I found like a DOZEN VIDEOS of Christ Himself, He said that He posted on HERE!!!!!

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God Christ is a grower too, a grower of universes!

What do horticulturist growers do?

Growers hang lights in the ceiling and give plants a medium to grow with.

Growers supply the right temperatures and fresh air.

Growers supply the right food for the plants and supply the right enviornment for the plants.

Christ is the horticulturist of PEOPLE!

I put the stars in the sky and the sun for the earth, for light.

What an amazing metaphor! Now that we stoners can relate, we finally get what you're saying! What a wordsmith, you may very well be christ...

P.S. I can't find the sarcasm button, so you'll have to use your own judgement...
Best of luck if you actually are Jesus, this world is FUBARing pretty quick. You've got your work cut out for you, brotha

I'm really NOT Jesus! My Name is NOT Jesus, its George but I know what you mean :D

That word "fubar" is new to Me and I had to look it up but ya, the world is a mess and it needs The Messiah to love on it! But I believe that I AM The Messiah so it does look like I have My work cut out for Me.

I dont really know what to do to start this God Revolution besides talk to the world online. And I am talking to the world online right now! What would you do to fix everything? I believe that I have lots of solutions but whos listening to Me? I thought the Christians were supposed to believe in Christ but it seems like they just believe in their idiot box AKA the TV!

I, Christ, love you!

Actually, you have the same amount... Zero...

At least I can speak for Myself. Jesus needs preachers to talk for Him because Hes dead, unless someone can prove that Jesus is alive.

Maybe. I doubt you really believe that, but you could be that crazy. It is possible...

I really am that crazy, cant you tell from what I have posted? Did you think I would be sane? Lol. But crazy is subjective so it depends on who you ask. I'm just going to be Myself because I cant do anything other than be Myself. I'm not the best at anything but I'm the best at being Me lol :D

You are not a fan of science or even familiar with it's principles and methodology. You think you proven what you say, but that simply shows us that you don't know what proof is. YT videos are NOT proof of anything, and scripture even less so. You can't prove scripture correct by referencing scripture. Logic fail...

I told you guys, I went to college for engineering but I didnt even complete a semester and I started working constrution and than later I was a commercial fisherman.

And I'm not trying to prove scripture except for the prophecies that I have fulfilled (I quoted the scripture I fulfilled somewhere in the beginning of this thread). Scripture speaks for itself but I dont know what it proves besides spiritual things.

So what? Dude seems to love everything, so his love is not special...

My love isnt special? Is your love special?

But your right, I have said to everyone that posted on here that "God loves you!" or "Christ loves you!". But its the Truth because God does love everyone, even the worst of sinners. And Christ does love everyone, even the worst of sinners. I might love everyone but it doesnt mean that I like what they do because He loves the sinner and not the sin!

Again, logic fail, science fan. It's not about proving you wrong, its about you proving yourself right. Something you haven't even begun to do...

If I havent begun to prove Myself right than CAN YOU PROVE ME RIGHT FOR ME? I'd appreciate it if you could read My thread again from the beginning and look at everything objective that I have said and let Me know when I'm right (or wrong if you want to).

Mostly your ideas, and it seems your intellect, as well...

So you think I'm retarded? Thats what your saying. Well that makes the two of us because I would lose My head if it wasnt attached to My shoulders lol :D

Welcome to RIU, Christ. You can rate each thread on the site from 1 to 5 stars. See the 'rate this thread' option at the top of each page...

You got My title right- CHRIST!

But I have been posting on RIU.org since like 2007, so whos the noob?

No, you don't. Total waste of time...

This thread is the best thread on the internet! Lol, I think so anyways.

What have I taught all of you guys? Go back and start on page 1 and take notes on everything NEW that I taught you all!

And I know, I know already. Christ loves me...

How about this?

The Son of God loves you!

Jesus please fix my Jaguar so I can ride it this summer.
> thanking you in advance.

Lol, I need to fix My Jeep. The radio doesnt even work right now.

I dont recall it saying in the Bible that Jesus was a mechanic lol :D

When I AM The King of nothing, I am going to make SPACE JETS as common as cars. A SPACE JET is basically a jet that can fly through the AIR and through SPACE and through the WATER! So you could fly to the moon or one of the moons in our solar system and then take a dunk in the ocean and soar through the water to your UNDERWATER home or whatever else and of course you will be able to fly through the air. Basically its going to run off of liquid Hydrogen and liquid oxygen and that will make it fly through SPACE and UNDERWATER!

