
Well-Known Member
While I appreciate the tips and directions I highly doubt I'll ever make it because I'm pretty old school when it comes to smoking despite not being that old lol. Besides I don't trust putting butane in anything I smoke lol. I'd probably try it but I don't really see it worth the time when I can make tinctures and hash. No offense to you of course. Your one of the best led growers in soil I have ever seen


Well-Known Member
While I appreciate the tips and directions I highly doubt I'll ever make it because I'm pretty old school when it comes to smoking despite not being that old lol. Besides I don't trust putting butane in anything I smoke lol. I'd probably try it but I don't really see it worth the time when I can make tinctures and hash. No offense to you of course. Your one of the best led growers in soil I have ever seen
I hear ya, my man! I've had some bad oil and it literally hurt my throat to smoke. I've smoked different types too; iso and naphtha oil - GOOD LORD DON'T SMOKE NAPHTHA OIL.

I can understand not wanting any impurities in your smoke, but I think about it this way; by making oil you might be adding some contamination via butane (not if you purge properly), but you're getting rid of a ton of plant matter, which in terms of the psychoactive ingredient, are also contaminants! ;)

I find hash doesn't get me that buzzed, and tinctures are AMAZING for going to sleep or using for pain; but I smoke A LOT of weed, and I need potent shit to really.... erm...cough.... "fire me up".... ;)


Well-Known Member
Do you smoke cigs? I like hash and kief a lot and it does fuck me up plenty lol. On top of being iffy about the butane I don't really have any viable way to smoke it anyway lol. I really do wanna get a vaporizer soon though. I'll probably start my seeds and journal next Friday. I was looking at this miracle grow organic soil and I'm not sure about it smh, I'm going to add a shit load of perlite to it though and maybe some sphagnum peat moss. I also love my tinctures, do you make the quick stove method or the warm long method?


Well-Known Member
Do you smoke cigs? I like hash and kief a lot and it does fuck me up plenty lol. On top of being iffy about the butane I don't really have any viable way to smoke it anyway lol. I really do wanna get a vaporizer soon though. I'll probably start my seeds and journal next Friday. I was looking at this miracle grow organic soil and I'm not sure about it smh, I'm going to add a shit load of perlite to it though and maybe some sphagnum peat moss. I also love my tinctures, do you make the quick stove method or the warm long method?


When I started smoking dabs, (and to this day) I use an elongated piece of metal to drip them onto a bowl of ashes, if I'm not using a specifically designed piece of hardware.

I swear I'm not trying to convert you, LOL but it's super easy to smoke oil, with a pipe, joint, bong, etc. You can smoke it anyway you choose, you just adapt your already established method. :D

You can pick up a piece of oil with a wire, then just heat the wire so the oil drips off onto your bud, hash, kief, etc.... then smoke it! :D

I quit smokes 2 years ago, had 2 smokes today with the Mrs. on the way home and no big deal..... so, No, I don't smoke ciggies!! I did for 12+ years!! ;D


Well-Known Member
I never have smoked cigs much either, 1 a year maybe lol. I do enjoy me a fine cigar though. I had no idea dabbing was that easy lol, maybe I'll try it and document it for at the end of the summer lol. This is going to sound stupid but I'm probably going to need your help with nutes for awhile BC I haven't used many previously.


Well-Known Member
If making bho or smoking make sure:
1. Prefilter butane (additives added for smell and spray effect) you can tell if not done if there is a vapor taste
2. Vacuum purge ( do not whip) (whipping traps butane)
3. Glass tube ( butane will pull chems out of pvc or plastic)
4. Cure for minimum of 10 days.

If these are not done. Might as well be huffing on paint or gasoline. If the wax is very harsh its obvious these steps were not done.

Im anti bho too. Ice wax is where its at..

Beef. It all looks dank. How is the smoke?


Well-Known Member
I'm dipping into some freezer cure stuff right now, it's still quite wet; but fuck it. lol

If you double boil for long enough you don't have to worry about any butane in the BHO, it all gets boiled off. If the pan is hot, and it's still has some resistance; it's purged!

I have bubble bags, I stopped using them once I figured out my BHO method. :D Instead of double boiling you can add any 95%+ grain alcohol, (about 1/2 cup or so), wait 30 mins, then throw it in the freezer for 12 hours. Throw it through a coffee filter or two, and then boil it off. The oil is incredibly, INCREDIBLY high quality. No purging of butane required, immediately smokeable.


Well-Known Member
OMG That's beautiful! I hope to get a product that looks as good as yours someday. On that note, I'm doing my first freezer cure... well.... my first cure as we speak. I dried the bud from the Sweet Tooth Auto, but it tastes and smells like shit so I gave it to my cousin that doesn't know any better. Only got a small handful of bud from it, so no big loss. Glad I made the mistakes on the plant I didn't care about before I started on the good plants. Thanks again Beef!


Well-Known Member
That shit looks potent as hell, is it really sticky ? Lol it looks like it. I started my journal BTW beef, when you get time I'd like your input on something, check it out when you get time. I forgot to add the purps to my list of strains but I started that today as well


Well-Known Member
Got an order in the mail today;

x2 God Bud
x2 White Widow
x1 Northern Lights x Skunk
x1 Critical Silver Haze
x1 Critical Sensi Star
x1 Afghan Kush
x1 Northern Lights x Big Bud

All feminized ;)


Well-Known Member
That shit looks potent as hell, is it really sticky ? Lol it looks like it. I started my journal BTW beef, when you get time I'd like your input on something, check it out when you get time. I forgot to add the purps to my list of strains but I started that today as well
I looked for your Journal, but didn't see it, my man!