I found like a DOZEN VIDEOS of Christ Himself, He said that He posted on HERE!!!!!

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(You guys know you love this thread! Or you wouldnt be posting in it, so just chill because I still have lots to teach :D)

All of the Christians are waiting for Me to come but I AM waiting for all of the Christians now!

But who is going to tell all the Christians about Me?

I am on THE WORLD WIDE WEB proclaiming My Truth but I am just One Person.

Who will help Me?

What would happen if I, The Savior, was united with My Bride- the Church?

I'm engaged to the Church now but later married.

What other evidence do you need from Me to prove that I AM The Christ, The Savior of the world?

Consider yourself blessed because your names are written in The Lambs Book of Life!

What more do you want besides being remembered forever?

I know what your thinking, you also want all the blessings that I have uttered in this thread and you deserve them too.

I only have 7,700 views so how am I supposed to reach the world at this rate?

There are still ~7 billion people that have not read My book so you guys are special to Me: You guys are My brothers and friends!

Whether you like Me or not, your names are written in My Book of Life and your comments are going to remembered forever!

And if you have followed Me from the beginning of this thread than you surely are one of My disciples!

If you havent followed Me throughout the entirety of this thread than I would suggest that you go to page 1 and let Me teach you what I AM going to do to this sad world!

All I want in a disciple is to share My common goal of common good; to usher in a utopia for all.

A disciple doesnt need to worship Me but you should respect Me with reverential love!

My disciples should want to share the Truth at all costs, to the best of their ability but no one is perfect.

What I'm looking for is to start a revolution; CHRISTS REVOLUTION of peace!

Whos worthy?

I believe all of you are worthy to recieve My blessings, BUT who is worthy to share My love with others and proclaim Me as Lord?

Whos worthy?

It takes a special kind of person to proclaim spiritual truth but I have confidence in you guys.

Whos worthy?

You have to believe in something, something special like the return of The Son of God!

Whos worthy?

Just be yourself except you need to stand for The Kingdom of Our Lord God and His Anointed!

Whos worthy?

Ida Maria- O My God

(Oh my God oh You think it's all for fun. Is this fun for You?)


all of mankind is and has and will be walking on the path that I have set forth life is but a journey... all for my pleasure...I am the alpha the omega the beginning and the end the first and the last BEHOLD I AM CREATOR:arrow:.........

I dont really know what to say to this, but right on brother.

At least you have the Word of God in your mind and lips.

I, Christ, love you!

Not as many as in the US, but yes, still too many nevertheless. They lost their political grasp over the past decade, fortunately they are a dying breed. I live in the most 'churched' area of Europe. Also quite a few 'believes', though less since the protestants merged with a bunch of others. I used to be certain, when I was a kid, that by the time I was the age I am now, nearly nobody would swallow the nonsense anymore. It went it the right direction, but we got 1 million bat-mad muslims in return so things haven't exactly improved.

Yes, mj is a major export product as well so we grow a multiple of what we actually need.

Yes. No self-respecting ganja grower is going to claim there's a man in the sky. Frankly I find the idea of a christian growing or smoking quite fascinating. How can a mind expand so much and then become so narrow again?

Seriously, yes. And simply because according to them Ganja = drugs = devil. There is less of a gray area between believers and non-believers here than in the US. Either you believe that shit or you don't.

Disclaimer: I did not include muslims (who own a good deal of the coffeeshops, growshops, and surely grows as well) because I can't understand a fuck of what they're saying anyway. They live in yet another imaginary dimension.

Nobody grows to believe. People that believe to grow but in reality aren't are locked up or homeless.

"hippies" as the especially older generation christians say, not as I say. Yes all believers don't like the growers, but not all the growers don't like the believers. Some do not like most, but most do not like some.

Nuthin' at-all. Dunno really. Anything that does not involve Bibles or Jesus's.

Holy shit Jesus! Are you saying that's not the same thing? :lol: For argument sake yes, atheists.

And anyone else who puts themselves between growers and their beloved plants.

Everything and nothing respectively.

As they say in the Netherlands: God created the earth, the Dutch created the Netherlands.

