Well-Known Member
Ouch Ryan, that doesn't sound nice at all.

that was my 4th knee surgery and not a pic of the ACL, which has been completely removed. The most recent was my medial ligament (torn both vertically and horizontally). I have the after pic of that which doesn't have much fluffy white stuff left in it either:)

Believe you me, I feel for you, dodgy knees are not a nice thing to have (although not the worst thing in the World).


Well-Known Member
pic of the inside of my arthritic knee.....shexy yesh?:spew:

I have a video of 2 outta the 3 knee ops I have had.. one they had to open up my knee to remove more torn meniscus.. I sound like rice crispies when I walk now


Well-Known Member
Ma Dude! Are you standing on a tombstone? Where was that? Great pic.
Thanks, it's a base of a statue near an old ruin of an arena in Turkey. Right around here: http://goo.gl/maps/LzLYj

Nooooo!! I wanna see your blonde hair (& big ears)!!! ;)

Well, uhmmm...

"to that i say":

I got blue eyes though if that helps ;)

circa 1892
Give or take a century :lol:

Edit: both the picture, and filters are total self-mockery if that wasn't obvious - they are not that old and I'm not that vain. The pic depicts the expression "To put someone on a pedestal"...


Well-Known Member
Duude, you were great in Top Gun. Iceeee!

You poor bastards with the "Trick Knees". I heard that expression a few times when I was a kid (70's) and thought it was just people saying their knees were sketchy (like trick or treat). A couple of years ago I came across a WWII vet's records and on one of them it listed "trick knee". Apparently it was actually an Army medical diagnosis in the 40's.


Sector 5 Moderator

What's Alaska like? Is there an Alaska thread?
It's breathtakingly beautiful, wild, cold and dark in the winter and bright and warm in the summer; world class hunting and fishing, great people, an awesome place. There are a few threads here and there and some have pix uploaded by some of us. One of them is in the med forum.


Well-Known Member
To be honest my first thought was....damn that's cruel he's gonna eat that thing with fava beans and a nice chianti