things that annoy you


Well-Known Member
I have a very difficult time tolerating Americans who cannot speak proper English. I was just watching a show where some rednecks from Kansas are moving to Mexico, and the young woman is butchering the name of the city. Instead of saying, "that's how I pronounce it", she said "that's how I call it" and grunted out a giggle. She sounded very much like the people in idiocracy; only 500 years early.
Back in the late 70s my family moved from the northeast usa to Oklahoma. I was just a 13 year old kid at the time and on my first day at this new, strange place a native lady said to me "Chow floppear?" I didn't know what the hell she was talking about. I respectfully asked her to repeat, which she did several times, even saying it very slowly. It sounded the same to me and I just couldn't understand her. I've thought about this on and off ever since.

Now it's been nearly 35 years and I still live in this same area. I haven't picked up the accent, but I'm ashamed to admit that I occasionally let a "ya'll" slip out (instead of "you all"). The good part of this is that I have learned to understand the lingo better. Just two years ago, I was thinking about what that lady was trying to say to me and it finally hit me. lol "Chow floppear" simply means "Did you all fly up here?"

If I ever start talking like that in my posts here at riu, please.....just shoot me already!!:grin:


Well-Known Member
I hate it when it's 4:59 on a Friday of a long weekend and some patient has the balls to call and say "Oh, I'm in so much pain, poooor me, i've had a tooth ache all week, I need to come in right now." Trust me, you are not going to get the best treatment in this case and we will talk about you behind your back. lol


Well-Known Member
GETTIN THE DAMN MUNCHIES! it doesnt happen often to me but when it does i have to eat and eating completely kills my high:-x

Total Head

Well-Known Member
Back in the late 70s my family moved from the northeast usa to Oklahoma. I was just a 13 year old kid at the time and on my first day at this new, strange place a native lady said to me "Chow floppear?" I didn't know what the hell she was talking about. I respectfully asked her to repeat, which she did several times, even saying it very slowly. It sounded the same to me and I just couldn't understand her. I've thought about this on and off ever since.

Now it's been nearly 35 years and I still live in this same area. I haven't picked up the accent, but I'm ashamed to admit that I occasionally let a "ya'll" slip out (instead of "you all"). The good part of this is that I have learned to understand the lingo better. Just two years ago, I was thinking about what that lady was trying to say to me and it finally hit me. lol "Chow floppear" simply means "Did you all fly up here?"

If I ever start talking like that in my posts here at riu, please.....just shoot me already!!:grin:

i was born and raised in massachusetts and i recently had someone (a transplant) tell me i sound like "guttertrash" because i talk fast and pronounce things a certain way. there's nothing wrong with my vocabulary or how i structure my sentences but this twat felt the need to tell me i sound like guttertrash because of my accent and the fact that i refuse to act fancy in casual conversation. i refuse to live my life like i'm at a job interview or a church and i give no fucks about whether people like how i sound. there's more to what a person has to say than an accent. there's a difference between having an accent and actually butchering the language. i happen to think "y'all" is perfectly legitimate even if i don't use it. plenty of languages have a plural "you" and it's a valid contraction imo.

i hate when people bitch about foreigners and how they speak english. a lot of foreigners speak english quite well but they have thick accents. meanwhile you have americans saying shit like "lie-berry" and "drownded" and bitching about how foreigners speak. if we would all pay less attention to how people pronounce things and more attention to whether they are actually idiots we'd all be better off. "guttertrash"...that same dipshit said "nu-cular weapons" later in the conversation. i may not pronounce the r but i know what the fuck the word is.

i'll stop now. masshole 4 lyfe

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
I hate to hear our fearless leader (Obama) bastardize the English language when he talks.
He has the ability to speak proper English when addressing certain groups though.
I was down south a few years ago and these two black guys were in a store asking for chips or whatever and the white clerk had no idea what they were asking for.
Just like Obama, it was just a bunch of bip bip bip bugga talk.
Sounds like Mushmouth from Fat Albert.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
catshit on shoes

being out of smokes

power outages

How true! and cat shit sucks.

The family cat didn't like me and would retaliate at night by dropping a deuce outside my bedroom door.
There's no feeling like moist, cold, gritty, stinky cat shit squishing between your toes at 7AM.
When people get political out of nowhere. I'm waaaay too high to deal with someone who thinks they're the second coming of Sean Hannity right now. Talk to me once my eyes are pearly white again

Also, anyone who "types lik dis." Is sounding like a 12-year-old really worth not having to type a couple extra letters?