The truth about minimum wage and income inequality

Then you aren't a federal employee and you don't get the protections of federal employees, right?
He's paid by the Ayran Brotherhood (in truth) to post anti black/Jew/black Jew posts on Internet forums.

You've no idea what he's capable of.
Then you aren't a federal employee and you don't get the protections of federal employees, right?
Fed employees get no protection whatsoever from layoffs for budget reasons. Your contention that Fed employees are completely diligent public servants because they are immune from dismissal flies in the face of logic and denies consistent human behavior over recorded history. Your seem rather niave.
He's paid by the Ayran Brotherhood (in truth) to post anti black/Jew/black Jew posts on Internet forums. You've no idea what he's capable of.
You never have anything intelligent to add to the conversation. All you seem able to do is echo UncleBabble. Must be hell when your crowning achievement is being someone's sock puppet.
Fed employees get no protection whatsoever from layoffs for budget reasons. Your contention that Fed employees are completely diligent public servants because they are immune from dismissal flies in the face of logic and denies consistent human behavior over recorded history. Your seem rather niave.

Layoffs for budget reasons? How often does that happen outside of the sequester in our federal government? Regardless, if someone thought they had been discharged for not complying with management demands, might they litigate the issue of whether the layoff was for budget reasons in front of the MSPB? Of course, I'm not suggesting that these people are immune from dismissal, only that it's not necessarily as easy to get rid of them as people are trying to suggest here.

I bring only my own experience, which was to know dozens of federal employees in an office with frequent contact in many settings, both formal and informal. My contention is not that this experience is representative of all federal employees--since there are millions of them--only that it is representative of the kind of people who do the really important stuff.

Code enforcement doesn't come to my house and tell my home is an eyesore. Nuff' said.

Maybe your town doesnt employ 2 guys at 60 grand a piece to look for some paint chipping on the roof line fascia in the back yard on the second story. Something that could easily be spotted by anyone with either a telephoto lense of a good pair of binoculars.

And although All I had to do was paint a 3 foot section. We decided to paint the whole fucking house.
Now tell me
What do you fucking own? Nothing. Yeah i can understand your anger
Maybe your town doesnt employ 2 guys at 60 grand a piece to look for some paint chipping on the roof line fascia in the back yard on the second story. Something that could easily be spotted by anyone with either a telephoto lense of a good pair of binoculars.

And although All I had to do was paint a 3 foot section. We decided to paint the whole fucking house.
Now tell me
What do you fucking own? Nothing. Yeah i can understand your anger

Do they also look for long uncut lawns or ridiculous water features?
Do they also look for long uncut lawns or ridiculous water features?

Oh hell yeah.
My neighbor had to pull down his shed. He is also getting fined for having a gravel driveway in back. And needs to remove a pile of dirt in his yard. My other neighbor has 6 months to take care of the gutters which are showing signs of some rust.

The guy who came out and some how spotted the 3 foot section of peeling paint in the back of my house is a fat fuckign bastard who is a failed contractor. Well now he works for the city for 60k a year. If you get cited no matter what even if you fix it you will still get fined a 100 bucks for court cost.

The bakery in our neighborhood got fined 1000 bucks for being late 3 days on his sign license.
Oh hell yeah.
My neighbor had to pull down his shed. He is also getting fined for having a gravel driveway in back. And needs to remove a pile of dirt in his yard. My other neighbor has 6 months to take care of the gutters which are showing signs of some rust.

The guy who came out and some how spotted the 3 foot section of peeling paint in the back of my house is a fat fuckign bastard who is a failed contractor. Well now he works for the city for 60k a year. If you get cited no matter what even if you fix it you will still get fined a 100 bucks for court cost.

The bakery in our neighborhood got fined 1000 bucks for being late 3 days on his sign license.
Stop bitching about it.

If you don't like code enforcement you're totally free to move to Somalia, Iv heard they've a more lassaiz faire system.
Stop bitching about it.

If you don't like code enforcement you're totally free to move to Somalia, Iv heard they've a more lassaiz faire system.

I pay taxes. I can bitch. Now go back end finish that bottle of cheap wHiskey you opened up this morning
If you truly want to fight the system, create your own business. It takes some time to build it up, but it is the only way to be free from "the man".