Well-Known Member
why are you so upset that obama has lowered the deficit and brought the economy back?
new game? after your last humiliation? Keep on plugging Buck, it's admirable. A little sad, but admirable.
why are you so upset that obama has lowered the deficit and brought the economy back?
new game? after your last humiliation? Keep on plugging Buck, it's admirable. A little sad, but admirable.
So our dollar is holding up against other currencies that have enacted the same Keynesian methods. Shocking. It wasn't that long ago the dollar was worth more than the Euro. How about the looney? Canada is being pressured to devalue their money too in this present incarnation of currency wars. China, Japan and the US are operating on the basis that devaluing the currency makes our exports more appealing. Europe is trying to figure out what to do with the PIGS without bankrupting the entire union. What happens when the world gets off the dollar as the currency and we really do have to borrow money to print it?
Interest rates so low encourages borrowing, discourages savings. This is short term planning with long term ramifications.
The Fed is filling the pockets of the too big to fail crowd (which can be one and the same in many cases). Gold Mansacks is in charge of our economy right now.
What makes you think the stock market will go down? We can double it this year just by creating another 15trillion in gifts to the brokers.
So where is that rampant out of control inflation paultard?
No you have a problem
The economy is doing much better
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) is personally invested in a fund that
aggressively shorts long-term U.S. Treasury bonds, meaning that it performs
well when U.S. debt is undesirable. Cantor owns up to $15,000 in the fund,
which is called the ProShares Trust Ultrashort 20+ Year Treasury ETF.
More than it should$15,000? The way you talk, I would have thought he had millions in it. What does that $15,000 represent as a percentage of his total investments?
what's sad is how angry you are that obama is reducing the deficit.
Yes, he's a miracle worker alright. And to think, the DEBT will only go up another $3 trillion or so over the next couple years. Of course, that's the best case scenario and it assumes that ObamaCare won't cost trillions more than all the EXTREMELY ROSY predictions that have been used thus far.
It's time to Newt Gingrich this administration like they did to Clinton, refuse to raise the debt ceiling, force the President to act responsibly and adopt Conservative strategy, reap the benefits and then listen to Libs give HIM the credit for the next 30 years.
It's time to Newt Gingrich this administration like they did to Clinton, refuse to raise the debt ceiling, force the President to act responsibly and adopt Conservative strategy, reap the benefits and then listen to Libs give HIM the credit for the next 30 years.
The dollar has been falling relative to other currencies, making buying imports more expensive in the U.S. On the other hand, it also means U.S. exports are more competitive around the world.
That shift could be good news for U.S. manufacturers, especially the auto industry.
"The weak dollar is good for manufacturers in the U.S., whether they're the Big Three or German or whatever, because they can export at an advantage," says Michelle Krebs, an analyst for
That advantage makes the U.S. a good place to manufacture goods, and that's after decades of manufacturing fleeing abroad.
You posted a link from 2 years ago. So you think exchange rates are the same as in august of 2011? LOL. Another fail for chesus.
So what's it currently at
I'll let you go fetch
I already didBut you were the one arguring it, so maybe you should go fetch to try and back your bullshit up, rather than dropping 2 year old info on our laps expecting it to sell.
I already did
Now tell me how things are different 2 years later
A major problem with the economy at the time was the issue of the massive deficit and the problem of government spending. In order to address these issues, in August 1993, Clinton signed the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 which passed Congress without a single Republican vote. It raised taxes on the wealthiest 1.2% of taxpayers, while cutting taxes on 15 million low-income families and making tax cuts available to 90% of small businesses.[SUP][42][/SUP] Additionally, it mandated that the budget be balanced over a number of years and the deficit be reduced.[SUP][43][/SUP] This was to be achieved through the implementation of spending restraints.
The source is on the graph. Lower right corner.unaccredited graph full of projections is worthless, just like your opinion on basically anything.
Yeah, global warming caused by man ended up as global cooling. So now it's global climate change caused by man. Funny how reality intrudes.not a single thing you just said was true. i mean, what are the odds that a decades in the making conspiracy involving thousands of scientists in hundreds of nations was only recently uncovered by the least intelligent subset of americans listening to rush limbaugh?that's about as likely as a 10 point romney lead in early september.