I, Christ, love you!

Don't tell me what to do Jebus!

Lol..... Jebus!

I, Christ, love you!

So what's the correct way to respond at this point?

You (all) can simply say "Thank You George".

I, Christ, love you!

I'd still like to include multiple videos in the same post, he obviously knows something we don't. That's actually the best evidence for his divinity he's shown so far, and he didn't even intend that...

Its the best evidence for My Divinity? LMAO! :D

I, Christ, love you!

So why do you keep speaking in the third person? I'm not that familiar with scripture on Jesus but if you were him, would you not say: "I love you!" instead ?

Maybe I talk in the third person because I AM the third Person. There is The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit... I'm not The Father but Hes My Daddy!

But seriously I talk in the third person sometimes because it reads better that way, and it just sounds good! Sometimes I like to say "Christ" instead of "I". But you all know that when I say "Christ" that I am referring to Myself!

I, Christ, love you!

Guess who I am :twisted:

Let Me guess, your a believer?

Good idea, MP, I'll try it now -


Yeah, if you reply with quote to his video posts, you can see how he coded it to work like this. Neat trick!

Very funny video Tyler!

I, Christ, love you!

Sounds like you two made a good team.

More than likely, if I say Christ than I'm talking about Myself because I believe that I AM Him!

God put the stars in the sky and the planets in orbit BUT I might have been with Him in a past Life a LONG LONG LONG time ago!

I, Christ, love you!

Help me Jesus I can't stop laughing :lol:

"Sounds like fucking 'voh-do'" :lol:

I know, I couldnt stop laughing when I first saw it too.

I, Christ, love you!

What an amazing metaphor! Now that we stoners can relate, we finally get what you're saying! What a wordsmith, you may very well be christ...

P.S. I can't find the sarcasm button, so you'll have to use your own judgement...

Whats wrong with the way I worded it? I dont get it.

But thats what God does, He makes sure that His people can live and grow. I'm going to make His creation that much better though!

I, Christ, love you!

Should I just say "Christ loves you!" or "I, Christ, love you!"?

Like I said before, this Christ thing might be awkward for all of us but it can be to our advantage if used properly! There is nothing more that I want to do besides usher in the kingdom. A place where everyone is rich and there is no lack. A free world where the people have all the power and not rogue governments because there will be an online government where you all vote from your laptops or smart phones.


I want to set the record straight! My Name is NOT Jesus but I can see how you guys would get Me and Jesus confused! Both of Our mothers names are Mary too!

I have the Name above all Names!

But Jesus said in the Bible that He would have A NEW NAME! Here is the Scripture below. BTW, this is Jesus speaking below!

Revelation 3:11-12

New King James Version (NKJV)

[SUP]"11 [/SUP]Behold,[SUP][a][/SUP] I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown. [SUP]12 [/SUP]He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall go out no more. I will write on him the Name of My God and the name of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God. And I will write on him My NEW Name."

My Name is George Manuel Oliveira. My Name George Manuel Oliveira means "Farmer God is with us; olive tree".

So lets see a passage from the Bible that talks about the OLIVE TREE!

Romans 11:16-26

New King James Version (NKJV)

"[SUP]16 [/SUP]For if the firstfruit is holy, the lump is also holy; and if the root is holy, so are the branches. [SUP]17 [/SUP]And if some of the branches were broken off, and you, being a wild olive tree, were grafted in among them, and with them became a partaker of the root and fatness of the olive tree, [SUP]18 [/SUP]do not boast against the branches. But if you do boast, remember that you do not support the root, but the root supports you.
[SUP]19 [/SUP]You will say then, “Branches were broken off that I might be grafted in.” [SUP]20 [/SUP]Well said. Because of unbelief they were broken off, and you stand by faith. Do not be haughty, but fear. [SUP]21 [/SUP]For if God did not spare the natural branches, He may not spare you either. [SUP]22 [/SUP]Therefore consider the goodness and severity of God: on those who fell, severity; but toward you, goodness,[SUP][a][/SUP] if you continue in His goodness. Otherwise you also will be cut off. [SUP]23 [/SUP]And they also, if they do not continue in unbelief, will be grafted in, for God is able to graft them in again. [SUP]24 [/SUP]For if you were cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature, and were grafted contrary to nature into a cultivated olive tree, how much more will these, who are natural branches, be grafted into their own olive tree?
[SUP]25 [/SUP]For I do not desire, brethren, that you should be ignorant of this mystery, lest you should be wise in your own opinion, that blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. [SUP]26 [/SUP]And so all Israel will be saved,[SUP][b][/SUP] as it is written:
“The Deliverer will come out of Zion,
And He will turn away ungodliness from Jacob;"

