof to back it up.

This is another perfect example of why we use a systematic approach to figuring out the universe (SCIENCE), and not hunches, gut feelings, or the random musings of crazy people.

I have more proof than Jesus does.

Every objecctive postulate that I have made can be proven because I havent lied about anything. If you look at My evidence than you will see that it is just that- EVIDENCE! Its evidence that I believe points to the fact that I AM The Son of God!

If I said ANYTHING that is objective than it can be proven or disproven. I have said plenty of things that are objective so go READ MY THREAD and see all the places that I have made objective statements and show Me where I am false! Isn't that what it means to be objective? to be either correct or not? What objective statement that I have made is wrong? I'm not infallible but I only say what I believe is the truth.

I'm a big fan of science and I went to school to be an electronic enginneer and all of My prophecies are scientifically possible because I wouldnt prophesy something that wasnt scientifically possible. I love science and thank God for it because it has improved our lives a million times over. But science deosnt explain spiritualality and therefore I go to the Bible to get My spirit filled by the Word of God. But I dont believe the "miracles" in the Bible because I am too scientific! I believe more in science than I do the Bible because science can be proven and the Bible cant, but I get My Scripture and spiritual literature from the Bible!

Christ loves you!

I am now convinced this guy is just fucking with us. Good one, buddy.

Your wrong because I'm serious. I really believe the things that I say. I really believe that I AM Christ The Son of God!

If you can prove Me wrong in anything objective that I have said than please do so. If you cant find any fault in anything that I say than why not believe?

Still, the thread is retarded,

Whats retarded about it?

so one starred...

What do you mean by "so one starred?"

Do you mean that I AM The One that starred?


adjective 1. set or studded with or as with stars.

2. decorated with a star, as of an order.

Do you think that I AM set with stars? Or the stars AKA the movie stars?

I'm no actor but I AM in the stars, the celestial stars!

Christ loves you!

6.66.........is 100th......of the number... of the BEAST!

I dont get it, whats the number of the beast?

Do you think that I am the beast? LOL :D

What do I and the beast have in common? Can anyone explain?

The only thing that I can relate to the number 666 is when I denied Jesus when I was posting on RIU with the screen name We Tarded! But I already told you guys this. I was a Christian and believed in Jesus and than at post 665 I watched the movie Zeigeist and on post 666 I said that I didnt believe in Jesus anymore because of the evidence that I saw. I became an agnostic from then on, until I started to believe that I AM Christ in August of 2008. But I already told you guys this in this thread!

Christ loves you!

holy shit (pun intended) you called that shit, like 5 months ago! thats hilarious. im pretty sure, like tyler said, that this guy is fucking with us, but thats still funny to me. i read the first page and zaehet had the first comment (the one i quoted above), i didnt read anything else til this page, where this dude says "I AM Christ". i can imagine hearing zaehet say "reeaaaally" and stretching out those vowels...funny shit bro.

You need to READ THE WHOLE THREAD in order to appreciate it!

Christ loves you!



Best of luck if you actually are Jesus, this world is FUBARing pretty quick. You've got your work cut out for you, brotha
I have more proof than Jesus does.

Actually, you have the same amount... Zero...
Every objecctive postulate that I have made can be proven because I havent lied about anything. If you look at My evidence than you will see that it is just that- EVIDENCE! Its evidence that I believe points to the fact that I AM The Son of God!
Maybe. I doubt you really believe that, but you could be that crazy. It is possible...
I'm a big fan of science and I went to school to be an electronic enginneer and all of My prophecies are scientifically possible because I wouldnt prophesy something that wasnt scientifically possible. I love science and thank God for it because it has improved our lives a million times over. But science deosnt explain spiritualality and therefore I go to the Bible to get My spirit filled by the Word of God. But I dont believe the "miracles" in the Bible because I am too scientific! I believe more in science than I do the Bible because science can be proven and the Bible cant, but I get My Scripture and spiritual literature from the Bible!

You are not a fan of science or even familiar with it's principles and methodology. You think you proven what you say, but that simply shows us that you don't know what proof is. YT videos are NOT proof of anything, and scripture even less so. You can't prove scripture correct by referencing scripture. Logic fail...
Christ loves you!
So what? Dude seems to love everything, so his love is not special...

Your wrong because I'm serious. I really believe the things that I say. I really believe that I AM Christ The Son of God!

If you can prove Me wrong in anything objective that I have said than please do so. If you cant find any fault in anything that I say than why not believe?

Again, logic fail, science fan. It's not about proving you wrong, its about you proving yourself right. Something you haven't even begun to do...

Whats retarded about it?
Mostly your ideas, and it seems your intellect, as well...