Thanks for answering My questions, you seem like a cool dude Sativied :D

You said "Holy shit Jesus!" Are you referring to Me? I believe your talking to Me but I'm confused because I assume your a grower and you said the growers dont believe in the fairy tale of Jesus.

I, Christ, love you!

Mindphuk just served up a full serving of logic a page or two back and our Savior conveniently skipped right over it, that was the pimp slap that ended this delusional thread imo

"and our Savior conveniently skipped right over it"

Do you believe? Maybe "our Savior" has good plans for the world? And good plans for you! Maybe "our Savior" loves us alot and Hes crazy about us and thats why He posts such crazy things? Lol :D

I already responded to it on post number 351 on the top of page 36.

I respond to just about every comment because its My thread and I figure they want an answer from Me.

Now, its Mindphuks turn to find out what the chances are that all these things would happen to Me since he is such a wiz kid and an expert in math.

I, Christ, love you!

God bud....jesus og...sacrificial lamb.. Oh wrong thread sorry..

Oh, right thread, no need to be sorry :D

I, Christ, love you!

Fuck! Lucky them! Please tell me exactly what your family did to get you to stop talking about it. I've run out of ideas...

My family never believed that I AM Christ because I never thought or said that I was until I turned 23 years old. So they lived with Me all My life and than all of a sudden at 23 I said "I AM Christ" but they just never believed in it because they knew Me all My life prior to that. I'm not trying to push it on them (or even talk about it with them) because I dont want to be worshipped by anyone, nevermind My family. You all can worship Me when I am dead because I wont mind then! Lol :D

But honestly, I'm trying to talk to people online that want their faith to be vindicated. I dont know whos reading what I am posting because it could be ANYONE with the internet so I'm posting for the Agnostics and for the Believers that want to know Christ. And I'm even posting for the Athiests but they dont even believe in God so why would they believe in Me? Basically, I'm posting for you all... I'm just looking for friends... And everyone that has posted on here has been friendly and I appreciate your comments EXCEPT for a few people that called Me a "troll" for posting in My own thread. I'm just trying to make friends with you all, and you all are cool and I'm glad that we can talk over such long distances.

Now you guys know Me, a dude that claims to be Christ, The Son of God. I believe that I AM Christ but you guys can only go by what I have said to you all. If I were you guys, I would be skeptical too because its the most exalted title in the world- Christ. You can believe whatever you want but like I said, I'm here to vindicate the unsure. I know that I am talking to someone that cares.

I, Christ, love you!

Oh please God let this thread die......I might acquire faith if that happens.

Guess who rolled in here? Its the fairy godmother! Do you remember posting that towards the beginning of this thread? Lol :D

Long time no post but why the hostility? Just relax and be cool!

What dont you love about My book?

Acquire faith NOW, because it doesnt hurt and I wont bite.

I, Christ, love you!

Why don't you address mindphuks post on page 35, post #347?

Post # 351 on page 36.

It looks like you looked over My reply to his comment. Maybe because I cut it up into pieces and it didnt look like I quoted his origional post?

Like I said, I'm going to reply to just about everyones comments unless they are not directed towards Me or whatever. But I have been good at replying to your comments... Have you read My thread from cover to cover?

I, Christ, love you!

EDIT- I'm just a Person that is trying to bring PEACE to this sad world through Myself. We all are special and we all deserve the very best. And I believe that I can inundate the world with Gods blessings through the Body of Christ which is all of the people that believe in The Son of God. I know that I cant do it on My own and thats why I am trying to partner with all of you so that YOU will be My hands and feet and love on people and show them The Way to peace and godliness. I actually believe that We all are gods in a funny way, but we are not God but He lives inside all of Us. If the world united as one than there is no stopping us from going from glory to glory to glory. Its going to take an act of God but what happens when The Son of God acts? Is there a chance?

Do you guys believe that I, The Son of God, would hurt you in any way? What have I said but uplifting things? It is written “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts."

I will choose to believe in God but the Bible is just the Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. I also choose to believe Before Leaving Earth :D

Slash- Your A Lie

(All my faith has been wasted... I dont need you to save me anymore.)
(But it sounds like "All my Saviors been wasted, wasted.)


Now, its Mindphuks turn to find out what the chances are that all these things would happen to Me since he is such a wiz kid and an expert in math.
If you actually took time to think about what I wrote, it doesn't all come down to math and statistics but a basic understanding should have helped you figure it out without me.