So you can see that I have a very special Name. My mothers name is Mary, and everyone knows the name Mary was Jesus' mothers name. And I just showed you that in the Bible, Jesus said that He would have A NEW NAME! And My last Name Oliveira means "olive tree" and thats even in the Bible. Another thing thats very special about My Name is My initials; the initials for George Manuel Oliveira is GMO and GMO stands for "Genetically Modified Organism". But thats a little weird! The real special part is My initials BACKWARDS; My initials GMO backwards is OMG and everyone and their mother knows that OMG stands for O My God!

Could Christ have picked a better Name to use? It should be very obvious to anyone that is reading this that I have A NEW NAME and its NOT Jesus! Its George Manuel Oliveira! Or should I say Christ OMG? Or OMG Christ?

This is why My Name is so special, its because of what My Name means- Farmer Gods is with us, My mothers name- Mary, My initials forwards means something, My initials backwards means O My God and finally My last Name Oliveira means olive tree and thats in the Bible too as you all have just seen.

I found out about what My Name means and also what My initials mean in August of 2008. I found out that Jesus said He would have a NEW Name and the passage about the olive tree in 2009, about a year later. I always knew George meant Farmer as a kid but I never looked up what Manuel or Oliveira meant because I didnt think it would mean anything special!

Can Christ make it any more obvious for you all to see? Read the New Testament where it says that Jesus said (I didnt say it) Jesus said that He would have A NEW NAME! I already quoted the scripture for you, just read it again and if you dont get it than read it again lol! My Name is NOT Jesus, its Christ George- The Son of God!

It doesnt get any more obvious than this. I have A NEW NAME so call Me by My Name- George! Would these things be in the Bible for no reason? Does Jesus need to repeat Himself over and over again? If Jesus said He would have A NEW NAME than maybe He has A NEW NAME? Maybe? Lol :D

Do I need to repeat Myself? I have for your sakes because some of you are slow to believe.

Who has better solutions to the worlds problems than Me? Anyone?

Dont you all want to live in a better world? I know I do. Once I AM The King of nothing than everything will get a trillion times better because it will be Christ thats helping and not the greedy "elites" trying to rape the world of its resources.

Is there another Christ other than Me? Do I even have any real competition? I may have many flaws but I have a heart of gold and all I want to do is help and build bigger.

Are there ANY Christians out there? Hello?

Do My people remember Me NOW? What about NOW? Or NOW? Lol :D

I AM The Greatest Miracle EVER!

Does ANYONE have a name above My Name? Please tell Me if ANYONE has a name greater than My Name!

Is there another Christ?


I'm a preacher in the making. I'm born again & I'm here to spread the gospel. Or the Good News that we have a living Savior & that The Bible is NOT about a guy that lived & died 2000 years ago but its about THIS Person that has overcome & iTAKING US ALL TO HEAVEN!

What dont you guys understand?

There might be some "funny guys" on here and whatever, but I'm looking for the Christians in search of Christ!

You guys want to refute the evidence in the videos? If it is true than "What time is it?"? Can anyone say its time TO BE RAPTURED?

I hear Christ (AKA George Manuel Oliveira) talk about HEAVEN on EARTH and building a UTOPIAN SOCIETY, with UNDERGROUND MANSIONS, FARMS & ENVIORNMENT, UNDERWATER MANSIONS, FARMS & ENVIORMENTS, & EVERYTIHNG IN BETWEEN.. I hear of ways to make the most of the best & make things more efficient so people can prosper..

