Does anyone want to receive Spiritual Enlightenment?

It hurts me when you use Sagan in an attempt to legitimize your position. Sagan was a scientist, and 'The Universe as it Really Is' means something entirely different to him than it does to you. He employed the scientific method and empirical evidence to form his beliefs, while you apparently studied something you liked and decided that it was true. You are not even able to adequately explain why you hold your beliefs, much less why anyone should consider them...
Why does it hurt you lol!!!!!, what is so important in this world that this would hurt you, just wait until you lose a loved one, that is true pain. I am a scientist as well, and no it means the exact same, the universe as it is and not as we imagine it to be, just open your eyes, he found truth and that destoyed his beliefs, I do not have any beliefs, my eyes are wide open, and I really could care less if you or anyone else should consider what I see
It is a pretty big step, and I understand your speculation, and it is strictly my opinion, but my intellectual intuition tells me that it is just like sleep, loss of consciousness, but that does not mean that who you are ceases, it simply means that the material world, sense perception has left you. If you are very alert, you can actually sense your own Awareness, even during a deep sleep, a counter intuitive, how are you very alert during sleep, it is relative, if you are alert enough, but therein lies the Truth, and I thank you for this because I have never thought of it, perhaps that little bit of Awareness goes out in death, and thus we cease to exist, but that is not the Immortality of which I speak to begin with, you(Awareness) are not fleeting as the things and events of this world are, another paradox, the rock was hear before you came and will be here long after you go, but you are not form, you are formless, you are One with the whole of Space, you are what allows the universe to exist, you are not touched by time, you are the timeless which allows time to exist, you are One with the totality, you are Eternity itself. By opinion I mean uncertaintity, but by belief I would mean something that I hold as absolute Truth.
So.... in you last reply you state "i do not have any beliefs"

and then you go into great detail to explain your beliefs....

Seems legit, lol!

Wouldn't you think, believing with certainty that you continue to exist after you die is a tad bit egocentric and conceited?
So.... in you last reply you state "i do not have any beliefs"

and then you go into great detail to explain your beliefs....

Seems legit, lol!

Wouldn't you think, believing with certainty that you continue to exist after you die is a tad bit egocentric and conceited?

Its just as egotistical to claim that its impossible to know these things that you find so silly, then try to force others to accept this core belief of yours...

You were starting to express this idea as an opinion rather than fact, what happened?
Certainty, in terms of a scientific experiment, doesn't exist. Only probability.

Certainty, in terms of general everyday discussion is different. I'm 'certain' that when I drop a book, it will fall. I shouldn't have to tell you that there's actually a 99.999, ad infinitum, percent chance of it falling.

I'm not scientifically certain that god doesn't exist, it's not possible to check everywhere in existence at the same time; but I've seen absolutely zero events that couldn't be explained by something else more likely than 'god'.
Certainty, in terms of a scientific experiment, doesn't exist. Only probability.

Certainty, in terms of general everyday discussion is different. I'm 'certain' that when I drop a book, it will fall. I shouldn't have to tell you that there's actually a 99.999, ad infinitum, percent chance of it falling.

I'm not scientifically certain that god doesn't exist, it's not possible to check everywhere in existence at the same time; but I've seen absolutely zero events that couldn't either be explained by something else more likely than 'god'.

Exactly my point, thank you very much Beef
Certainty, in terms of a scientific experiment, doesn't exist. Only probability.

Certainty, in terms of general everyday discussion is different. I'm 'certain' that when I drop a book, it will fall. I shouldn't have to tell you that there's actually a 99.999, ad infinitum, percent chance of it falling.

I'm not scientifically certain that god doesn't exist, it's not possible to check everywhere in existence at the same time; but I've seen absolutely zero events that couldn't be explained by something else more likely than 'god'.

I agree 100%, I am, I exist, that is the only thing I am absolutely certain of, I always feel like saying "strictly my opinion" before I say anything but that would get pretty annoying, even to myself. For everything else I must trust my Intuition to tell me what is true, what is right and wrong, and I do, absolutely, I wouldn't be able to function without it, I know that you are Aware just as I am, I just Know, even though it is a possibility that you are not, I just Know you are, I was born with that knowledge. We may never be able to prove the Theory of Relativity, but it makes absolute sense to me, and that is good enough, no God, no Supreme Being at all, it is hard to explain my opinion when it is not derived from the usual context of what God and Spirituality is, some people do understand quite clearly, some people trust there own opinions more than mine, and I have no problem with that whatsoever, it is not my responsibility to change your mind, I am simply offering my view of things, perhaps you would call that a belief, there you go, I have beliefs, I will still call them opinions, I prefer the universe as it is and not as I want it to be.