As I said, there are almost 7 billion people here. There are 26 letters. Assuming that each have equal probability of appearing in a name (they probably all do not, although X and Z are probably more common in China) we have 26x26x26=17576 combinations of three letters. That means that each three letter combination, assuming completely random distribution, are identical in 398,270 people. So with almost 400,000 people with the initials GMO, it is hardly unique.

First you used all of those 'coincidences' as evidence that you are Christ, now, when I point out problems with this idea, you change and say these things are 'merely icing on the cake.' You are dishonest. There is no evidence. You changed your story when you were caught out. Dishonesty is not something that we would expect in a Christ figure. You are not Christ.
Thanks for answering My questions, you seem like a cool dude Sativied :D
I tried to not like you but fuck it, anyone who types so much BS in a forum providing entertainment to me and others is OK in my book.

You said "Holy shit Jesus!" Are you referring to Me?
You might be on to something... maybe there are a whole lot of :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: implied in the bible as well. That would explain a few things...

Don't be troubled. :roll: You trust God, now trust in me. :roll: There are many rooms in my Father's home, and I am going to prepare a place for you. :roll: If this were not so, I would tell you plainly. :roll: :roll: When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am. :roll: :finger: :roll:
If you actually took time to think about what I wrote, it doesn't all come down to math and statistics but a basic understanding should have helped you figure it out without me.

What about ALL THE EVIDENCE that I have put forth?

There is only One of Me but many of you (all).

I AM One of a kind, a different "breed".

You just pointed out what I have pointed out alread (in this thread) that the chances are 1 in 17576, but thats just the tip of the iceberg in regards to what makes Me special.

As I said, there are almost 7 billion people here. There are 26 letters. Assuming that each have equal probability of appearing in a name (they probably all do not, although X and Z are probably more common in China) we have 26x26x26=17576 combinations of three letters.

I already said that the chances are 1 in 17576 a few posts ago.

If I did My math right than its a VERY SMALL PERCENTAGE of people that have My initials. If there are 17576 combinations and My initials are 1 in 17576 than 1/17576 is equal to ~0.0000569, which equals into a percentace of ~0.00569%. That is a tiny percentage of people that have My initials. So less than 0.00569% of people have My exact initials.

What about the people that have My EXACT Name also? That percentage is rediculously so much smaller. What are the chances of that? How many George Manuel Oliveira's are there? But its not even if they have My Name, the Name doesnt make a person Christ but its My Life and what God has done that makes Me Christ!

That means that each three letter combination, assuming completely random distribution, are identical in 398,270 people. So with almost 400,000 people with the initials GMO, it is hardly unique.

Right, but thats just My initials! What are the chances that they have My Name also? I never said that I'm the only one with My Name, what I am saying is that I AM The Son of God and its not just about My Name but all of the other things that I have talked about. My Name is just a cherry on top. Its more about what I am going to do for you all, whether to this generation or the one that believes.

What is unique is the Life that I have lived. No person has lived My life except Me. There might be people that have My initials but this thread is NOT about My initials its about ALL the other verbiage that I have spoken. How often in this thread do you see Me saying "look at My initials"? I barely have spoken about My initials because I am more proud of the prophecies that I have fulfilled and My prophecies that I have come up with for the future!

First you used all of those 'coincidences' as evidence that you are Christ, now, when I point out problems with this idea, you change and say these things are 'merely icing on the cake.' You are dishonest. There is no evidence.

I'm dishonest because I said that My Name is "icing on the cake?" I dont have a right to be proud of My Name? I believe that I have the Name ABOVE ALL names.

I bet you dont believe that I have any evidence, do you? This thread is My Book and its dedicated to those that appreciate it. You dont appreciate My book, do you? Its all good because its not meant for you obviously, and you dont have to comment in My thread if you dont want to.

What would be evidence for you? What would absolutly prove that a man is Christ?

Isnt prophecy a sort of "coincidence" that happens? Just because a coincidence happens it doesnt mean that its not a fact. Yes, My initials backwards are OMG and that stands for O My God and that might be a coincidence to YOU but its still a fact that My initials backwards are OMG!