Like I said, REFUTE THE EVIDENCE ON THE VIDEOS. Whats wrong with what He said besides He was a little chubby for a few, but everyone knows a chubby good person and loves them.

REFUTE THE EVIDENCE! IF He is not Christ than who is?

Christianity is "THE NUMBER ONE 'RELIGION' IN THE WORLD", so WAIT UNTIL the Christians (that are looking for The Savior) to find out!

God bless!
Lie..Islam has the most followers world wide so it is number one...and who cares...ALL RELIGION is poopycock (mispelled for emphasis)
Nowhere does it say that Christ reborn will have a mother named Mary. There are so many acronyms, many, many people have initials that mean something forward and backward. There are probably thousands of people, maybe 10s of thousands with the same initials GMO.

Olive trees are mentioned in the bible, wow, no kidding, it must be true then. /sarcasm.

The bible is a pretty big book, it mentions a shitload of things. The chance that someone has a name that means something that is also in the bible is pretty fucking high when you consider that there are almost 7 BILLION people!! Do you realize how many 7 billion is? You probably didn't do well math or statistics in school did you? Not only that but considering that people don't have just random names, people actually choose names that mean things, the likelihood that someone has a name that can refer back to the bible and/or Christ, just shot up dramatically.

We know you're fucking nuts but you seem to have some periods of lucidness so listen close. YOUR NAME IS NOT SPECIAL. It doesn't mean you are Christ reborn. This is not evidence. This is delusional reinforcement of your mental illness. It would be as if I said that anyone with the last name King is has special claim to be a ruler. What about people whose name is Lamb, or Logos, Kyrios, Adam, Light, or any derivation of these names. What about Manson (Son of Man- Look what happened to Charlie. Do you want to be like him?).

So please, just stop. Try to think through a little bit when you are on your meds and recognize that you are just playing a little word game that considering the variations and number of languages there are, you can find millions of people that are 'candidates' for being the Christ reborn, yet no one ever said that he will be recognized by his name or that his name means anything. Yeshua was a common name in his time. It didn't mean anything. If there really was a god and there is a new messiah coming, it will be his (or her) actions and deeds that will define who he is, not some contrived attempt to make his name fit some unremarkable coincidences.
Wait, this guy said he's jesus before you did. Now I'm confused...


I think I'm going to follow this guy, he says he's even BETTER than jesus!

Scroll scroll scroll scroll...........done.

Are you still an Athiest or have you become an Agnostic? Because how can you say that there absolutly is NO GOD?

I cant prove God but I dont have to. Who created everything?

I, Christ, love you!

Please allow me to introduce myself...

"I was 'round when Jesus Christ had His moment of doubt and pain!"- The Rolling Stones...

Please introduce yourself :D

It says your from the Netherlands... I heard that there are alot of believers that grow ganja in the Netherlands. Is that true?

I, Christ, love you!

Lie..Islam has the most followers world wide so it is number one...and who cares...ALL RELIGION is poopycock (mispelled for emphasis)

I care about Muslims as much as I do Christians. I'm not a Muslim but I read parts of the Quaran (in 2009 when I was in PRISON) and I liked it. I believe God is the English word for Allah or vice-versa.

The only thing I dont like about Islam is the terrorists. I'm not saying Christians are perfect either, but I'm totally non-violent and I dont agree to hurting anyone. But most Muslims are placid like Christians.

And I agree with you about religion, its good for some people but I choose to be spiritual.

I, Christ, love you!

Nowhere does it say that Christ reborn will have a mother named Mary.

I'm going to agree on some of the things you said here but not on everything! Ok?

Your right, it doesnt say anywhere in the Bible that the Second Coming of Christ would have a mother named Mary, like Jesus did; BUT its icing on the cake.

Nowhere in the Bible does it say The Second Coming would even have a special Name at all, BUT its icing on the cake!

BTW, I have told My family that I believe that I AM Christ but none of them believe Me. :( I dont even talk about it to them anymore.

There are so many acronyms, many, many people have initials that mean something forward and backward. There are probably thousands of people, maybe 10s of thousands with the same initials GMO.

Your right, I'm sure there are a "handful" of people whos initials are acronyms of something because there are so many acronyms now a days.

What are the EXACT chances of someone having My exact initials- GMO? Whats the probability of it? One in what chance?

