EaMo's Big Blue (NLxBB) grow- 600w

Oo S0uP oO

Active Member
Ive decided im going to just break the glass and remove it. I want a new shade anyway that's a bit smaller so this will be a good excuse to get a new one :D
Awesome! You really do need a bare bulb to reap the benefits of the blue spec.... Dont forget to take pictures of the carnage buddy!:)


Well-Known Member
Dude, that's hard core!
LOL has to be done man, i want to see a difference in trichs haha

Awesome! You really do need a bare bulb to reap the benefits of the blue spec.... Dont forget to take pictures of the carnage buddy!

Haha will do man! My mate also told me this morning that it needs to be bare bulb ;)

Great stuff Mo, that just shows how dedicated you are to that BlueBerry.

LOL im just a very dedicated man ;) nah seriously, i just want some top quality buds and will do anything to
make sure it happens on my watch!!


Well-Known Member
Sweet man that sounds good. Before i moved to the 600w i used to use 2x 400's in an old grow box :) you definitely get some good buds from the even coverage!


Well-Known Member
Awesome! You really do need a bare bulb to reap the benefits of the blue spec.... Dont forget to take pictures of the carnage buddy!:)
After all that there wasnt any carnage ;) just had to peel the frame down a bit and it slid out. May even still be able to use the shade next time!

I did brush up against a bud while i was doing it and OMG it reeks lol. Now i stink to high hell hahaha


Well-Known Member
Day 50 of flowering. Flushed today and will be flushed for 10 days now.

I added the following nutes which will slowly get eaten up over the next few days and then topped up with freshwater over the next 10 days. She's pretty much stopped taking up nutes anyway so if the ppms are still the same on sunday I'll flush it out again and just go with freshwater.

God damn she smells sweet, I'm waking up during the night to the smell of very strong weed :( I've got a carbon filter and a smelly thing in the tent but it aint doing much lol. She smells like sweet berries now though which is a lovely smell if I wasnt so worried about neighbours!

Bloom A and B- 15mL to 30L
Sugar Rush- 15mL
Swell- 15mL


Chipper Pig

Well-Known Member
Berrys are nice! Looking great Mo, i can see the light at the end of the tunnel!!! Waking up to the smell of buds, is just great. I kicked all my clothes out of my closet to hang all my buds. Missus reckons it has been giving her headaches!!


Well-Known Member
Berrys are nice! Looking great Mo, i can see the light at the end of the tunnel!!! Waking up to the smell of buds, is just great. I kicked all my clothes out of my closet to hang all my buds. Missus reckons it has been giving her headaches!!
Haha yeah i like the smell but as im very close to the neighbours it worries me a bit. My missus is getting a bit antsy as well which is understandable, dont want the kids exposed to it at all! Lol about your missus getting a headache too :lol:


Active Member
Looking sweet EC! Sorry to hear the smell has got you down and I feel your pain. It's a damn shame that we have to be paranoid over all the "what if" scenarios. Bring her in boss!

Chipper Pig

Well-Known Member
Bloody kids, it's because of them i grow in the shed. It is also the reason i dont do anything with my plants untill the weekend when the missus is home. I would't change anything though, they do some funny stuff during the day:hug:


Well-Known Member
Looking sweet EC! Sorry to hear the smell has got you down and I feel your pain. It's a damn shame that we have to be paranoid over all the "what if" scenarios. Bring her in boss!
cheers Yankee! Yeah its a pain in the arse to be honest, all i want to do is grow 1 plant a year for myself and i cant do it legally or without getting paranoid as hell about getting busted. Just wish they'd bloody legalise it already! Bringin it home though man, getting there!!

Bloody kids, it's because of them i grow in the shed. It is also the reason i dont do anything with my plants untill the weekend when the missus is home. I would't change anything though, they do some funny stuff during the day
Haha spot on dude, its a pain but i wouldnt have it any other way, they truly make my world go round, and you're right, damn they say and do some funny shit :lol: