4 Plant 600W grow


Well-Known Member
my point is do you get this problem with your 600w? the plants are healthy but just can't seem to get enough nitro to keep the leaves green under the hot spot. bud still is growing and looks dank
Never had a problem keeping the leaves green, I run the 600w cool tube about 12-14" off the canopy with a 6" inline exhaust (running about 25% speed) and a small oscillating fan. Course I'm in an unfinished basement also which is nice for keeping things cool. Grow area is 5X5 w/8' ceiling. Might bump up your nutes a bit and add cal-mag, move your pots around a bit every day may help.


Well-Known Member
Thought I'd try my hand at some bud shots, obviously I'm not very good, need to figure out the macro and flash settings. Most shots blurred.

Anyway they are getting pretty frosty. Tomorrow will be end of 7th week (49 days)

They're starting to yellow out, I'm pulling 3-4 leaves/day/plant and it's starting to speed up, so they are headed to the finish line. I'll get them back out in the sun in a few days after this f***ing cold front gets out of here. Snow in May for shit's sake.



Well-Known Member
DSCF2546.jpgOK more pics, not necessarily better pics, just more. Buds-a-swellin'. Thinking this is gonna turn out OK.

The three little ones are 2 durban poison and one sleestack X Cheese to be planted outside.




Well-Known Member
Thanks Vape. I refuse to get caught up in the MG and nute brand pissing matches. Gets pretty ridiculous at times. I think most of it arises from the fact that a lot of newbies use what is cheap and available as far as soils and nutes, then they fuck up right and left, and blame it on the ingredients, not their poor procedure.

You can rant and rage against Scotts and Monsanto and I will not disagree in the least, they are corporate barons. Corporate assholes. But the products actually work, just fine, if you know what you are doing.
I think it mostly stems from the newbs not having it beaten into their heads yet that more is NOT always better, and they want the monster buds they see, and think flooding the plant with food is what causes the big buds.


Well-Known Member
I think it mostly stems from the newbs not having it beaten into their heads yet that more is NOT always better, and they want the monster buds they see, and think flooding the plant with food is what causes the big buds.
says the guy w the crispy plant..........lol


New Member
ignore this dude lol. Don't clutter up Aim's thread with his trash Bak..
Don't reply to him again...I found out the hard way lol.



New Member
And to be honest Aim and Bak, I've been a guy that would steer ppl away from MG lol just bcuz it's MG...
Now I know that I don't have to do that necessarily lol. I'll just steer ppl wanting to use it or using it to you guys lol :peace:


Well-Known Member
Thought I'd try my hand at some bud shots, obviously I'm not very good, need to figure out the macro and flash settings. Most shots blurred.

Anyway they are getting pretty frosty. Tomorrow will be end of 7th week (49 days)

They're starting to yellow out, I'm pulling 3-4 leaves/day/plant and it's starting to speed up, so they are headed to the finish line. I'll get them back out in the sun in a few days after this f***ing cold front gets out of here. Snow in May for shit's sake.

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Yummy. I tried to scratch and sniff my screen. The more I look at Buds like this, the more I realize that I don't know shit. Damn my father was right 20 years ago when he told me that.


Well-Known Member
OK 56 days in flower (12/12 flip) tomorrow. Been growing bud a little over 6 weeks.

Everything going good, not sure how much longer I got, maybe 2 weeks anyway. Not seeing any amber except where I accidently rubbed a bud or two. I gotta tell you it's damn hard for my old bad eyes to judge the trichs under magnification. I'm thinking I'm seeing mostly clear with maybe 25% cloudy.

Still not much of an odor problem, I can smell them at times but still not a problem. They are in the basement with the fan exhausting into the basement with no filter, so I get a whiff or two now and then but not obviously weed unless you've been around it growing before. No one gets in my house anyway so not a major issue.

I still suck at the close up bud shots, too lazy to figure out the macro. But they are getting plump and frosty and all seem to have good density. The white behind the buds is an 8.5 X 11" sheet of paper for size reference. And the dog actually weighs 55 pounds, she's a special breed of Ninja Attack Pug. Just bullshittin, she weighs about 18 lbs.

And a shot included of 3 I'm gonna outplant in a nice place. Just vegged them in a windowsill w/some cfl's. They were repotted a week ago, I'll stick them in the ground in a couple weeks. The Durban are lanky but that's what they did for me last year. I've fimmed them once and will further top them and tie them out to about 6' diameter.

Anyway hoping everyone is having a chill Fri, and will have a rockin' rest of the weekend!

Gimme your thoughts. Feel free to blow some smoke up my ass! As my first total indoor grow I'm pretty tucking fickled with the results.

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New Member
Look good boss! I tell you one thing man...I've over this being punched in the brain by the white widow lol. And I've got a few ounces of it left haha.
It's packs a kush stone all day boss! Runnin a lot of sativa and sativa dominant my next run!

For you first time, great job! Anxious to see what you yield!


Dang, those are looking mighty tasty!! Got a nice looking crown of branches. Yeah im really interested on what youll yeild also. Im on day 26 flower with my 600W, im looking forward too my buds swelling up like yours. Just started a lil shroom grow with some golden teacher, hope too have some "psychedelic spagetti" with my buds:eyesmoke::lol::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Been staring at trichs for about 30 minutes under 30 and 60 power. Damn I with I had my 25 year old eyes back.

Anyway I'm seeing maybe 5% amber in places I know I did not bump the trichs. Otherwise maybe 40% clear and 55% cloudy. This is on the cheese and white widow, white rhino is lagging I think, as far as ripeness. I think I've got another week at least on the cheeses and WW.

Kind of a Yin and Yang thing, want them to grow out, but it's gonna be hard to cut them. Oh well I guess I should get some tropical fish if I want to look at pretty stuff.

Stay tuned... harvest to follow. Wife is out of town about a week starting 5-14, would like to start harvest b4 she gets back. Probably cut big upper buds and let lowers go another 10 days, then grow room is getting sghut down till this fall.