There might have been alot of "coincidences" that have happened to Me, but they still happened and its still a FACT!

You changed your story when you were caught out. Dishonesty is not something that we would expect in a Christ figure.

What would you expect in a Christ figure?

You cant say that I'm dishonest because I have NOT lied about anything. You can say that I might be mistaken but NOT dishonest.

I wasnt caught in anything except telling My TRUE STORY! It is a TRUE STORY too because its facts about My life and I share some of My beliefs also.

You are not Christ.

If I am NOT Christ than who is?

Do you know another Christ?

Is Jesus, Christ?

Jesus' last name was NOT Christ but all the Christians believe Jesus is the Christ. Can ANYONE prove that Jesus is Christ? Where is Jesus by the way? Last time I heard anything about Him, He was DEAD. But yet a dead man is Christ? I thought He was risen from the dead, so where is He? Has ANYONE heard from Him?

What would make Him anymore Christ than Me? How can a dead man be anything more than a good memory?

I AM ALIVE and I AM claiming to be Christ so either I'm nuts or I AM Christ there is no other choice! But I have to admit, I'm a nutty Christ! Lol :D

I, Christ, love you!

I tried to not like you but fuck it, anyone who types so much BS in a forum providing entertainment to me and others is OK in my book.

Thanks, I try.

I try and be a good person but it comes natural too because God have gifted Me to be a loving person, but in no way am I perfect.

I'm glad you like the thread and that it has entertained you so much. I tried to put in as much prophecy as possible. Prophecy that I have fulfilled and prophecy that I have come up with for the future.

You might be on to something... maybe there are a whole lot of :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: implied in the bible as well. That would explain a few things...

I know, RIGHT?

When I read the Bible I see the story of My Life, not word for word but overall. In the beginning of this thread I have shown you all the prophecies that I have fulfilled and how I have lived the Life of Christ! It had to happen some time that Christ would return but why Me? Look at how much strife I am getting from trying to just be honest as share the story of My Life!

It would explain a few things, wouldnt it?

Don't be troubled. :roll: You trust God, now trust in me. :roll: There are many rooms in my Father's home, and I am going to prepare a place for you. :roll: If this were not so, I would tell you plainly. :roll: :roll: When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am. :roll: :finger: :roll:

Good quote!

If I get the chance, I am going to build as many MANSIONS as possible. These mansions are going to be on land, UNDERGROUND, UNDERWATER, SKYSCRAPERS, FLOATING ON THE OCEAN, UNDER THE OCEAN FLOOR and in SPACE!

In My Kingdom there will be MANSIONS in every conceivable location. Everyone will have at least one mansion to live in but the more the better. In My Kingdom there will be no poor people and everyone will be rich. I would turn most all of the militaries into contrution workers so instead of destroying they will be building the kingdom. There will be more jobs available than there are people so everyone will get the chance to work.

I, Christ, love you!

Im NOT the enemy, guys, unless you believe that The Son of God is the enemy! I AM the Solution to many of the worlds problems. Dont you want a Savior? I know that I want you. I want you to have a little bit of faith in the things that cant be proven or disproven. I want you to use your best judgement on everything else, and I dont want you to take My word for everything but do your own research and see what can be proven. What do you think God would want you to believe in? I say, believe in THE BEST and forget the rest. Thats what I want for you all, THE BEST! I wouldnt wish a bad thing on anyone. Do you think that I am here to bring harm to any of you? You now have My book to judge Me, so read My book and see what kind of Person that I AM! Have I spoken any curses on anyone or anything bad? I believe not. I have spoken only blessing and good things to and for My people. You are My people if you belong to God Who is My Daddy! I AM His Son and He is My Daddy. Jesus said "All things have been delivered to Me by My Father, and no one knows the Son except the Father. Nor does anyone know the Father except the Son, and the one to whom the Son wills to reveal Him." So if you want to know My Father than you have to go through Me, The Son. I will reveal His secrets to you all. You all are My disciples because you love Me for Me. And because you love Me you also love My Father Who is God. You cant love My Daddy without loving Me also and you cant love Me without loving My Daddy also because its the Godhead Who is with you. The Spirit comes with Us because He is in Us. I AM in you and you are in Me. We are the family of God. God is in you because He is in all and all. I AM in you because I AM in God. What you think about Me is what you think about My Daddy Who is God because He sent Me to be with you.