Let Me see if I can do the math... If My math is right than 1/17657 or 1 in 17,576 people have My same initials. And that makes it A VERY SMALL PERCENTACE of people in the world have My initials!

You do the math!

Olive trees are mentioned in the bible, wow, no kidding, it must be true then. /sarcasm.

I'm just pointing out a fact. Its something that I discovered that I thought was cool.

I never even read the Bible until 2009 because I was never religious. The only reason why I read the Bible was because I believe that I AM Christ and I probably should if thats the case lol :D

I was a Christian that believe Jesus was going to come and teach His people everything they needed to know. I was always waiting on Jesus to come and teach since I became born again in My early teenage years. The Bible was too big of a book to read for Me because I had too much school work or later I was working all the time.

The bible is a pretty big book, it mentions a shitload of things. The chance that someone has a name that means something that is also in the bible is pretty fucking high when you consider that there are almost 7 BILLION people!! Do you realize how many 7 billion is?

It is a VERY BIG BOOK if you include the Old Testament.

What are the chances that someone has a name that means something from the Bible?

I cant fathom the number 7 billion, can you?

But what are the chances?

You probably didn't do well math or statistics in school did you?

I actually did very well in math in school, I was always getting A's for the most part.

I forget how to do statistics though because I never studied it much and I've been out of school for 9 years.

But since your an expert at statistics than you can figure out these chances for Me, right?

Not only that but considering that people don't have just random names, people actually choose names that mean things, the likelihood that someone has a name that can refer back to the bible and/or Christ, just shot up dramatically.

My parents actually thought I was going to be a girl because the ultrasound technology wasnt good back in 1985 and My parents gave Me the Name George right after I came out of the womb. I believe I was going to be an Anthony if male but they all thought I was going to be a girl, so I got My Name at the last minute.

EDIT- My mother just said that she didnt get an ultrasound back then because the Dr. said that "he didnt know how an ultrasound would effect the baby." back in those days. They thought I was a girl because I had a fast heart beat. Thats what My mom just said right now. I honestly dont remember being in the womb or being born so I have to believe her, lol :D

My parents dont believe that I AM Christ and they never tried to give Me a special Name with the OMG thing or any of that. No one told Me about My Name, I found out in August of 2008 by Myself. My X fiance broke up with Me and I started to starve Myself to death and I went 6 weeks or about 40 days without eating and I found out in the 6th week of starving Myself.

So My parents didnt do it on purpose, My Name George came from My aunty Georgina; My Name Manuel is My Grandfathers name; and My last name Oliveira comes from My dads last name.

My mothers maiden name is Kennedy!

We know you're fucking nuts but you seem to have some periods of lucidness so listen close.

I told you guys that I'm nuts, so whats new?

I'm listening!


This is YOUR OPINION, so listen close :D

You might not think that My Name is special but I do and I'm sure there are others that can see it for what it is- the Name of The Son of God!

It doesn't mean you are Christ reborn. This is not evidence. This is delusional reinforcement of your mental illness.

Your right, My Name doesnt means that I am Christ! Like I said, its just icing on the cake!

What name does mean that one is Christ reborn? It doesnt say what Name The Second Coming would have, from the Bible, because then many parents would name their kids that. Its a mystery that has been revealed in Me.

It doenst say it in the Bible but I AM declaring My Name to you all! You dont have to believe that I'm telling the truth but I'm talking to the believers.

It doesnt even say My Name in the Bible but it talks about My Life, but have you been listening to what I have said?

It would be as if I said that anyone with the last name King is has special claim to be a ruler. What about people whose name is Lamb, or Logos, Kyrios, Adam, Light, or any derivation of these names. What about Manson (Son of Man- Look what happened to Charlie. Do you want to be like him?).

I hear what your saying.

I dont want to be like Manson, trust Me. But I'm not trying to start a cult. I dont tell people My beliefs in person. Most of My friends dont even know about this Son of God thing. I'm not going to tell them either because its personal and plus, I'm not trying to start a cult.

But I AM trying to start an ONLINE REVOLUTION!

So please, just stop. Try to think through a little bit when you are on your meds and recognize that you are just playing a little word game that considering the variations and number of languages there are, you can find millions of people that are 'candidates' for being the Christ reborn, yet no one ever said that he will be recognized by his name or that his name means anything.

