Ouch Ryan, that doesn't sound nice at all.

that was my 4th knee surgery and not a pic of the ACL, which has been completely removed. The most recent was my medial ligament (torn both vertically and horizontally). I have the after pic of that which doesn't have much fluffy white stuff left in it either:)

Believe you me, I feel for you, dodgy knees are not a nice thing to have (although not the worst thing in the World).
pic of the inside of my arthritic knee.....shexy yesh?:spew:

I have a video of 2 outta the 3 knee ops I have had.. one they had to open up my knee to remove more torn meniscus.. I sound like rice crispies when I walk now
Ma Dude! Are you standing on a tombstone? Where was that? Great pic.
Thanks, it's a base of a statue near an old ruin of an arena in Turkey. Right around here: http://goo.gl/maps/LzLYj

Nooooo!! I wanna see your blonde hair (& big ears)!!! ;)

Well, uhmmm...

"to that i say":

I got blue eyes though if that helps ;)

circa 1892
Give or take a century :lol:

Edit: both the picture, and filters are total self-mockery if that wasn't obvious - they are not that old and I'm not that vain. The pic depicts the expression "To put someone on a pedestal"...
Duude, you were great in Top Gun. Iceeee!

You poor bastards with the "Trick Knees". I heard that expression a few times when I was a kid (70's) and thought it was just people saying their knees were sketchy (like trick or treat). A couple of years ago I came across a WWII vet's records and on one of them it listed "trick knee". Apparently it was actually an Army medical diagnosis in the 40's.

What's Alaska like? Is there an Alaska thread?

It's breathtakingly beautiful, wild, cold and dark in the winter and bright and warm in the summer; world class hunting and fishing, great people, an awesome place. There are a few threads here and there and some have pix uploaded by some of us. One of them is in the med forum.