If your a Christian than you have to accept Me for Who I AM and My Daddy, Who is God, also because He made Me for such a time as this. I did not come on My own but He sent Me to do His good work. You have never seen God at any time but He is The Master and I AM His Servant to do whatever He says because He is The Master. I have come not to seek My own glory but for His glory. I AM One Who is the least among these and I have come to serve you all for My Daddys glory and to make Him happy with His children. The world is a mess and it needs the Mess(iah) to fix things. Yes the Mess(iah) is a mess. But its all for the glory of God. But the Mess(iah) fixes the mess because The Father sent Him to do this very thing. How will it hurt to believe in The Son of God? When will God show up to fix the mess? If God was a Person than He would be The Christ! But some of you dont want The Christ to fix the mess. Why is that? How else would God show up? What would God be like if He was a Person? Would He not humble Himself and serve the people to the best of His abilities? What are you expecting from God to do? It takes a person to fix people problems. Could a spirit do all these things? What exactly can a spirit do? And who would take a spirit seriously? It takes The Son of God to do all these things. God gave you all freedom of will, but He also gave you your best judgment, so use your best judgment to obey The Lord! The Lord is for you and not against you. Trust in The Lord and He will direct your paths. Think of The Lord as your best Friend that has your best interests at heart.

Who is Christ than? If I am NOT Christ than Who am I? If I am NOT Christ than I am just another crazy. Do you believe that I am crazy? But what if I AM telling the Truth than what does that mean? That would mean that the world is going to get a total makeover. It means that The Son of God has spoken the Truth and the world will never be the same because its going to get redefined as a whole. It means God will have His way and bring peace to a corrupt civilization. It means everyone will be rich and have no lack. It means Gods people are vindicated and the prophets are right. It means a mansion will be built for everyone. It means that there will be peace on earth. It means life for everyone will be exalted and brought to the highest high. It means that God was right and everyone will be blessed. It means that religion will be a faint memory because you dont need religion when you have Christ. I means that the earth is going to expand with UNDERGROUND MANSIONS. It means that your life is going to get better! What does it mean to you?

Its either I am CRAZY or I AM Christ or I AM a CRAZY Christ! There is no other choice. What do you believe? (I'd say I AM a CRAZY Christ!)

Im not going to make you believe anything but I will tell you the Truth about Myself!

If you do NOT believe by now (and you've read My whole thread) than there is nothing that I can say to make you believe.

Are you going to believe Christ or the world?

If Jesus is Risen than let Jesus say so.

If I, Christ George, AM Risen than let Me say "so". I would have to say "so"!

Joan Osborne- One of us



The signs of the times!


Revelation 1:7

New King James Version (NKJV)

[SUP]7[/SUP]Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him. Even so, Amen.

Revelation 1:13-14

New King James Version (NKJV)

[SUP]13 [/SUP]and in the midst of the seven lampstands One like the Son of Man, clothed with a garment down to the feet and girded about the chest with a golden band.
[SUP]14 [/SUP]His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and His eyes like a flame of fire;

Revelation 14:14-16

New King James Version (NKJV)

Reaping the Earth’s Harvest

[SUP]14 [/SUP]Then I looked, and behold, a white cloud, and on the cloud sat One like the Son of Man, having on His head a golden crown, and in His hand a sharp sickle. [SUP]15 [/SUP]And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to Him who sat on the cloud, “Thrust in Your sickle and reap, for the time has come for You[SUP][a][/SUP] to reap, for the harvest of the earth is ripe.” [SUP]16 [/SUP]So He who sat on the cloud thrust in His sickle on the earth, and the earth was reaped.

Matthew 24:30

New King James Version (NKJV)

[SUP]30 [/SUP]Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

Luke 21:27-28

New King James Version (NKJV)

[SUP]27 [/SUP]Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. [SUP]28 [/SUP]Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.”