I'm not trying to start a word game; I'm trying to point out facts about My Name so maybe you all can see that not only am I all these things, but I also have THE NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES!

Where are the other "candidates" for being Christ?

Your right, " yet no one ever said that he will be recognized by his name or that his name means anything"..... Because no one else thinks they are Christ! But I do, so check Me out!

What do I, Christ, stand for?

Yeshua was a common name in his time. It didn't mean anything.

Your right!

Yeshuas name wasnt even Jesus. Jesus is His engish name! I dont know why they call Him Jesus if He was really called Yeshua.

If there really was a god and there is a new messiah coming, it will be his (or her) actions and deeds that will define who he is, not some contrived attempt to make his name fit some unremarkable coincidences.

Look at My actions and deeds, because that defines Me and NOT My Name, but I do have The Name above every name!

Look at Me.

BUT... Since you are an aficionado of math, probability and statistics, why dont you tell Me what are the chances of ALL of these things happening to one person? What is the probability and statistics of these things happening to one person? And not just My Name but every objective piece of evidence that I have told you all!

I, Christ, love you!

Jesus Fucking Christ.

Whats up buddy?

I, Christ, love you!

A picture

What was the picture? It didnt work on My laptop.

Wait, this guy said he's jesus before you did. Now I'm confused...


I think I'm going to follow this guy, he says he's even BETTER than jesus!


Those are very funny videos, I cant believe people take him seriously!

If you want to follow him than be My guest!

I, Christ, love you!

It says your from the Netherlands... I heard that there are alot of believers that grow ganja in the Netherlands. Is that true?
A lot of people who believe, and a lot of people who grow ganja. They are however rarely the same people. If I ever meet someone who grows or even smokes ganja and believes the 2000 year old desert fairy tales it will honestly be a first. I'm sure there are a few scattered in some remote small villages, but certainly not a lot.

They (the brainwashed) live amongst us, but they sort of live in their own imaginary world. In some areas the boundaries between their imaginary world and real life has become blurry, areas where believing local politicians are elected, and make "damn sure" there are no growing hippies in their county/province. Without bat shit christians it would have been legalized here decades ago.

So no, not true. Should have asked dad.
A lot of people who believe, and a lot of people who grow ganja. They are however rarely the same people. If I ever meet someone who grows or even smokes ganja and believes the 2000 year old desert fairy tales it will honestly be a first. I'm sure there are a few scattered in some remote small villages, but certainly not a lot.

They (the brainwashed) live amongst us, but they sort of live in their own imaginary world. In some areas the boundaries between their imaginary world and real life has become blurry, areas where believing local politicians are elected, and make "damn sure" there are no growing hippies in their county/province. Without bat shit christians it would have been legalized here decades ago.

So no, not true. Should have asked dad.


So what your saying is that there are a lot of believers. And your saying that there are alot of growers in the Netherlands?

But the growers dont believe. And the believers dont grow.

Is that true?

What about the people that grow to believe? What about the people that believe to grow? Lol :D

Are you saying that the believers dont like the growers (or "hippies" as you say)? If so, do the growers like the believers?

What do the hippies/growers believe if not in the Bible or Jesus? Do they have their own religion or are they athiests?

It seems like there is a lot of strife between the growers of the Netherlands and the believers of the Netherlands.

Whats wrong with the believers? And whats wrong with the growers?

Dont you all know that God made marijuana? It was God that made the plant. Who else would have done it? God made everything!

Is there anyone else claiming to be Christ?

I'm sure there might be a few, but are they like Me? I can prove it because I have more infallible evidence than anyone else.

What have the Christians been waiting for, for the last ~2,000 years? The Christian have been waiting for Me or should I say Christ? If you call yourself a Christian but deny Me than you are a hypocritical Pharisee! How can you call yourself a Christian, or a follower of Christ, and ignore/disobey Christ?

I'm not asking anything from you guys but to inform the people that I AM coming soon to do great and mighty things! Tell the Believers about Me!

You are My hands and feet!

What about the Christians that are truely looking for the Messiah? What about the people that have blind faith in Jesus because they dont know Me? What about the people that want and need to be vindicated for their faith?

