Is real sour diesel still clone only?

wyte seems to know. aj's cut is the sister pheno that is closest to the " real cut". there was more then 2 pheno's that came from the accidental pollination, hence all the bs online.
Well fresh said it best lol.

The sour d was made by weasel by accident in nyc since then jj nyc had the official cut in nyc and has been using it since the early 90s so why wouildnt the realsour d be out here and have to get imported?

Again threads on icmag and thcfarmer will back up what fresh and I have said.
Well fresh said it best lol.

The sour d was made by weasel by accident in nyc since then jj nyc had the official cut in nyc and has been using it since the early 90s so why wouildnt the realsour d be out here and have to get imported?

Again threads on icmag and thcfarmer will back up what fresh and I have said.
yeah the one on the farm basically tells it all. how many moms was kept, the conditions they were in and the availability of this exclusive clone only.
don't get me wrong, it's been passed around, but not like how most think.

wyte seems to know. aj's cut is the sister pheno that is closest to the " real cut". there was more then 2 pheno's that came from the accidental pollination, hence all the bs online.
yeah it seems the many monikers seems to throw people off. weasel's and aj cuts are one in the same, which is also known as original diesel and gets confused for sour diesel. it's been also stated by well known farmers (claiming to see it with their own eyes) that a lot of people have been passing off original diesel as sour d to dispensaries in the cali med scene.

like i said, visit some of the sour d clone only community threads and you'll see how many people thought that they had the sour d, only had the original d or a knock off version.
I still don't get it,for years the real sour d was called ecsd and the aj was a cut of the ecsd,Rez version was an attempt to produce an ibl of the ecsd. Also I thought original diesel was daywrecker or original headband which came before the sour was made,don't know how the ecsd is somehow a fake now within the last month
no for years, the sour d was sour d, the ecsd was just a moniker that was slapped on it by someone one. aj was a cut of the original d, that's why swerve always stated that's what he has and is the precursor to the sour d, meaning the mother of sour d.
I think criminal organizations and breeders dont mix as regularly we think. I think some of the people holding this cut in nyc arent down with this scene and dont talk about it.
Ok so the aj cut is the original diesel and not sour diesel then?
from my understanding, aj cut is the original diesel. i am digging up some more info for the thread as we speak.

here's some quotes for dudes that are definitely in the know, basically confirming what some have been saying in this thread. not to take anything from the 2, but Jorgo and his buddy just sounds good when it comes to this topic.

there is only one ecsd clone. most of the cuts being passed around are from rez's sour diesel. you know the real clone when you have it.

The AJ that was passed to Europe as the "Original Sour Diesel', is def thought to be the Original Diesel at this point. I hold both the original AJ, and the OSD which was given to me by a well-known breeder who received it from Chemdog. For awhile we thought they were the same cut and just experiencing genetic drift... After multiple grows we're pretty sure that the AJ and OSD are different. I would lean towards it being the Original Diesel as Jah mentions above.

I find that the Original Diesel is definitely sour-esque, but the fuel taste is a heavy, dirtier type of aroma and taste. Almost like you picked up a shop cloth and inhaled it.

The AJ, which we got from Brooklyn in 04' and subsequently was released across upstate NY, is much more of a sour fuel taste. It's like holding a straw above a can of kerosene, and sucking in the fumes. The sour is so pronounced its almost sharp.

IMO, samples of OSD can smell similar to the AJ, especially if you don't have them side-by-side. But once you start smoking a bunch you realize that the sour note isn't as sharp.

Hope this helps clear the air a little bit.
oh yeah, JJ confirmed what dude ^^^^ is saying too.

i am pretty sure everyone or almost most are familiar with Jah hoover and here's what he said.
Yes the cut i have is the Original Diesel clone, when i first put this thread up i thought the cut i had was ECSD cut but after my research and meeting up with all the big players in the game at HTC events and smoking this cut out with other ECSD versions. I can now verify this cut to be Original Diesel clone and not ECSD.

I recently smoked this cut with JJNYC and Lemonman and at the last Hightimes B-Real loved my O.D buds and also confirmed it to be the original Diesel clone. So basically it as has been verfied by a few knowledgble people.