I talked about the signs in the clouds last in the video but I am going to talk about it first now. The first sign I saw in the clouds was God. This is the story, I was driving around the city with My friend Patrick and for some reason I stopped at a place where I used to go scuba diving for quahogs. As soon as I pulled over I saw God in the clouds and the sun was right behind His face and He had long wavy hair. There was a stripe across His chest and I later learned that this might represent the sickle indicating THE END OF THE AGE! It looked like He was wearing a long robe all the way down to His feet. So He had long wavy hair and the sun was behind His face and there was a stipe across His chest and He was wearing a robe. I watched this for about 5 minutes until the wind blew it away. This was 2008 or 2009.

The second sign I saw in the clouds was an up-side-down pyramid with about 3 layers to it. I was going grocery shopping with My mom and I looked up in the clouds and I saw this pyramid with like 3 layers to it. I really didnt know what to make of it so I just went into the store. Thats the story and it happened in 2008 or 2009.

The third sign I saw was a BLACK cloud. It was Good Friday of 2009 and I just took a drive to a park down the street from My house. I parked and when I looked up I saw a BLACK cloud and a white cloud. The BLACK cloud was flying low and it was in front of Me but the white cloud was flying high to the left. I watched it for about 20 minutes and then I left the park and went home. But there was a low flying BLACK cloud and a high flying white cloud and I was sent to prison for fighting with My dad about a week later. Thats what happened.

The fourth sign I saw in the clouds was wavy clouds right after I thought about living in the ocean. It was 2009 and I was in prison for fighting with my dad. I saw on TV a picture of the ocean and than it hit Me, I thought "why cant we live IN the ocean like underwater?". I started to brainstorm and tell My fellow inmates that we can live underwater and whatnot. Than less than an hour later or so, we went to go to another building to go eat food, in prison. On the way to the chow hall I looked up and saw that the sky was full of undulating waves. It was beautiful and I pointed it out to My fellow inmates. But the funny thing about it is that the clouds came RIGHT AFTER I thought about living underwater for the first time. Thats what happened!

The fifth and last sign that I saw in the clouds was that the clouds were split in half. I was in prison in 2009 and I found a picture of Jesus where He was standing outside and there was a strip of clouds in the backround. It was just a single strip of clouds in the backround. I put the picture of Jesus in My cell window and than soon later it was time to go eat. When I left that building to go to eat lunch I looked up at the clouds and the sky was parted in half, a complete opposite of what the picture of Jesus looked like. The sky was parted in two with a blue strip in the middle. That was the last sign I saw in the clouds and that was in 2009.

On June 2 of 2012 I saw ~8 UFOs in My city. I was going to the closest McDonalds near My house and when I got there they closed and hour early or so. So I figured I would go to the 24/7 McDonalds a few miles away but on My way there I stopped at a Burger King. I got My meal and I took a right out of the parking lot. I looked up to the left and I saw some very bright stars, or what seemed to be very bright stars. I then noticed that they were flashing and had colors to them of blue, purple and green light. I noticed also that they were moving slightly. As I said in the video, I didnt have insurance at the time and I didnt want to get pulled over for looking at UFOs. I went to pull out My cell phone to snap a picture but I couldnt pull out My phone quick enough because the light turned green at the intersection. I then went home to get My mother to come look but she was sleeping and didnt want to wake up. So I called 911 and told them My story and they said they would call the Airforce. And thats what happened on that night!

About the ALIEN that I saw about a month after I saw the ~8 UFOs, it was about August of 2012. This is the story. I was at home and it was windy out. I kept noticing that a trees leaves were blowing funny. There was an anomaly in the way the leaves were blowing in this one tree. I kept looking at that anomaly and I asked Myself "why is the tree blowing so funny?" So I went to My room and got My BB gun and I looked at the anomaly where the tree was blowing funny and I looked at it with a 4 power scope. At first I could see nothing. But I kept looking because I knew something was funny. I would look with the BB gun and than with My eyes. Than after maybe a half an hour I saw a face with two eyes that let light pass right through. The face was greenish gray but I could see right through the eyes. The alien or a person wearing an invisibility suit was about 20 yards away from Me on My neighbors roof. At the time I thought he was in a tree but he was on My neighbors roof. Than after watching that for about 30 minutes or so, I saw an up-side-down smile of letting light pass right through. The smile lasted for about 30 seconds and then he was just letting light pass through circles on its upper part at random. This lasted for quite a long time but I was not timing any part of this encounter. I later saw his body and he was looking at me with a real face that was like painted in an invisibility paint. I saw him bringing his hands to his head and it looked like he was smoking something to me. It was crazy. It looked like he was laying down the whole time. I honestly dont know if it was an alien or some person wearing an invisibility suit. But he was on My neighbors roof and I watched him for about 2 hours total. The reason why I stopped watching him was because it was getting dark out and its hard to see a being wearing an invisibility suit at night, lol. But that happened in about August of 2012!

