Kodank Moment
Well-Known Member
Id put a bullet in his head before id turn him into the law...that's how diff we are.
Then you'd be in jail and no one wins. Good thought process. How old are you? 16?
Id put a bullet in his head before id turn him into the law...that's how diff we are.
Guys...its not abt the plants..I had four fucking plants u think I'm gonna give up my home and wife for four plants...cmon...its the control..if I loved to golf and she bitched abt that all the time trying to make me miserable abt it til I quit then id feel exactly the same....u married me as is...with all the cards on the table...why u wanna change shit up now..this isn't what I signed up for..........this is what its abt....not specificaly the plants....let's step back and look at the bigger picture...not focus on that one part of it.....I despise control..and every woman in my life frm my grndmother to my mother to every girl I've ever had to my wife...they all wanna change u and when u don't conform....bitchTime to be a man OP.....They are just plants.Anyone willing to choose a few plants over a wife needs some fucking help.
...I was trying to portray my hatred for the law...I spent almost 4 years in prison...excuse me if I'm not a snitch...especialy on my own son...if my son was an outta control murdering rapist yes...I would end him before I would involve the law...u live in this world according to ur beliefs and I mine.Then you'd be in jail and no one wins. Good thought process. How old are you? 16?
...I was trying to portray my hatred for the law...I spent almost 4 years in prison...excuse me if I'm not a snitch...especialy on my own son...if my son was an outta control murdering rapist yes...I would end him before I would involve the law...u live in this world according to ur beliefs and I mine.
I have been eating at my nanas house...I despise alchohol...and I take 16mgs of suboxon daily which is a blocker of opiates..my only other drug of choice in life besides weed...so I'm eating good..got plenty of smoke and hash...the suboxon is prescibed so that and cannabis are all I do...I stay busy w my life cause my work schedule consmes most of it.....appreciate ur concern...all is well actually I feel relief and peace since I've been gone that I haven't felt in a long time...the 3kids added a lot of stress to me and I jumped in fast...I was single for many years before this round and fell in love w her and moved a little quick not taking time to see how id really feel and adjust from being alone for so long to living in a house w four other ppl...3 of which are 6..10..and 12 year olds who've been bounced aroun frm home to home w zero guidance..."hellians" if u will...ones that think they're the shit....it was too much for me ill admit....between me dealing w my stress and tring to adjust on my own...and her in my face trying to adjust me in her own kinda ways....I was on edge to say the least....I'm sure a lot of its my fault tooI just kind of skimmed through this conversation, and I'm not concerned with the details, but I just want to say take care of yourself. It's easy to jump into the deep end of the pool, but just take care of yourself. Eat well and healthy, very important. Hang out with people that love you. Look forward, not behind. Ah yes, all simple platitudes, easier said than done, but I've been in some really hard spots as we all have. It does all work out in the end.I would really encourage you to eat well and stay busy with your life. Drinking, smoking weed, and other activities to the excess just never work out in the long run. Voice Of Experience talking here.Peace - AIM
i kinda think its pretty shitty you chose your pot over your children.......
Where is it goin? Nowhere apparently.
It's just sad that you think someone has to accept you committing a felony around HER children. I'm all for growing legally and illegally, fuck the government but you have to consider others. Bottom line is this though my man...try and keep up:
1. Clearly you loved this woman, that is why you married her. She stopped smoking to probably better care for your home and children, the problem in her eyes is you failed to compromise by smoking less pot, so it doesn't cost you as much. I doubt she ment start a grow op in her families garage. Yes she wants you to change, you're clearly an inconsiderate asshole. I don't blame her. We all change. Nothing is unconditional. Ego makes that impossible.
2. You could have moved your plants to your grower buddies house, threw him a little cash for supplies and split the harvest and stopped by to help out now and then.
3. A plant can't love you. A plant can't raise children. Oh and weed isn't going anywhere, its only been in existence for you know...something like the creation of plant life.