What is Truth? Maybe Jesus didn't know how to answer, maybe he had an opinion but just didn't feel like giving it, perhaps the Truth is not important.

Or perhaps the Truth is not an answer to a question at all, but is something much bigger. Try to imagine heaven, try to imagine absolute perfection, wow law of attraction, I just opened my eyes and what do you know, I see Heaven, I see perfection, it could not possibly get any better than this, this is Paradise

What do you know, the universe as I imagine it could not come close to the universe as it actually is, I can have faith in Jesus and God all I want, I can believe in Truth and Immortality all I want, but it will not get me any closer to Paradise than I am right now

I do not need a million dollars, who the hell needs a million dollars, I can't say that if I won the lotto I wouldn't be happy as hell, but I'm not gonna dream of the future, I would rather just live in Paradise right Now
So.... in you last reply you state "i do not have any beliefs"

and then you go into great detail to explain your beliefs....

Seems legit, lol!

Wouldn't you think, believing with certainty that you continue to exist after you die is a tad bit egocentric and conceited?

I can understand how it would come off as egocentric and conceited, but I am not forcing anything on you, I am simply giving you my opinion, you are always free to think for yourself, but if not for the millions that came before us, we would be thinking like mokeys, and I have been enlightened and humbled by many of the responses I have read. Ego is conceited, when someone does not respect your opinions just bc they are not the same as yours, it is a natural reaction to not respect their either, and that is why the ego is so counter productive in philosophy. When the Johavas Witness' come to my door I always talk to them for a good half hour about their beliefs, I know that they have a rock hard shell against any oposition, so I don't even bother, when they say that the world is getting worse and worse and these are the end times, I always feel like saying when was the last time you heard of someone being nailed to a stick, when was the last time you heard of people being thrown into the Coleseum to be torn apart by lions and gladiators, I actually have to remind them that according to their own beliefs Armageddon is not actually the end of the world. I can understand their position, there is still a ton of evil taking place in the world, perhaps evil is rising and this is only the beginning, but in my "opinion", completly uncertain and not "believing" in that which I can not be certain of, Armageddon is a necessary evil, a very necessary evil, blessed are the meek for they shall inherit this Earth, strictly my opinion. My opinions do change, I am open to change, I can accept uncertaintity, but that does not mean I will change my opinion everytime I hear another one, and neither should anybody, that is not egocentric or conceited.
Its just as egotistical to claim that its impossible to know these things that you find so silly, then try to force others to accept this core belief of yours...

You were starting to express this idea as an opinion rather than fact, what happened?

I understand your position, and as I believe Nietzsche mentioned earlier in the thread, "there is a big difference between a theory and an ascertaining of Truth", and it is a theory, but one that makes absolute sense to me. It is derived from Intuition, just as Calculus is derived from Intuition, anyone who knows Calculus knows how important recognizing the counter-intuitive and finding the Intuitive is, it has to make absolute sense in order to be taken as a fact. But as mentioned by beefbisquit certainity in science does not exist, only a probability, my theory can not possibly be proven, but I am absolutely certain of what I see with my own eyes, just as I know that the book will fall, so to do I know that this is Paradise.
Edit: When i use the term "belief" i am strictly speaking of supernatural beliefs.

If you can't prove with certainty that, for example "the devil" isn't giving you these experiences and ideas in order to trick you into believing something, or your brain isn't just accepting the ideas that you find most comforting, or whether or not this is a dream or some sort of computer simulation...

how can you be sure that your beliefs are certain at all, if the possibility exists that you could be wrong? This seems extremely dishonest.

I think, in order to be honest with yourself... you must never be too overconfident about your beliefs, because they always contain the possibility of being wrong.... if you have the courage to think deep enough about it.

Now i can understand having a belief, and believing in it because that is what you feel is right and because it's what makes you feel good. The thing i don't get is... the whole pretending that it is certainly true, when you know deep down that it could be wrong. This is where the fear comes in, the fear of beliefs being wrong... makes you pretend that they are certainly right.