I was just looking at jj's mother list on the depot and he has it listed Sour Diesel(aj cut) it doesn't say original diesel
I was just looking at jj's mother list on the depot and he has it listed Sour Diesel(aj cut) it doesn't say original diesel
that is a list that was comprised by another grower and not by JJ himself.

look at my previous post, that i edited, and it will answer your assumptions, well at least some of them.
from my understanding, aj cut is the original diesel. i am digging up some more info for the thread as we speak.

here's some quotes for dudes that are definitely in the know, basically confirming what some have been saying in this thread. not to take anything from the 2, but Jorgo and his buddy just sounds good when it comes to this topic.

oh yeah, JJ confirmed what dude ^^^^ is saying too.

i am pretty sure everyone or almost most are familiar with Jah hoover and here's what i said.

I knew for a fact that the aj cut was in brooklyn in the early 2000s and this right there comfirms it and jj comfirmed it as well.
Good digging up my dude!
I was just reading what u posted from the farm as well
the mother list was updated by jj himself on 5-4-13 on the depot,the strain list was by another member,I was confused myself
Bxgrower no bull all the info you need is either on icmag or thcfarmer. Everybody that was hands on in the scene spoke on what's what that's why its still so funny to hear people saying this is sour d and rez sour d was the closest to sour d ect ect ect.
WBW That's what I'm reading to,don't really think that Rez version was the closest either even thogh I never had his version,Rez version is prolly the one that gets passed off as the clone only,because people won't know till its grown out that it's not the actuall clone
I think criminal organizations and breeders dont mix as regularly we think. I think some of the people holding this cut in nyc arent down with this scene and dont talk about it.


You're saying that just maybe. . .there are people who are growing weed out there and NOT talking about it on the internet? Impossible!

Plus, we all know that if people post stuff on the internet, it HAS to be true. Its not like there is any reason for anyone to CLAIM they're the only ones with the "real" sour diesel!
Thanks I needed something abrasive to scrub my butt. Im just stating it because people seem to think the world revolves around boards and forums. I dont namedrop because my experience ends at watching my boy bagging it in the past. But its on the ground experience and closer to the real Sour D than most people on this board.

I know the smell because it was the only thing keeping his building from being overtaken by the stank in the condemned building next door. I know what it looks like because I watched him bag it for years. I know what it smokes like because I was their copping for years. Like I said closer than most people talking about it here.

You're saying that just maybe. . .there are people who are growing weed out there and NOT talking about it on the internet? Impossible!

Plus, we all know that if people post stuff on the internet, it HAS to be true. Its not like there is any reason for anyone to CLAIM they're the only ones with the "real" sour diesel!

Thank you!! I have been having this argument with people for years. I'm so sick of people saying they have the Real Sour Diesel. You obviously know what you are talking about because I have been cloning this rare strain for 15 years. I live in NY and have seen top of the line "Sour Diesel" come close, but nothing compares to the Original. I will post some pictures here in a few weeks.
The most interesting thing about Sour Diesel is that it fetched upwards of 6k a lb. My old bosses came from NY and they would talk about the prices and my eyes would just get bigger and bigger. I couldn't imagine selling a lb for 6k... I mean shit sell 2lbs and you got yourself a brand new honda. Might not be the best car but my point is you can't buy a car with the prices out here in Cali lol.
The most interesting thing about Sour Diesel is that it fetched upwards of 6k a lb. My old bosses came from NY and they would talk about the prices and my eyes would just get bigger and bigger. I couldn't imagine selling a lb for 6k... I mean shit sell 2lbs and you got yourself a brand new honda. Might not be the best car but my point is you can't buy a car with the prices out here in Cali lol.

That's not surprising. I would easily pay 500 a Z if I had no access to it. I got sick of a lot of the Cali strains and nothing really compares to this. I am considering turning this into some type of
Edible Snack Bar. I know there are lot of edibles out there, but I feel like i am in unique position having this strain. It's early but I already have a lot of the resources in place.
Well everyone who do you think has the closest to sour diesel in seed form ,i have rez sd ibl from 2010 and have found two phenos that were close to what i think is sd and found a nice sd in hortilabs sour super skunk which supposely is rez sd v3 but have never tried any other and am wanting to try and find it again