4. You walked out on a family that you support for a fucking hobby. A FUCKING HOBBY DUDE! You abandoned a family. To grow 4 plants. I could see if you had a huge grow and were saving for college and she didn't understand but at your level its a fucking pass time. It was worth more then the love of your wife, who I assumed you loved enough to marry.
5. Man the fuck up and apologize. Get over your fucking self. I have a passion for a lot of things but I also know when I'm being a cock sucker. Your wife has feelings, real ones. Plants don't give a fuck about you.
Get some help, you seem to have a weird attachment to weed buddy. Enough so that you let foliage ruin your marriage.
Fucking. Asshole.
P.S. You probably weren't that good anyway. Considering you couldn't love a person more then yourself.
Thanks bro...she's asking me to cme bk...idk what to do really...I worry abt her..she's an emotional mess...and I do love her...but my gut screams no when I think abt moving bk in....this is a tuff move
Her children, not his.
Is it prudent for the OP to endure abuse from his wife/GF? What would you say if HE were the one constantly badgering his wife? Would that be considered abuse? Men are raised to give everything for Women and Children in our culture, including their lives. This is how we are taught. When a Man refuses to put up with bullshit instead of sitting there and acting like a simp he is seen as less than a Man. Yet, a woman does it and it's ok?
I would bet my left nut that the fights the original poster had with his wife/gf weren't always verbal. Perhaps he grew tired of being thrown out, probably physically assaulted at some point all the while just sucking it up and "being a man". Trust me that shit gets old. What other recourse does he have? Call the police? HA! Why is it Women are always the victim?
I am not attacking anyone in particular here but maybe look at both sides of the issue.
not sure why youre attacking mei made probably the nicest other side of the issue statement out of everyone back off bro your in my circle![]()
Guys...its not abt the plants..I had four fucking plants u think I'm gonna give up my home and wife for four plants...cmon...its the control..if I loved to golf and she bitched abt that all the time trying to make me miserable abt it til I quit then id feel exactly the same....u married me as is...with all the cards on the table...why u wanna change shit up now..this isn't what I signed up for..........this is what its abt....not specificaly the plants....let's step back and look at the bigger picture...not focus on that one part of it.....I despise control..and every woman in my life frm my grndmother to my mother to every girl I've ever had to my wife...they all wanna change u and when u don't conform....bitch
i kinda think its pretty shitty you chose your pot over your children.......
very good.....Yeah its prolly about control and the 2 little mouthy shits that won't be controlled by you. After all you are just a motherfucker to them. Whatever you tell them gets overturned by their mom, cause that is what moms do. If she doesn't have your back about that its never gonna work.She probably needs you back to pay the mortgage and bills and shit but it will be the same horror story.My gauge is if i can't say everything i dislike about them in one breath one of us has got to go. So add up everything you posted about her and try to recite the unique instances of shit you don't like and if you have to inhale twice just stay away.Wife or not, life is too short to waste it or your breath on people who just try to keep you down.
Not my kids is correct...I have two wonderful kids that live w their mother....who is not so wonderful....someone else who broke themselves against me trying to change me...fail...nextYou need to reread . The children were his wife's kids. Not his. Although he does have a son . That does not live with him. Maybe Im wrong. But this is what I read
Not my kids and this is bigger than pot....if u wanna let someone else control u and try to change u and have u living against everything u believe....awesome...not me tho...if I wanna grow some weed in my garage that I bust my ass everyday to pay for...I don't wanna hear any shit abt it...I don't bitch at her for going to the tanning bed everyother day...and under 1000grams is a misdemeanor in my state...I was under that at all times.....idk why I'm even explaining the weed situation...this is not abt weed....she hadn't been sweating me too much lately abt them....they were the catalyst for bigger and. Badder fights....the plants and the weed are just a small piece of this.not sure why youre attacking mei made probably the nicest other side of the issue statement out of everyone back off bro your in my circle![]()