When the more courageous and less egotistical standpoint would be;

"Honestly, i don't know if my beliefs are true or not, but i am going to believe in them regardless. If you don't... whatever, i still do because it's what i want to do." <--- now THAT... is honesty, and is something i truly admire in a person... although it is extremely rare to find.


Maybe it's only those of us burdened with the ability to remember our dreams so vividly that sometimes we cannot discern the difference between dream and reality...where one begins and the other ends, who can truly entertain the idea of reality being different from what we want it to be, or what we think it is. But i don't know, there could be others... i've just never had the privilege of meeting them
None of us has all the information. We are constantly getting new information. New scientific info, new experiences, new perspectives, and new context. This alone should cause a person to, at least periodically, evaluate their beliefs. Those who hold onto old beliefs without ever updating stand a greater chance of being wrong as time passes. Without evolving our certainties, beliefs become prejudices or superstitions. This may seem like common sense but it happens every day.

&#8221;For having lived long, I have experienced many instances of being obliged, by better information or fuller consideration, to change opinions, even on important subjects, which I once thought right but found to be otherwise.&#8221; &#8211;Ben Franklin
I understand your position, and as I believe Nietzsche mentioned earlier in the thread, "there is a big difference between a theory and an ascertaining of Truth", and it is a theory, but one that makes absolute sense to me. It is derived from Intuition, just as Calculus is derived from Intuition, anyone who knows Calculus knows how important recognizing the counter-intuitive and finding the Intuitive is, it has to make absolute sense in order to be taken as a fact. But as mentioned by beefbisquit certainity in science does not exist, only a probability, my theory can not possibly be proven, but I am absolutely certain of what I see with my own eyes, just as I know that the book will fall, so to do I know that this is Paradise.

Do you know how easy it is to deceive the eyes? Incredibly.

What your eyes see is an interpretation of photons hitting receptors, it's pretty easy to disrupt those signals in various ways via drugs, or electromagnetic stimulation. Dr. Michael Persinger has the ability to make you see, and feel, all sorts of visuals and emotions over a wide range spanning from the deepest joy and sense of belonging with the universe, to dread and ultimate fear. He can make you feel or even see, 'god' or 'the devil'.

Your senses can be manipulated quite easily by interference; in fact there's no way to intuit or tell if we're in a simulation right now. What you're seeing and touching, interacting with could all be fake and you'd have no way of knowing,
Edit: When i use the term "belief" i am strictly speaking of supernatural beliefs.

If you can't prove with certainty that, for example "the devil" isn't giving you these experiences and ideas in order to trick you into believing something, or your brain isn't just accepting the ideas that you find most comforting, or whether or not this is a dream or some sort of computer simulation...

how can you be sure that your beliefs are certain at all, if the possibility exists that you could be wrong? This seems extremely dishonest.

I think, in order to be honest with yourself... you must never be too overconfident about your beliefs, because they always contain the possibility of being wrong.... if you have the courage to think deep enough about it.

Now i can understand having a belief, and believing in it because that is what you feel is right and because it's what makes you feel good. The thing i don't get is... the whole pretending that it is certainly true, when you know deep down that it could be wrong. This is where the fear comes in, the fear of beliefs being wrong... makes you pretend that they are certainly right.

When the more courageous and less egotistical standpoint would be;

"Honestly, i don't know if my beliefs are true or not, but i am going to believe in them regardless. If you don't... whatever, i still do because it's what i want to do." <--- now THAT... is honesty, and is something i truly admire in a person... although it is extremely rare to find.


Maybe it's only those of us burdened with the ability to remember our dreams so vividly that sometimes we cannot discern the difference between dream and reality...where one begins and the other ends, who can truly entertain the idea of reality being different from what we want it to be, or what we think it is. But i don't know, there could be others... i've just never had the privilege of meeting them

Cool ideas and opinions, bro.
Now we are not enemies, we are seekers of the Truth, let us remain, let us be Philosophers, I respect your opinions to the fullest, please respect mine.
Edit: When i use the term "belief" i am strictly speaking of supernatural beliefs.

If you can't prove with certainty that, for example "the devil" isn't giving you these experiences and ideas in order to trick you into believing something, or your brain isn't just accepting the ideas that you find most comforting, or whether or not this is a dream or some sort of computer simulation...

how can you be sure that your beliefs are certain at all, if the possibility exists that you could be wrong? This seems extremely dishonest.

