Hello guys ! I would really appreciate some help with my problem. I tried to look it up on google in czech and english, but no luck. Basically, last month i ordered some autoflowering seeds - AutoMazar and Ultraviolet. I planted them on 19th of April. For the substrate I used Plagron Grow-mix because I´ve read its good and pre-fertilized so I wouldnt have to add any extra nutrients until the flowering period. I used two big pots, around 11-12 litres with crushed stones on the bottom. Im growing outdoors in the Czech Republic, central Europe. The weather is neither bad, nor really good. Half of the time its sunny and half of the time its raining or cloudy. When there`s sun I put them outside and when Its raining I put them either behind the window or in a greenhouse. The Ultraviolet (UV) broke the soil on 23rd and the AutoMazar (AM) broke it on the 24th. However its the 12th of May and the plants seem really small to me. AM is around 8-9cm tall and the UV is around 5-6cm. Im trying not to over water them, maybe too hard so I could be underwatering. I water like once in a week and even after the whole week the pot is still kinda heavy and when I stick my finger in the soil its still a bit cold in there (maybe it stays moist that long because of the perlite?). What am I doing wrong ? Here I add some pictures. Thanks a lot in advance, Im starting to be really sad about the whole thing 

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