Impeach the so called President?

Should President Barack Obama II be impeached for treason?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 57.4%
  • No

    Votes: 16 34.0%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 4 8.5%

  • Total voters
Impeach lol He should be put against a wall and shot like all traitors, Spying, collaborating with the enemy, erosion of constitutional rights, i believe that prick wants to sell my children's liberties and labour to the bankers. NWO is alive and well working in the background pulling this fuckn puppets strings.


you'll be fun to troll in the future.
Just seeing what everyone's thoughts are on how well our president is doing his job. Should we impeach President Barack Hussein Obama II? Yes, no, or undecided?

I believe that BarryO should be impeached for being a lying POS...He has had too lie all his life to be that good at it.....Impeach the POS...
Well usually when one starts a thread they are ready to hold down what they believe in. You seem to just want to throw shit and whilst keeping your hands clean...which is impossible

Usually.. Also meaning normally, but what is normal? Average? Average out of who? The world? What the fuck is normal? I'm not so sure I want to fall into the category of usual. I am rather unusual in a sense, for I do not conform to the cookie cutter bullshit of today's society. Why does it matter what I believe in if someone will just discredit my proposition in a childish manner? I'm tired of the usual shit.
You seem to just want to throw shit and whilst keeping your hands clean...which is impossible

Nothing is impossible and until you realize that you will be stuck with shit between your fingers. If for some unknown reason I did feel the urge to throw shit without the use of a shovel,,, I would probably put on gloves (:
Insinuation of violence ? Dont be so weak. There is nothing violent about expressing my constitutional right to bear arms my friend.
the insinuation of violence only shows how weak your argument is, whatever it may happen to be.

The same could be said about our president.
There need not be any violence, Mr. Obama could simply step down from the throne and take his cronies to saudi arabia with him. Regardless we will be here in case he makes the wrong decision.
Sometimes force is necessary against forceful people. Kinda like how he forced unconstitutional, mandatory health insurance on all of us. We will force him out of office, peacefully of course, and there is not a single troll that will stop us
names, names the little trolls not angry is he lol

i believe i was accurately describing your mischaracterization. with that rather tame comment vanishing so quickly, my guess is that you snitched (awwww, so sensitive down there, are we?).

your intellectual capabilities do not seem so stellar.
Sometimes force is necessary against forceful people. Kinda like how he forced unconstitutional, mandatory health insurance on all of us. We will force him out of office, peacefully of course, and there is not a single troll that will stop us


the PPACA was ruled constitutional and obama will finish his second term.


Just dont vote for Hillary. Obama is a lame duck he wont be able to pass any more bills. The dems will lose the senate on the next election thank you jesus.

Obama care will be repealed, it and his foreign policies are a huge fail
well you guessed wrong my rather eloquent but not so intuitive friend

you mistook the insinuation of violence for violence itself, and you want me to believe you're some kind of intellectual?

maybe flash a loaded gun to convince more people that you're smart, that might work :lol:
Just dont vote for Hillary. Obama is a lame duck he wont be able to pass any more bills. The dems will lose the senate on the next election thank you jesus.

Obama care will be repealed, it and his foreign policies are a huge fail

dems would have already lost the senate had you righties had a lick of common sense and not ran a bunch of extremists and talked about how rape babies are a blessing and contraception is evil.

the PPACA will be here forever, it's not going away.

care for some corn flakes into which you may cry?
I say just impeach the position of president itself. Get rid of it. It's a meaningless title. They should just call it the puppet seat.

When I was younger I always thought the takeover of government by the banks/corporations happened after JFK, but history shows us it happened much earlier then that, it really happened even before the United States was born.
Why we still accept this fake position and the cowards that campaign for it I do not know. Our system is no different then the Roman Empire's, and we will fall the same way.

the PPACA was ruled constitutional and obama will finish his second term.



Ruled constitutional by his SCOTUS, lol how hard could that be? Hell they can be impeached to.. The only possibility of him finishing his second term is because he is setting himself up with a safety net. Not hard when you can label someone a domestic terrorist because they want you legally impeached for treason. Not hard to win a civil war when you've been taking your opponents firearms away.