White House Petition -- "Tell Ugandan Pres. to go F&$K himself"

Yeah the financial aid. Seems like I actually saw ugandans holding signs that read "stop sending financial aid" or something to that effect
A few days ago.

Then I was thinking about moustasche glasses.
I could prolly attend a WH dinner if I had some.

Don't forget the stogie.

no, the edit button wasn't working.

it took you over three minutes to compose that thought as well?

Sure why not Idk I didn't keep track, I am here to waste time.
When I posted I was smoking this plant I have, a great hybrid, consistently tests 20+% and its ready in 45 days....great shit.

Speaking of wasting time, you know if you cut your plants up you can hang more than 3lbs in a whole big room?
And if you don't pre-trim you have time pooper scoop your cat messes?

I certainly have hung whole plants but they werent the size of tumble weeds, that's just lazy.
Now you know.