The truth about minimum wage and income inequality

You keep insisting this and you keep using retarded examples that either don't fit the debate or fit very loosely. However, you're still not addressing the core of my argument, and still attached to your view and demanding that it is science.

You are saying that human nature requires some men to dominate others. Is this your argument or not?

No. I'm saying that some people's nature will assist them to be leaders and other people's nature will make them followers. Some of those natural leaders may be bat shit insane, some will be heroes. It's a terrible generalization I know but trying to break down the different characteristic possibilities given our genetic lottery would get boring fast. I'm not saying men are designed to dominate or be dominated, I'm saying some lead, some would rather be left alone, some just follow whatever stupid shit they've read recently.
No. I'm saying that some people's nature will assist them to be leaders and other people's nature will make them followers.


Some people's smallpox/slavery/steel/nuclear weapons/aircraft carriers/MONEY will assist them to be leaders.

You must be a white guy.
Ah I see now. It's either we enslave each other or we are all equal by nature, there's no gray wiggle room, we are only equal if we are all exact. You are saying there is no possible way percentage of a population could have a defective code by nature. This is true for any species.

Fun fact, there are more people in slavery today than at any point in man's recorded history. There has never been a time in recorded history without slavery. There has always been that genetic code in some people. It will take an evolutionary step for mankind for your world to be possible. I do admit though that when we get there it will be awesome.

As far as the much simpler argument that alpha and beta exists in nature we were having, you've conceded that haven't you?
When you look back at the shitty historical time do you see it as everyone was doing it? How much of the population do you think actually participated in these acts during man's darkest hours?
It seems to me that while not all white men believe they should rule the world, most of the people who think they deserve to control the world are, you guessed it. I'm a white guy too so I know it is hard to admit that.
It seems to me that while not all white men believe they should rule the world, most of the people who think they deserve to control the world are, you guessed it. I'm a white guy too so I know it is hard to admit that.

Your white guilt is palpable. I don't think it's a predisposition to color. I'm Sicilian. My people were murdered, tortured, raped and enslaved by the Moors from North Africa who were trying to take over the world. Saved by the Romans who were trying to take over the world while fighting the Mongols who were trying to take over the world. For every Hitler and Mussolini there has been a Kim Jung, Castro, Amin, Hussein. The most powerful job in the world presently has a black man in position while several other blacks also pine for the job. What type of personality leads a man to believe he's worthy of leading the free world? Is this exclusive to a skin pigment?

It's a free country though, you are welcome to attribute negative behavior to only one race if you want. Buck will be proud of you.
Your white guilt is palpable. I don't think it's a predisposition to color. I'm Sicilian. My people were murdered, tortured, raped and enslaved by the Moors from North Africa who were trying to take over the world. Saved by the Romans who were trying to take over the world while fighting the Mongols who were trying to take over the world. For every Hitler and Mussolini there has been a Kim Jung, Castro, Amin, Hussein. The most powerful job in the world presently has a black man in position while several other blacks also pine for the job. What type of personality leads a man to believe he's worthy of leading the free world? Is this exclusive to a skin pigment?

It's a free country though, you are welcome to attribute negative behavior to only one race if you want. Buck will be proud of you.

Really? I'm sicilian as well. I remember being called a "inside out" nigger by some of the irish and poles in my chicago neighborhood
Really? I'm sicilian as well. I remember being called a "inside out" nigger by some of the irish and poles in my chicago neighborhood

Yep, yep. Growing up in Detroit there was segregation between the Poles, the Irish, the Italians. Those that knew history pointed out the black in Sicilian's blood every chance they could. I was called "nigger wop" during the summer because I am also 1/4 native and turned really dark as a kid.

I'm over the fact our people were enslaved, murdered, raped aren't you? I really don't feel like I'm owed reparations but won't turn it down if the guilty white liberals want to give me some.

Cool, you're flashing your ethnickan status and calling me a guilty white liberal. I actually can't mark the box "white, not of hispanic origin" but sure, I'll be guilty white, I even wore a uniform and occupied a couple of Islamic countries, guilty and white, but not liberal.

You're still the social Darwinist and yes, I'm guilty, I am privileged.

Do you know what a liberal is? A liberal (from classical liberal to neoliberal) is someone who believes in free markets. I'm a libertarian (anarchist) and you're a liberal.
I'm a white guy too so I know it is hard to admit that.

I actually can't mark the box "white, not of hispanic origin" but sure, I'll be guilty white

Do you know what a liberal is? A liberal (from classical liberal to neoliberal) is someone who believes in free markets. I'm a libertarian (anarchist) and you're a liberal.

Yes, I'm a liberal in the classic sense. Out of all of the labels floating around I'm most comfortable with classic liberalism as my political philosophy. It would be libertarian today (small l libertarian). Are you saying liberal today still means the same it did 120 years ago? Are you saying I can't be a libertarian if I think government has a role? What kind of libertarian doesn't believe in personal property rights? It's a cornerstone of our belief system.

You seem to have an identity crisis.
I know you're a liberal, that's why I have repeatedly highlighted your adherence to Social Darwinism. Liberalism is the fantasy conjured by the rhetoric of colonialism.
calling me a liberal by today's definition is insulting to today's liberals.

It's like you are saying gay doesn't refer to homosexuality, it just means you are happy.