I'm not meant for just the stoners, but RIU was the first place I ever told about Myself and I've written more on RIU than any other website! So I came first to the stoners but I AM MEANT FOR THE WHOLE WORLD!

Do you guys want the things that I say to come true? Than become part of My online militia and spread the news that I AM RISEN and this is My world to make prosper!

Its up to you guys, do you want to let Christ down? or do you want to lift Christ up? Do you want to serve the tyrants or The Go(o)d King?

I already set everything up for you guys, you just need to grab it and run with it. I'm not going to harm My people, I will just bless My people!

I AM Gods secret weapon! but I'm not going to be a secret forever; the time is coming when EVERY knee shall bow and EVERY tongue shall confess! Go read the New Testament!

(Its My fault, I'm most likely going to be a time traveler and I most likely had to go back in time to go forward again. Who knows how many thousands of years I'm going to live for? Do you think (Jesus) Christ would be a normal Person? I'm a crazy and I want to do crazy things but its all for My Daddy- God. I'm never going to be normal, I'm always going to be pushing for more and more. I'm going to build bigger and bigger until the threshold is reached. I most likely will have lots of clones just because of Who I AM and My clones will breed so there will be descendants of The King! We are all Royalty because we are heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ. Are you living like Royalty? How much is your life worth? You cant put a price on a persons life and look how some people live. Most people live on $2 a day, and yet the Rothchilds have ~500 TRILLION dollars...? Whats wrong with the picture? Is there anyone that is listening? Where are the rebels, renegades, dissenters and freedom fighters? Where are the people that will fight the rogue governments with Me? Why are so many Chritians complacent? Where is the freedom and justice for all? I just dont get it, there is too much bullshit and people dont even care.)

I'm praying for you guys always!

all of mankind is and has and will be walking on the path that I have set forth life is but a journey... all for my pleasure...I am the alpha the omega the beginning and the end the first and the last BEHOLD I AM CREATOR:arrow:.........
So what you're saying is that there are a lot of believers.
Not as many as in the US, but yes, still too many nevertheless. They lost their political grasp over the past decade, fortunately they are a dying breed. I live in the most 'churched' area of Europe. Also quite a few 'believes', though less since the protestants merged with a bunch of others. I used to be certain, when I was a kid, that by the time I was the age I am now, nearly nobody would swallow the nonsense anymore. It went it the right direction, but we got 1 million bat-mad muslims in return so things haven't exactly improved.

And you're saying that there are a lot of growers in the Netherlands?
Yes, mj is a major export product as well so we grow a multiple of what we actually need.

But the growers dont believe. And the believers dont grow [mj].
Yes. No self-respecting ganja grower is going to claim there's a man in the sky. Frankly I find the idea of a christian growing or smoking quite fascinating. How can a mind expand so much and then become so narrow again?

Is that true?
Seriously, yes. And simply because according to them Ganja = drugs = devil. There is less of a gray area between believers and non-believers here than in the US. Either you believe that shit or you don't.

Disclaimer: I did not include muslims (who own a good deal of the coffeeshops, growshops, and surely grows as well) because I can't understand a fuck of what they're saying anyway. They live in yet another imaginary dimension.

What about the people that grow to believe? What about the people that believe to grow? Lol :D
Nobody grows to believe. People that believe to grow but in reality aren't are locked up or homeless.

Are you saying that the believers dont like the growers (or "hippies" as you say)? If so, do the growers like the believers?
"hippies" as the especially older generation christians say, not as I say. Yes all believers don't like the growers, but not all the growers don't like the believers. Some do not like most, but most do not like some.

What do the hippies/growers believe if not in the Bible or Jesus?
Nuthin' at-all. Dunno really. Anything that does not involve Bibles or Jesus's.

Do they have their own religion or are they athiests?
Holy shit Jesus! Are you saying that's not the same thing? :lol: For argument sake yes, atheists.

It seems like there is a lot of strife between the growers of the Netherlands and the believers of the Netherlands.
And anyone else who puts themselves between growers and their beloved plants.

Whats wrong with the believers? And whats wrong with the growers?
Everything and nothing respectively.

Dont you all know that God made marijuana? It was God that made the plant. Who else would have done it? God made everything!
As they say in the Netherlands: God created the earth, the Dutch created the Netherlands.
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