Does anyone want to receive Spiritual Enlightenment?

Why would "God" even have anything to do with an idea like "effect"? The idea of an effect is a human one to explain a finite phenomenon, which has nothing to do with any so called "god" I would imagine.
Ya that's exactly it I just can't understand why one would be necessary.
Cool opinion man.

Of course I dont have the abilities to show that Gods exist, thats silly, its not my motivation to do that. Though it seems when skeptics get questioned about their core beliefs, the answers you guys provide just have to be the truth and you vigorously try to force it onto theists that you guys so obviously look down upon. "Its impossible to know if god exists... Astral projection is just a diluted form of lucid dreaming... You didnt see a ghost!". If you put "I think" in front of each of those statements then it would be cool. You accuse us of being egotistic and arrogant about our beliefs yet its you guys who strut around like you found the holy grail, the secrets to the universe, the truth that every man, woman, and child should know. Its silly.

I got a feeling a band is getting together to once again play "The song that never ends". I dunno if I feel like clapping my hands to the tune this time, its all sooo repetitive :wall:.
I completely respect your beliefs and I know how important they are to some people, and I have to take some advice from this aswell, I have to take the atheist perspective out of my understanding, I will take an agnostic approach from now on. Sometimes I do get egotistical, I think we all do, once the ego starts up its hard to let go of it.
Well, you used to try to prove supernatural claims to others here, but I think you've learned there's no way to do that...

It seems to me that the skeptics are rarely asked about, or offer, their core beliefs. Instead they are often busy dissecting outrageous claims made by others to see if they hold any merit. Most often, these claims fall apart after only cursory questioning, and the skeptics are then accused of being assholes, close-minded, ignorant, or arrogant. The lines of thought from these skeptics are usually based on logic, reason and critical thinking, and the information put forth is based on the most current scientific understanding (as opposed to 'truth'). I rarely see them look down upon theists: they may look down on their unsupportable beliefs or childish behavior, but that's not about the person themselves...

"It's impossible to know if god exists" is out of context, it was in conjunction with, "Unless god were to show itself or provide demonstrable proof." Astral projection and ghosts have been seriously investigated, and each time there was no evidence that there was any merit to either phenomena. That's not to say it's impossible for these things to exist, it's just their existence has never been demonstrated. It's not that some 'think' they haven't been demonstrated to exist, they actually haven't...

It seems that they are saying the opposite: that humanity hasn't found the holy grail or the secrets to the universe, and that includes the folks claiming they have (found gods, secret knowledge, special powers, reading minds, or anything supernatural). Most people with access to modern knowledge should know that we haven't yet found these things, as opposed to deluding themselves that we have. We can only make rapid progress when we admit the current limits of knowledge: how can we get where we want to go if we don't know where we are?

The tune is a duet, they couldn't sing it without your participation...
You make some extremely good points here, and I know I speak about what I hold to be true but it is just my understanding, my view of things, no one has to accept it.
I'm disappointed that you don't remember the next verse. The same personal demonstration that tells us ghosts and gods exist also leads us to believe in alien abduction, sea hags, mummies, demonic possession, thetans, fairies, gremlins, subliminal advertising, unicorns, mermaids, Mormonism, leprechauns, time travel, psychic surgery, evil eye, homunculi, automatic writing, feng shui, orgone energy, palmistry, phrenology, shadow people, ley lines, electro-sensitivity, auras, chakras, spirit-animal guides, GMO and vaccines causing autism, akashic record, zombies, medical intuitives, Bigfoot army, vitalism, body snatchers, angel therapy, werewolves, astrology, karma, dowsing, graphology, neuro-linguistic programming, past-life regression, biorhythms, ghost trains, ghost ships, ghost cars, voodoo, facilitated communication, law of attraction, crystal power, meridian points, dianetics and that Oprah is a good talkshow host.