These are all true stories but what do they all mean? These things actually happened to Me and thats why I am talking about it. It was either God or ALIENS or the governments HAARP or something that can manipulate clouds because I know what I saw in the clouds. As far as the UFOs go, they were just that- Unidentified Flying Objects. And the ALIEN was some kind of person wearing an invisibility suit, whether from Earth or another planet, I do not know.

Not really into the Joan Osbourne types,

This is a little more my speed.
Crank it up and enjoy!

Its either I am CRAZY or I AM Christ or I AM a CRAZY Christ! There is no other choice. What do you believe? (I'd say I AM a CRAZY Christ!)

Im not going to make you believe anything but I will tell you the Truth about Myself!

If you do NOT believe by now (and you've read My whole thread) than there is nothing that I can say to make you believe.

Are you going to believe Christ or the world?

If Jesus is Risen than let Jesus say so.

If I, Christ George, AM Risen than let Me say "so". I would have to say "so"!


You are crazy, but keep taking your meds, and I hope you are able to get some consistent therapy if you're not already. No one in this entire thread has expressed that they believe any of what you've had to say, isn't it a waste of time to continue at this point? It seems that your efforts would be better spent on sites where people have the same standards of belief and proof as you do, as opposed to posting on a stoner's site of 20k membership. You have grandiose plans with your Morlock cities and what not, why not put your effort into making those things reality instead of begging us to believe you? We'd hope that Christ wouldn't come back as a whiny, needy little bitch...
You are crazy, but keep taking your meds, and I hope you are able to get some consistent therapy if you're not already. No one in this entire thread has expressed that they believe any of what you've had to say, isn't it a waste of time to continue at this point? It seems that your efforts would be better spent on sites where people have the same standards of belief and proof as you do, as opposed to posting on a stoner's site of 20k membership. You have grandiose plans with your Morlock cities and what not, why not put your effort into making those things reality instead of begging us to believe you? We'd hope that Christ wouldn't come back as a whiny, needy little bitch...

I always pictured Jesus like this:
<----Note distinct lack of being a whiny twat. Kind of like if Chuck Norris impregnated god.

You will never be able to prove that Jesus existed, nevermind proving He did the miracles alleged in the Bible.

And if He did live, everything written in the Bible is hearsay because He allegedly didnt wirte anything in the Bible.

Its all hearsay that Jesus said this and that.

I'm NOT saying that there wasn't a person named Jesus that claimed to the the Messiah ~2,000 years ago;

actually I do believe there was a Jesus but I doubt He did any of the miracles that are alleged in the Bible.

I would be happy if any of you could prove Me wrong because the Bible is My favorite book and I quote it alot but I dont know who wrote it.

But I, even I, can be proven and I, George Manuel Oliveira, am a FACT and I have said what I have said.

I'm not saying you shouldnt believe in Jesus but rather you should believe in the Truth.

Ask yourself "What can be proven?"

I do believe the Bible is the Word of God BUT who is Jesus and what are the objective proofs of His claims?

Why doesnt Jesus give evidence for Himself instead of these preachers if He is alive and risen from the dead?

Are you going to believe in fiction or fact?

Will the real Christ please stand up?

Eminem- The Real Slim Shady


Will the real Christ please save us?

Alice In Chains- Man In The Box



Looks like he's been at this a while, that forum is even crazier than this one, if you can believe that


His youtube account, 15 minute clips of pure crazy

Look what organized religion can do to a pesons mind. I assume at one point he was a normal, healthy guy, probably grew up in a religious household, then something traumatic or some major event happened in his early 20s and in the chaos, his damaged mind concocted this alternate reality to fill the void.

I'm closing the thread because I don't think it does anyone any good and probably does the OP even more harm than any of us have really considered. If you have any objections PM me
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