I think, in order to be honest with yourself... you must never be too overconfident about your beliefs, because they always contain the possibility of being wrong.... if you have the courage to think deep enough about it.
Never assume too much, a very important piece of Wisdom, as I said I can accept uncertainty, I do not need to know the absolute Truth, but I can still have opinions on it. It could be a computer simulation, a dream, it is all calculated to perfection, the "clockwork universe", my opinion, the "Devil", "Satan", "Lucifer", is a personification for the human Ego, but do not be decieved, it is everything you were told it was, it is the master of deception, the bringer of darkness and evil into this world, all things evil in this world come forth from the human Ego.

Now i can understand having a belief, and believing in it because that is what you feel is right and because it's what makes you feel good. The thing i don't get is... the whole pretending that it is certainly true, when you know deep down that it could be wrong.
I do not believe it because it is comforting, not at all, it is Intuitive, I wrote a book a few years ago, and it started with the question, what is Truth?, it ended 300 pages later with an answer, but the answer is only the conclusion, the Intuitive, the Truth is in the 300 pages, but that is not necessary for all, but it has nothing to do with what I want to believe, but what Intuition tells me, it has an entire chapter "Of Space and Time" devoted to Physics, it is about the Truth and nothing but the Truth, that was my only concern. Anything can be wrong, there are so many possibilities that you can not possibly be certain of what is true, but deep down we Know what is Truth, just as we know that the book will fall, so too do we know what is True and what is False, the thing is we like to defeat our Intuition with what we want to be true.

This is where the fear comes in, the fear of beliefs being wrong... makes you pretend that they are certainly right.
You nailed it right on the head, Spiritual Intuition.

When the more courageous and less egotistical standpoint would be;

"Honestly, i don't know if my beliefs are true or not, but i am going to believe in them regardless. If you don't... whatever, i still do because it's what i want to do." <--- now THAT... is honesty, and is something i truly admire in a person... although it is extremely rare to find.
It is admirable, and I have seen this in many people, and that is the freedom of choice, but I must add that I do not want to hold my opinions as Truth, they are most certainly uncertain.


Maybe it's only those of us burdened with the ability to remember our dreams so vividly that sometimes we cannot discern the difference between dream and reality...where one begins and the other ends, who can truly entertain the idea of reality being different from what we want it to be, or what we think it is. But i don't know, there could be others... i've just never had the privilege of meeting them

Time is an illusion but the Earth is very Real, that is the only ultimate Reality to me, but I must say, it is Paradise.
None of us has all the information. We are constantly getting new information. New scientific info, new experiences, new perspectives, and new context. This alone should cause a person to, at least periodically, evaluate their beliefs. Those who hold onto old beliefs without ever updating stand a greater chance of being wrong as time passes. Without evolving our certainties, beliefs become prejudices or superstitions. This may seem like common sense but it happens every day.

”For having lived long, I have experienced many instances of being obliged, by better information or fuller consideration, to change opinions, even on important subjects, which I once thought right but found to be otherwise.” –Ben Franklin

Genius, without evolving our cetainties, beliefs become prejudices or superstitions, true genius, what seems like common sense is exactly what we have often forgotten, it is common sense that we must remember.
Do you know how easy it is to deceive the eyes? Incredibly.

What your eyes see is an interpretation of photons hitting receptors, it's pretty easy to disrupt those signals in various ways via drugs, or electromagnetic stimulation. Dr. Michael Persinger has the ability to make you see, and feel, all sorts of visuals and emotions over a wide range spanning from the deepest joy and sense of belonging with the universe, to dread and ultimate fear. He can make you feel or even see, 'god' or 'the devil'.

Your senses can be manipulated quite easily by interference; in fact there's no way to intuit or tell if we're in a simulation right now. What you're seeing and touching, interacting with could all be fake and you'd have no way of knowing,

Here is a very deep Truth from Gautama the Buddha, "One has not attained Enlightenment until they realize that everything is an illusion", but if the illusion is Paradise, that is plenty good enough for me, these words are only pointers to a much deeper Truth, "The finger pointing at the moon is not the moon" Buddhism, when asked what is Enlightenment, all Siddhartha could reply is, "the end of suffering". It is a simulatation, but it is the only Reality, a very deep Paradox, calculated to perfection, the entire universe is just Space bending in on itself and creating the illusion of Time(form, Energy, motion).