What criteria do you recommend we use to distinguish among all the different beliefs that can be demonstrated by personal experience? Or are they all equally valid?
Strictly my opinion, I don't believe in demonic possession, but I know some people who definately have some demons, and by this I mean they have no self control, a contradiction, see there are a lot of paradoxes I use aswell, they don't even have the effect of free will, they are completely consumed by their thoughts and emotions, they are reckless. I don't know about subliminal messaging but they can be persausive to the ego, especially if a person lacks self control, that's how Maserati's and Nike shoes sell, I think psychologists and psychiatrist can be very very intuitive to their patients needs, I can become aware of the Chi in myself directly, but I don't hold any importance on it, but yes the rest is a complete fiction, and you may hold the same for my perspective, that's fine, I don't hold too much importance on anything, that is one of the perspectives that I have worked hard to attain, the denial of the importance of material things, that doesn't mean I don't enjoy the material things, it's a balance.
You guys are simply not the Spiritual type, I will have to try and find a way to convey my opinions and understanding to people who have no interest in Spirituality, just psychology and physics. Until then I think that's about all I can tell ya. I really did learn a lot and I appreciate it.
Fractal wrongness is the state of being wrong at every conceivable scale of resolution. That is, from a distance, a fractally wrong person's worldview is incorrect; and furthermore, if you zoom in on any small part of that person's worldview, that part is just as wrong as the whole worldview. Debating with a person who is fractally wrong leads to infinite regress, as every refutation you make of that person's opinions will lead to a rejoinder, full of half-truths, leaps of poor logic, and outright lies, that requires just as much refutation to debunk as the first one. It is as impossible to convince a fractally wrong person of anything as it is to walk around the edge of the Mandelbrot set in finite time.

I understand exactly what you are saying Heis, and I respect your opinions, but I don't put too much importance on anything, not even the Truth, I enjoy my life to the fullest, and I don't understand why other people don't, I do but I don't, I know a contradiction, is it really that important, there is the truth.
A couple dollars falls out of my pocket everyday, and I know that not everyone can afford it, but if you can why not give it to the kids in the third world, give a little Love a lot

Life is meant to be a joyous occasion - Jesus

If you do want to learn more about this I would highly recommend the book A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle
You should watch this video Newage. It's only about 4 minutes. It may help you understand the mind set of many people on this forum in a simple, beautiful, short and easy to understand way.

Thank you Zaehet, that just shows our common humanity right there, the wonder, the beauty of science, and I am not afraid of not knowing, it is my not knowing that inspires me to understand, and what would we be with out that. We all try to grasp the uncertain, and I have taken great wisdom in what you have said about uncertainty.
I know what you are saying now Mindphuk, I think, the word I was looking for is You, it is You that recognizes the flaw, it is You that seeks the Truth, it is You that never finds the Truth, but still You keep on looking.
You should watch this video Newage. It's only about 4 minutes. It may help you understand the mind set of many people on this forum in a simple, beautiful, short and easy to understand way.


Wow, Z. That was really beautiful, thanks so much for posting...
I know what you are saying now Mindphuk, I think, the word I was looking for is You, it is You that recognizes the flaw, it is You that seeks the Truth, it is You that never finds the Truth, but still You keep on looking.

Hey, Newage. I was curious about who your greatest influences were in forming your perspective and your ideas. Your ideas, the terms you use, and their vagueness seem a lot like Chopra's, and I've seen you mention Tolle a couple of times. Just wondering...
I have read a few of Chopra's books, the 7 keys, Jesus and Muhammad, but my greatest infuence would have to be Tolle himself, but I must say the sriptures made it crystal clear for me, and although they are idealized as prophets, I can clearly see that they were philosophers, seekers of the truth. I think it is time for me to explore the physics, I think I will develop a much different philosophy in time, just physics and metaphysics.
I have read a few of Chopra's books, the 7 keys, Jesus and Muhammad, but my greatest infuence would have to be Tolle himself, but I must say the sriptures made it crystal clear for me, and although they are idealized as prophets, I can clearly see that they were philosophers, seekers of the truth. I think it is time for me to explore the physics, I think I will develop a much different philosophy in time, just physics and metaphysics.
I have recently discovered metaphysics and it is blowing my mind to where I can only say I know it makes sense and rings so much more true than what we have been programmed to believe but I am still having difficulty explaining why it should make so much sense-

Who is aware that matter is energy reduced to a low vibration and pattern? Everything is energy, the vibration and pattern of the energy waves make up its physical form. Our physical bodies are not us, they are vehicles and tools. The brain is part of this physical tool, it is not who we are. We are awareness, we are One, from Source Energy otherwise known as Love.

