The Rich Have Gained $5.6 Trillion in the 'Recovery,' While the Rest of Us Have Lost $669 Billion
1 According to the Pew Research Center, the top 7 percent of all U.S. households own 63 percent of all the wealth in the country.
2 Between 2009 and 2011, the wealth of the bottom 93 percent of all Americans declined by 4 percent, while the wealth of the top 7 percent of all Americans increased by 28 percent.
3 On average, households in the top 7 percent have 24 times as much wealth as households in the bottom 93 percent.
4 In the United States today, the wealthiest one percent of all Americans have a greater net worth than the bottom 90 percent combined.
5 According to the Economic Policy Institute, the wealthiest one percent of all American households have 288 times the amount of wealth that the average middle class American family does on average.
6 According to Forbes, the 400 wealthiest Americans have more wealth than the bottom 150 million Americans combined.
7 The six heirs of Wal-Mart founder Sam Walton have as much wealth as the bottom one-third of all Americans combined.
8 According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the middle class is taking home a smaller share of the overall income pie than has ever been recorded before.
9 In the United States today, corporate profits as a percentage of GDP are at an all-time high, but wages as a percentage of GDP are at an all-time low.
10 In 1980, CEOs at S&P 500 companies made 42 times as much as their employees did on average. Today, CEOs at S&P 500 companies make 354 times as much as their employees do on average. In fact, there are many CEOs that make more than 1000 times what the average employees in their companies make.
11 According to a report recently issued by the Pew Research Center, Americans over the age of 65 have 47 times as much wealth as Americans under the age of 35 on average.
12 U.S. families that have a head of household that is under the age of 30 have a poverty rate of 37 percent.
13 Back in 2007, about 28 percent of all working families were considered to be among "the working poor". Today, that number is up to 32 percent even though our politicians tell us that the economy is supposedly recovering.
14 At this point, one out of every four American workers has a job that pays $10 an hour or less.
15 Today, the United States actually has a higher percentage of workers doing low wage work than any other major industrialized nation does.
16 The U.S. economy continues to trade good paying jobs for low paying jobs. 60 percent of the jobs lost during the last recession were mid-wage jobs, but 58 percent of the jobs created since then have been low wage jobs.
17 As I mentioned yesterday, the homeownership rate in America is now at its lowest level in nearly 18 years.
18 The United States now ranks 93rd in the world in income inequality.
19 Approximately one out of every five households in the United States is now on food stamps.
20 The number of Americans on food stamps has grown from 17 million in the year 2000 to more than 47 million today.
21 According to the U.S. Census Bureau, more than 146 million Americans are either "poor" or "low income".
22 At this point, the poorest 50 percent of all Americans collectively own just 2.5% of all the wealth in the United States.