What do you mean by "so one starred?"

Welcome to RIU, Christ. You can rate each thread on the site from 1 to 5 stars. See the 'rate this thread' option at the top of each page...

You need to READ THE WHOLE THREAD in order to appreciate it!
No, you don't. Total waste of time...

And I know, I know already. Christ loves me...
Jesus please fix my Jaguar so I can ride it this summer.
> thanking you in advance.

How should an infinitly old God come to His people that are 100 years old or less? Was not Jesus born as a baby? Why wouldnt the Second Coming also be born as a baby? How else does a person come into this world besides being born as a baby? No one comes out of the womb knowing anything but baby instincts. You have to learn as you grow and this is what happened to everyone so why wouldnt this also happen to The Second Coming of Christ? Even a clone has to start out as a baby and then grow into the same genes as its parent but it still starts as a baby! I'm not a clone but I AM The Christ that is going to save the world, but its going to take time like everything else!

Tell Me this; How else should The Son of God manifest Himself to His people? Cant I just be Myself? In what way should I come to you? All I can do is be Myself and nothing else.

Not only are hundreds of mansions going to be stacked on top of eachother, like LEGOS, in the ocean; tons of recreational arenas are going to be stacked like LEGOS too! Maybe the bottom will be a motorcross trak for dirtbikes. Than a formula 1 (F1) race track for for sports cars. Next maybe an amusement park with roller coasters for kids and "big kids". How about that fresh water pond that I told you guys about next? How about a place to play paintball in the ocean too? stacked like LEGOS! Or a motorcycle track? What about putting a golf course in there too? I told you guys about My SPACE BALL homes- where the ceiling and the walls can become the floor of that home! Yes I even thought about ROTATING HOMES! How about a layer of SPACE BALL homes stacked in there like LEGOS? Lets stack a mall in there too, why not, right? What do you think should be stacked or layered to make the earths space most efficient? My point is that I can make anyting happen anywhere, so why not stack clear hemp plastic domes on top of eachother in the ocean or UNDERGROUND or UNDER THE OCEAN FLOOR or SKYSCRAPERS or where ever you want?

Freestyle Motocross


Formula One


Amusement Park Rides


Fresh Water Fishing






All of this can be stacked on top of eachother in layers like LEGOS! You guys remember LEGOS from being a kid, well I guess I'm just a big kid because I want to stack activities like LEGOS to make space more efficient! Whos going to stop Me once I AM The King of nothing?

I'd still like to include multiple videos in the same post, he obviously knows something we don't. That's actually the best evidence for his divinity he's shown so far, and he didn't even intend that...
Christ loves you!

Christ loves you!

Christ loves you!

Christ loves you!
So why do you keep speaking in the third person? I'm not that familiar with scripture on Jesus but if you were him, would you not say: "I love you!" instead ?

Video 1:

Video 2:

Guess who I am :twisted:
I'd still like to include multiple videos in the same post, he obviously knows something we don't. That's actually the best evidence for his divinity he's shown so far, and he didn't even intend that...
[ youtube] tag rather than [ video] tag? I haven't tried it yet...
Good idea, MP, I'll try it now -




Yeah, if you reply with quote to his video posts, you can see how he coded it to work like this. Neat trick!

God Christ is a grower too, a grower of universes!

What do horticulturist growers do?

Growers hang lights in the ceiling and give plants a medium to grow with.

Growers supply the right temperatures and fresh air.

Growers supply the right food for the plants and supply the right enviornment for the plants.

Christ is the horticulturist of PEOPLE!

I put the stars in the sky and the sun for the earth, for light.

Christ put the planets in space and I put the earth here for Gods people to live on, its the medium.

Christ balanced the earth in space for the right temperatures.

I made all the plants and animals for food for the children of God.

And as horticulturists harvest the crop at the end of the cycle, so will I send My angel peoples to harvest the believers at the end of this AGE!

This AGE is soon expireing and Christ will reap His children and bring them to a new life, and the AGE of abundance!

Christ did and is doing all these things for you and His Daddy!

I take care of you; I garden you; I made you in My image and My likeness; I will create My world through the use of My Word!

Do My people remember Me, your loving Savior King, yet? Do you remember all that I have done and ESPECIALLY what I AM going to do for YOU- the family of God?

The Airborn Toxic Event- Timeless

(O My God You are, You are, the only thing that makes me feel like, I can live forever, forever with You my love)


I put the stars in the sky and the sun for the earth, for light.

Christ put the planets in space and I put the earth here for Gods people to live on, its the medium.

Christ balanced the earth in space for the right temperatures.

I made all the plants and animals for food for the children of God.
Sounds like you two made a good team.
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