Well-Known Member
Nope.I pay taxes. I can bitch. Now go back end finish that bottle of cheap wHiskey you opened up this morning
Your usual line is "if you don't like it, move" so on this occasion, you can go McFuck yourself.
Nope.I pay taxes. I can bitch. Now go back end finish that bottle of cheap wHiskey you opened up this morning
Your usual line is "if you don't like it, move" so on this occasion, you can go McFuck yourself.
growing weed is a job.
not really.
I guess it would be a job if you grew a thousand acres of it, but the amounts we grow take up very little of our time.
i work more hours every year than someone sitting at a desk doing a 9-5, and i wear many more hats.
i work more hours every year than someone sitting at a desk doing a 9-5, and i wear many more hats.
Maybe, but its not hours spent growing, nature does the growing, all you have to do is provide what nature doesn't.
I might be able to grow 25 pounds of product a year with the current setup, but I don't. I only spend maybe 8 hours a month to grow 75% that.
Do you count the time looking at your plants as "Work" just becasue you have no real job to go to?
i'll be putting in more hours over the next 6 months than 9-5 clock punchers put in over the course of a year.
How many pounds of treadmills will your factory produce?
How many pounds of treadmills will your factory produce?
That's just bad form and a typical leftie attitude.just about enough, but could always stand to produce more.
He works on retard time it takes him 16 hours to trim 6ozs. Buckys setup takes about 30mins to maintain a day and that's being thorough anything else is just fucking off. I find it funny that he is trying to act like growing weed is fucking hard hell most of us do it for hobby.
Why would you assume I don't own anything? A little sensitive about your run in with code enforcement?Maybe your town doesnt employ 2 guys at 60 grand a piece to look for some paint chipping on the roof line fascia in the back yard on the second story. Something that could easily be spotted by anyone with either a telephoto lense of a good pair of binoculars. And although All I had to do was paint a 3 foot section. We decided to paint the whole fucking house. Now tell me What do you fucking own? Nothing. Yeah i can understand your anger
Well, you'll certainly be fighting the system, but you won't be free from "the man", just a different "man".If you truly want to fight the system, create your own business. It takes some time to build it up, but it is the only way to be free from "the man".
For Buck, getting up off the couch is a jobnot really. I guess it would be a job if you grew a thousand acres of it, but the amounts we grow take up very little of our time.
He works on retard time it takes him 16 hours to trim 6ozs. Buckys setup takes about 30mins to maintain a day and that's being thorough anything else is just fucking off. I find it funny that he is trying to act like growing weed is fucking hard hell most of us do it for hobby.
you are aware that every nug from an outdoor grow has to pass by my scissors three times, right? more goes into producing manicured sinsemilla than just trimming, too. there's also the chopping, hanging, re-hanging, debranching, jarring, bagging, unjarring, rejarring, and more.
but seeing as how you clearly have done nothing but smoke brown schwag from the kids at the mall, i wouldn't expect you to know any of this.
and how you got any of your numbers is unknown and laughable. i can just sense the butthurt in every one of your posts. the only one here claiming to work 16 hour days, every single day, with no breaks (ever) is you.
did you forget about that, dumbass?
Why do you trim your bud so much? I can rid a bud of 90% of all the leaf matter in 1 minute, but I don't see the point in taking it all off as I like the taste and those little leaves are just dripping with good good Trichs.
Why do you feel it has to be manicured so well?
Chopping and hanging take only seconds to do, how many plants you growing?
Jarring and exchanging and re-jarring takes, literally, a couple of minutes to do a few pounds worth.
I find it hard to believe that your going to be putting more than 40 hours each week specifically into doing all of that. I can see putting in a few hard days come harvest time, but you aren't harvesting a continuous 5 pounds every 3 days.
How is it that you will work more in the next 6 months than a 9-5 person does in a year? Thats 80 hour weeks +.
Let me guess, time management skills are not so good?