Who makes LSD nowadays?


Well-Known Member
i know where it came from, did a research project on it :D came from a doctor who accidently discovered it by getting some on his skin after working in his lab. started riding his bike home and started tripping balls on his bike. and that was the beginning of LSD :D


Well-Known Member
Yeah and he tripped on cid all the time. I read an article about him. He tried exstacy at 80 and said something along the lines of "ah, something I can finally enjoy with my wife" haha. But he was an elder in the psychadelic community and was definitely looking for ways to use and see LSD in a positive light.


Well-Known Member
Now that the acid era is over they have started doing research again.Its already really promising in the depression drug tests.What i want to know is where i sign up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:hump:


Well-Known Member
i finish my school 5 years ago.I know everything about CH...But i am not use my brain for this shit.I was just good student ;-)


Well-Known Member
hydrotech i like ur avatar. if thats a plant u grown and have journal or u know what strain that is pm me that.


Well-Known Member
I remember hearing about a cook getting busted in a missile silo a few years ago and it seemed like everything dried up after that.. id like to think that the world is a big place and that theres a big market for dose, but it seriously seems like theres a small handful of competent cooks out there, just gettin down cuz they love the shit.. i do too, but that shit scares me.. not even cool gettting caught up with that, tho its pretty goddamn easy to conceal.

anyways, does anyone know about these 'varieties' of dose i've tried over the years? like 'fluff' and 'lavender'.. is that just like stamping a roll? like a 'brand name' or something? or are they actually chemically different? anyone?
It's primarily dosage... Named by the manufacturer or the primary dealer (most cooks don't get their hands dirty, for obvious reasons). Occasionally, it can refer to the presence of something like MDMA in the mix. But like I said, it primarily has to do with how much is in a hit, and the presentation of of it.

And the missile silo? That was Pickard and Apperson. They provided about 1/4 of the country's LSD. So yes, it did dry up pretty substantially. Heh.



Active Member
It would take a lot of resources to produce LSD properly. We used to get it from The University of Florida campus!:peace:

In order to make LSD years of chemistry expierence are required...

I picked up some Al Gore blotter from UF a few weeks ago :hump:


Well-Known Member
In order to make LSD years of chemistry expierence (sic) are required...
People seem to keep saying this, but I heartily disagree. Anyone with the drive to make it could do so. It wouldn't take them years to learn the necessary skills involved. They may not end up with a good general knowledge of chemistry, but they would sure know how to make lsd.