There are infinite realities going on in the same time and space, another thing they didn't teach us about Einstein in school was his insight on all these dimensions and realities happening.
Metaphysics is very similar to philosophy, they both use words in a way that makes us feel better. Sadly physical reality only abides to natural laws, regardless of how our words behave. A suggestion would be to study general semantics before an in-depth study of physics. It's important to keep interpretations at a minimum otherwise you won't do any justice to the science attached to it.

I understand your enthusiasm but metaphysics is a gross vulgarization of scientific discoveries.
Metaphysics is very similar to philosophy, they both use words in a way that makes us feel better. Sadly physical reality only abides to natural laws, regardless of how our words behave. A suggestion would be to study general semantics before an in-depth study of physics. It's important to keep interpretations at a minimum otherwise you won't do any justice to the science attached to it.

I understand your enthusiasm but metaphysics is a gross vulgarization of scientific discoveries.

...hi, Selah. How did you come to the conclusion that metaphysics are bastardizations of scientific discovery? The study of consciousness has been around a lot longer than the 'practice' of science has been.
Strictly my opinion, I don't believe in demonic possession, but I know some people who definately have some demons, and by this I mean they have no self control, a contradiction, see there are a lot of paradoxes I use aswell, they don't even have the effect of free will, they are completely consumed by their thoughts and emotions, they are reckless. I don't know about subliminal messaging but they can be persausive to the ego, especially if a person lacks self control, that's how Maserati's and Nike shoes sell, I think psychologists and psychiatrist can be very very intuitive to their patients needs, I can become aware of the Chi in myself directly, but I don't hold any importance on it, but yes the rest is a complete fiction, and you may hold the same for my perspective, that's fine, I don't hold too much importance on anything, that is one of the perspectives that I have worked hard to attain, the denial of the importance of material things, that doesn't mean I don't enjoy the material things, it's a balance.

The post you are responding to was aimed at Chief. I don't believe what you are saying is as unrealistic as the things I listed. I think your ideas are much less coherent and understandable than any of those things. I can not even decipher a claim or concept being made by you, because your ideas change form in mid sentence an appear not to build on or extend from each other. It seems that you just say whatever random words happen to fall out of your brain and wrap them in arrogance.

I will say this. I like the way you conduct yourself when dealing with others. You do not present yourself as hostile and you do not take offense to being told you are wrong. Now if you could just learn to argue instead of assert and have some sort of consistency among your words and ideas, you might get somewhere. One of your problems is listening to Deepak, who also makes up shit as he goes along and defines words to have meanings advantageous to his ideas regardless if that definition actually means something to someone else. If you have ever heard Deepak give his account of Game of Thrones, you'll see that he barely even describes the show. Get's almost everything wrong. It's as if he's only watched the first 15 minutes of every episode and makes up the rest. This is a good demonstration of how he 'studies' quantum physics. He gets maybe 15% right and the rest is mental dysentery.
Metaphysics is very similar to philosophy, they both use words in a way that makes us feel better. Sadly physical reality only abides to natural laws, regardless of how our words behave. A suggestion would be to study general semantics before an in-depth study of physics. It's important to keep interpretations at a minimum otherwise you won't do any justice to the science attached to it.

I understand your enthusiasm but metaphysics is a gross vulgarization of scientific discoveries.

Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy and basically covers anything that doesn't have tangible evidence.

I, like you, do find metaphysical concepts full of semantics; for example, when does a piece of plastic stop being a sheet of plastic and start being a bottle? When it's pressed? At what exact point during the pressing does it become a bottle? Does it retain the quality of being a sheet of plastic or does it lose it? lol... fucked up questions.... but when you really think about them, they're really un-intuitive.