CA man jailed for 4 days for video taping police. They are in trrrouble.

Plus... How shitty are you at hunting that you need to go to a place where what you're shooting at is already trapped and where you're notified exactly when it's going to be let free? Maybe it's time to find a new hobby.

Unless you hunt for food, it's a completely pussy and bitch thing to do. You're shooting a defenseless animal with no intention other than killing it? If you like to shoot guns so much, join the military and do something useful. Oh, but you're too pussy, right? You'll shoot at defenseless creatures who aren't going to fight back but if your life is on the line you back out completely? COWARDS.

Varmint hunting has its place. Those are not generally regarded as decent eatin'. cn
If there's an animal causing harm or damage to you, your family, or property, then that's a legitimate reason to shoot it. If you're going out to kill animals for "fun", you're a bitch. Unless you hunt the real way and use your bare hands and/or create the weapon you're using by yourself using all natural materials.
I bet you talk in riddles IRL.
You might not enjoy my company in realspace.
If there's an animal causing harm or damage to you, your family, or property, then that's a legitimate reason to shoot it. If you're going out to kill animals for "fun", you're a bitch. Unless you hunt the real way and use your bare hands and/or create the weapon you're using by yourself using all natural materials.

That is an opinion being presented as moral principle. What has me wondering is your basis for it. If it's based on a concept of animal rights, I reject it. cn
Yes!!! He has the most aggressive form of brain cancer and the last bit of chemo before taking the oil did not stop the growth. Well, his last CT scan since taking oils showed no growth, no reduction, but no growth.

He is afraid to tell his doctor what he is doing from fear of being dropped. For the moment the doc thinks it's a residue effect of chemo. From what I hear he is taking massive amounts of oil, the exact amount I'm not privy to. He is still working, I do know that he takes the biggest dose at night and smaller doses throughout the day at work.

How long has he been taking it? I heard it takes months to eliminate it completely and only works for certain types of cancers. Do you know if his particular cancer can be cured from it?
How long has he been taking it? I heard it takes months to eliminate it completely and only works for certain types of cancers. Do you know if his particular cancer can be cured from it?

From what I've read at the National Cancer Institute cannabinoids cross the blood brain barrier. He has Glioblastoma (sp). I know mmj is good for breast cancer or so they say. The one woman I knew who had breast cancer died from the effects of her radiation and chemo to her heart. I never did hear what her cancer did but she lived longer than they said she would.
Everyone has his dad as their mmj provider so he won't runout of oil. Strange this is a man that has never smoked a j in his life but here he is. He likes the buzz too.
What do you mean everyone has his dad as their mmj provider? He gives others marijuana to use for medical reasons? How does he take it (mixing w/ food)? Does the oil get you high?
What do you mean everyone has his dad as their mmj provider? He gives others marijuana to use for medical reasons? How does he take it (mixing w/ food)? Does the oil get you high?

I meant his friends give their mmj license to his dad to grow their mmj supply. They are giving theirs to him so he won't run out. His dad is a licensed provider. His son gets everything he grows and processes for him.

Yes, the oil catches you a buzz. No, he does not mix it with food. He places it under his tongue and let it slowly 'melt' for absorption into the blood.

I've read that if you have stomach or intestinal problems then you are to eat it to get it closer to the cancer. Sounds strange to me, but who knows.

OH, it is used for skin cancer. It really does work. And has been mentioned in medical journals.

Edit: It is not a fall down buzz, more of a warm glow all over.

If anyone seen his cop busts, you should know what this means. This guy has great DVDs also, I've seen them all